Luna's Secret

Luna walked Neo outside of the main room and to a bench and held her close, she was happy for once. Happy that she didn't lose another family, after knowing what happened to Neo. Her parents were much more strict and harsh but they always said that they loved her. Luna was broken at that point.

"Luna, what happened to Celestia?" Neo finally spoke after finishing weeping the tears she held for so long.

"That's...a difficult question," Luna replied. "I think Fenrir might help you with that question."

"What about me?" a voice rose, the two girls looked up to see Celestia standing in front of them.

Celestia kneeled down to their level and looked at the two girl's eyes, they were both broken due to their past., Fenrir felt pity for the two. They didn't deserve a life of pain but that's where the strongest are born.

"What happened to Celestia...after she died?" Neo started to shake after asking the question, she still couldn't get the memories out of her head. The scene that plagues her mind.

"Huh...that's...hard to explain," Celestia said, even she didn't exactly understand what happened. All she remembered was a bright light emitting from Celestia's body before it rushed inside of Fenrir's body.

"Why is it hard?"

"Because I can't remember all of it," Celestia said, looking up at Neo. Just looking at Neo's crimson eyes, it made Celestia sick.

Why is red such a beautiful color yet such a hateful color? Celestia looked away as she stood back up and sighed. She wished she could just go back in time.

"Celest...umm...think you can tell me how to control my demon side?" Luna asked a bit shakey. She looked up at Celestia, knowing that she might have the answer to her problem.

"Demon side?" Neo questioned before Celestia could answer her question. Neo immediately looked at Celestia. "What does she mean 'demon side'?"

"There was an attack on both of us, she got infected by a succubus who surprisingly was friendly," Celestia said without looking at Neo. "Just got a little bit too friendly."

"Anyways, do you have any more of my pills?" Celestia asked directly at Luna who shook her head. "I can make some more but for now, try to hold your lust."

'Not the brightest idea,' the soul of Celestia spoke.

'Never said I was good at ideas,' Fenrir retorted.

"The thing is...that was a week ago that I ran out," Luna said, she looked up at Celestia with eyes full of lust. She could feel her chest pumping while she could feel her body heating up. She couldn't let her lust out in the public but she couldn't help it.

"I'll take care of it," Neo said putting a hand up in front of Celestia, she picked up Luna, whose body was heating up, almost moaned.

Celestia smiled slightly at Neo trying carefully not to make Luna even more sexually, she tossed Neo a small pill.

"If she gets on you, just use this, it should knock her out for a while," Celestia said before walking away. She stuffed her pockets and headed towards a place of peace and quiet.

Celestia planned to talk to the soul of Celestia for a while just for a bit of information. She just wishes she could see her beautiful smile again. It's was a sunset in the afternoon, she was gone too soon. Taken too easily.