
The audience was in shock as they saw the events occur. There was dead silence in the crowd, as well as in the arena. A simple cliche wind blew that went along the odd current that was traversing towards the ash cloud where once stood Celestia.

Slowly, the ash cloud dissipated. There, stood a dark abyss shadow. A figure that rose from the explosion. It held knives in its hands, with a glistening blade absorbing the essence the explosions from the previous attack.

"What the..how?" the cloaked figure was in complete disarray from the sudden change Celestia's body.

The shadow didn't say anything, it simply held the knives in its hands.

"Wait...hehe...HAHA!" the cloaked figure starts to laugh but it wasn't a normal laugh like a giggle. It was sinister and filled with devilish intent to kill.

"I don't know why you're laughing," six words were spoken before a single blow connected to the back of the figure. A mouth full of blood exploded from the figure as they fell without any resistance.

"You're right, you're the foolish girl," the shadowy figure appeared behind the fallen figure, the darkness slowly evaporated in the air.

There stood Celestia, burned and bruised by the figure's trap. She was slightly injured as she held her left arm close to her body. She didn't like using her cultivating skills as they tend to put massive amounts of damage to herself.

"One down, five to go," Celestia mumbled to herself, she only needed to get to the next round as she can then rest.

She heard mulitple steps behind her as she quickly spun herself around, not even caring who it was, to land a side-sweep. She was lucky as she was able to knock Zane down on his side, she only stopped to realize that they didn't seem hostile.

"Calm down, no need to be hostile, Celestia," Aaron's was low but low enough for her to hear. She didn't believe that she could trust him.

"Five people left, either you get me out or I get both of you out," Celestia warned as she knew she wasn't in the state to go out on a two versus one.

"Relax, we can all make it to the next round," Aaron's words had a clear meaning to them and Celestia could tell.

'Were they asking her to team with them?' Celestia couldn't believe what she was interpreting.

An annoyed growl rose from the ground as Zane was still on his side, he only then realized that he was on the hard cemented ground. He pushed himself up as he created a sudden double-edge sword that appeared out of nowhere.

"We got company," Zane simply said as he charges in a group of that were fighting.

Aaron and Celestia looked at each other, both were completely confused as to what Zane went. It was them that we're making the company, not the other way around. However, Aaron seemed almost content as he was going back into the fray once again.

'Men, always with their head in their ass,' Celestia didn't understand why men always charged in without having a plan or even a plan that is at least worth taking.

Celestia couldn't help but sigh as she knew she was probably gonna enjoy the academy a little longer.