Dimensional Gap of the Astral Boundary

"Dimensional Gap?"

I muttered out loud.

"Dimensional Gap is sealed space belonging to the larger one, called Astral Boundary. It isn't known who sealed it, but not even the Beings of Law; in these words, cannot break and reach the wider space called Astral Boundary. From what I collected, sooner or enough, the seal would collapse, and Dimensional Gap would be once again merged with Astral Boundary."

Explained Zekram to me. As I thought about that, it sounded logical and explained why there weren't existences above Apocalypse-Class.

"How large is Dimensional Gap compared to the Astral Boundary?"

I asked out of curiosity.

"Dimensional Gap, with its tens of planes, are just a small speck of the dust in almost infinity evergrowing Astral Boundary. Many Pantheons have countless books about Astral Boundary, from the time of the Mighty Stage Gods, during the Age of Gods."

I needed to learn more. If it was true what Zekram was saying, that when the seal that was separating the Dimensional Gap from the rest of the Astral Boundary collapsed, then I fear our entire world would be easy prey.

As he talked about it, I also formed my own theory of who actually put up the seal. It was highly possible; it was Mighty Stage Gods of various Pantheons of surrounding Planes. Mighty Stage Gods were mighty beings, but they weren't omnipotent. Mighty Stage Gods were the same as the Apocalypse-Class on the Divine PathGod, meaning they were beings of Law. I wonder what enemy was able to frighten them to the point of creating a Dimensional Gap. At the same time, it would also explain why all Primordial Gods have disappeared from the Draconic Deus, and none are remaining.

If my theory is correct, Astral Boundary must have countless beings on the level of Apocalypse-Class and even higher, so Mighty Stage Gods of Draconic Deus, who were aware they were weaker, decided to hide. While they may sacrifice their lives, they could reform thousands of years later. As long as their Divine Spark and Divine Body were intact, then they were alright. The body of god was a priceless treasure for Alchemy, Magic, and other disciplines.

"Are other Pantheons doing something similar? Searching for resources in the Dimensional Gap?"

I asked. Generally, Gods shouldn't be able to leave the world or plane where they ascended as gods; that was one of the ultimate rules of existence. Still, there always existed some way.

"Some. The most notable is Asgard. Aesir is very different from the other Pantheons, as they are not originally inhabitants of the Draconic Deus; they just somehow bound their realm, Asgard, to the Draconic Deus, becoming the inhabitant in the process, so they have their way around those rules. Their gods could leave Draconic Deus for a prolonged time before getting weaker over time. What do you think their Nine Realms are? They conquered different worlds. Other Pantheons, while not sending their Gods, tend to send armies and their strongest warriors from time to time."

Draconic Deus was limited when it came to resources. There were too many factions and Pantheons fighting for each piece of territory. So to prevent useless fights, they searched for resources either in the Underworld, as it was countless times bigger than Earth and someone ruled only a small part. The second option was to explore the Gap for new worlds.

"Don't worry; if I see someone from other Pantheons, I will kill them if they are weaker. If not, I will just order to retreat."

I said wisely. During situations like these, it would be extremely hard to find a real penetrator of the attack in the Dimensional Gap, so if I find someone with an army and power weaker than myself, I could safely kill. If not, the retreat was always an option.

"Good. I will send several of my magicians with coordinates to open up the passageway. Also, Vena would arrive here after several days; she wanted to tell you. And maybe you can take her with you on the expedition. Good opportunity to spend time together, not talking about the fact she is good combatant, shortly reaching an Ultimate-Class."

Said Zekram as he looked at me.

"Maybe it will be better to post tone the expedition till both of us are Ultimate-Class. I will be reaching the Class soon; I am already on the verge. It will be much safer."

I said, and Zekram nodded in agreement.

"Then I will send everything after you reach the Ultimate-Class. Dimensional Gap and Planar Conquests are dangerous, so better be careful now than sorry later."

Stated Zekram with a wise voice. Taking Venelana with me was a good idea. We could spend more time together, and she would be an Ultimate-Class soon, so I get another powerful combatant for free.

With me, there are two, and I will also take two of my generals, altogether four Ultimate-Class combatants. That wasn't bad if we talked about a plane with no civilization or an extremely primitive and weak one.

"It was a pleasure to speak with you, Lord Zekram."

I said as I bid goodbye to the Zekram, who teleported away from Castle Fuerig as he returned back to his domain.

When he left, I was pretty satisfied with the results of my discussion with him. Now my focus turned to other things that needed attention. The magic study, manufacturing of Arcane Mechanical Automatons, and preparation for the first Planar Conquest.

I felt that the world he talked about wasn't that weak and new. It was a test of my abilities. He wouldn't send Venelana to somewhere that was too strong for her to handle, so his proposition to take her with me meant that the world wasn't too strong.

And it probably had Ultimate-Class beings.

"Old schemer. But I like challenges."

I grinned as I was thinking about it. Zekram wanted to know the basic extent of my abilities and know if I was worth anything besides political talking and intrigue.