Foolish Girl

Zane and Aaron were dead on the floor of the arena as they lifted their heads, they couldn't believe their eyes.


Zane pushed himself up but could barely feel a muscle in his system as for Aaron, he was able to get back on his feet with the effect of him swaying a bit before he was able to stabilize his footing.

His deep dark red eyes stared at Celestia, he knew that he couldn't simply overcome Celestia but with the move that she did, he could tell that she was holding back.

'Why is she holding back?' Aaron thought to himself, he noticed Zane was still on his stomach like an idiot.

"Geez, do I always have to lift you up every time," Aaron was very irritated as he pulled his brother up by the arm. He held one of his arms around him and he kicked up the broadsword that he dropped when he tried to block Celestia's attack, he caught it with his free hand as he prepared himself for Celestia's next attack.

Celestia backed herself a bit as she was about to launch herself towards Zane and Aaron, however, she dodged a barrage of knives that was tossed her way. She took a couple of steps back as she looked up to see a cloaked person, she quickly saw a burning knife before the cloaked person flipped it and cast the knife at incredible speed.

Celestia launched herself forward, leaving a small dent in her place as she twisted her body to the side. She caught the knife by its handle and slowly fell back to solid ground. Celestia could have heard a gently chuckled from the cloaked figure, she quickly lance herself as she held the knife backward. Just as she was inches away from the figure, she halted in tracks before she flung the knife with full force towards the person.

Something wasn't right, Celestia felt that she was being led into a trap. She looked around to realize that she was in the field of the thousands of blade, she then shot her sight back to the cloaked figure.

"Foolish girl," the figure spoke, soft and gentle yet malicious with intent.

They pulled a small pitch black grip, almost looked like a detonator if it wasn't for the whole thing to be black.

Then it dawned on Celestia, it was a detonator! Before she could even protect herself, the knives that were deeply sunken in the ground were slowly turning into a bright orange, almost as if they were melting but one after another were starting to explode.

Celestia was immediately consumed by the explosions, she knew she wasn't gonna die but each one started to sense massive amounts of shock and burns throughout her body.

The cloaked figure was right, she is foolish to think she could win against her.

"Abyss Shadow."