
As the sun slowly put itself in its sleep as the moon took over, Celestia was sitting on the edge of the docks, still staring at the waterfall. She was completely spaced out as she didn't notice the sudden golden coin falling beside her.

"Hey, excuse me," spoke a soft light voice, the sudden sound broke Celestia's trance as she turned around to see a timid werewolf girl, she was holding her tail in her hands, hiding her face.

"Hey...uh...mind giving me my coin back?" the voice was shy and a little bit scared. Celestia looked beside her and saw the golden coin that had fallen next to her.

Celestia picked the golden coin up in her soft palms and look at it, there was a wolf howling engraved on one side and the other was a multiple wolves faces. She looked at the Faunus that was still holding her tail, she tossed it overhand to the girl as she didn't say warning about her action.

The Faunus quickly let go of her tail and caught the coin, she looked back at Celestia but all she could see was the back of her. She quickly said her thank you and left in a hurry, she didn't know what to do with another Faunus especially if they didn't even say a word.

Celestia looked at the sky to see a half-moon, she lifted her hand to the dark side of the moon. Seeing her soft, glittering skin next to the lunar goddess. She sighed as she let her hand fall as she got herself on her feet, she headed towards the main building before she felt her jean pocket vibrate.

Celestia pulled her phone out of her side pocket and looked at the text that she has gotten.

"Hey Sis, where are you right now? There a curfew and it's almost time for us to go to bed. Also, there's a massive sleepover thingy in the main building."

Celestia sighed heavily as she made her way to her original destination, she checks the time on her phone and saw that it was almost midnight. She has been staring at that waterfall for twelve hours, she sometimes wonders what she is doing with her life. She put her phone away as she started to sprint towards the main building as she could see the Beacon's guards at the entrance.

The guards could see a silhouette of a Faunus running towards them as they quickly raised their firearms towards Celestia, she stopped dead in her track as she could see the guards' weapons drawn. She didn't understand why they were aiming at her as she didn't do anything besides staring at a waterfall for twelve hours.

"Who are you miss?" one of the guards' voices spoke.

"Celestia, a new student here at Beacon Academy," Celestia spoke with her hands up.

"Lower your weapons, she isn't an enemy," a voice erupted behind the guard's formation. The silhouette moved closer to the light that hung behind the door frame, it was Professor Vic.

"Celestia, you do know that it is nightfall," Professor Vic spoke directly to Celestia. Celestia simply shrugged as she walked past the guards, she stopped when she was side to side with Professor Vic.

"What happened here that caused them to act up like this?" Celestia whispered in Professor Vic's ears, she had to know what had happened before she came here. Especially for Luna.

"I'll tell you later, tomorrow at nightfall I might tell you," Professor Vic spoke coldly, she didn't look at Celestia's eyes but even without looking, she could feel the unsatisfaction in Celestia's aura.

Celestia made a small growl before she continues into the main building, she ignores the wave of her sister and went towards the end of the room where there was a glass door that traverses towards an open balcony.