Beacon Academy's Secret

Professor Vic and Leviathan brought Celestia to their home. It was surprisingly a modern housing, a simple two-story house with a grayish light paint with the line of the house being coated in a maroon color. There poach was just a staircase with fences on its sides, their front door was simply gray with a glass window at the top.

"Well, what do you think?" Professor Vic asked, looking back at Celestia who had the same expression. A blank face with no emotions presented.

"Very...modern, I was a penthouse," Celestia replied.

"We're rich but not that rich," Leviathan commented, she opened the front door with a keycode password.

Professor Vic smiled as she walked in, she twirled around to breathe in the air she so loved. She fell down on the couch and stretched.

Leviathan shook her head as she went into the kitchen, ignore her darling's invitation for a hug.

"Huh, so you two live together?" Celestia asked as she entered the living room, it was surprisingly nice and clean. The walls were covered in pure crystal white while there were pictures of Professor Vic and Leviathan in different places and poses.

Celestia noticed a small frame, there were the professor and Leviathan and a girl. She picked up the frame and observed the features of the girl. They looked familiar but she couldn't quite put her finger on it.

Before Celestia could continue observing the frame, it was taken out of her hands: "Don't you know it's rude to touch other people's stuff?"

Celestia turned around to see Leviathan wearing an apron with a red heart at the center, she was leaned back with her arms crossed, holding the frame in her left hand. She wasn't in the best appearance to be sassy.

"Do you know the girl in the picture?" Celestia asked calmly.

"Obviously I do," Leviathan rolled her eyes, she couldn't believe how dense this being of destruction was.

"HEY!" Professor Vic's voice echoed through the living room. "Levy, don't get Fenrir angry."

"She's not," Celestia protected Leviathan. "Just a friendly chat."

Leviathan looked at Celestia's side profile, she questioned why Celestia even spoke. It was weird that Celestia would lie instead of getting her in trouble. Just why?

'Fenrir, you may just be the strangest being on this planet,' Leviathan thought to herself.

"Play nice you two," Professor Vic said before going back to relax.

"Mind telling me what you're heading, Fenrir?" Leviathan couldn't help but feel as if there is some sort of a trap that she is just carelessly walking into.

"None," Celestia replied, looking dead in the eye. "Can you tell me what your secret at this place is?"

"You mean the reason why Professor Vic asked you to come here?" Leviathan inquired.

Celestia nodded before sneakily taking back the frame and placing it back down to its original place.

"It was because of that photo, that girl was someone very, very close to Vic," Leviathan started. "She was..."

"Was Professor Vic's lover or someone extremely close that was killed or she got betrayed," Celestia interrupted Leviathan's sorrow storytelling.

Leviathan looked at Celestia with her dark beating black eyes: "How did you know?"

"Hint, every romance or adventure story have them, loads of them too," Celestia said as she lifted her arms up like she was annoyed at the current generation of writing. She sighed deeply before walking out of the living room, she walked passed the passed out Professor Vic, lying on the couch.

"Tell the professor that I'm sorry for what she had or did do," Celestia said sincerely before opening the front door and leaving, leaving nothing.

Leviathan walked back into the TV room, annoyed and frustrated.

"Not every love story is from writing," Leviathan said. "She almost killed us if it wasn't for her, and you have the audacity to say it what most authors do. Fucking bullshit, you don't know what lost is until you see what she had to experience."

Little did Leviathan know, Celestia could hear every word and she wasn't even mad. She just needs to know her friends and allies, now knowing this side of Leviathan. She just needs to be more considerate towards the past because everyone has a past that they don't want to reveal.

Even she didn't want to tell.