Of Blood and War (2)

Holy City of the Pale Blood was genuinely marvelous. It was created with gothic architecture and gave of gloomy and dreadful feeling to everyone who was not a vampire or kindred and visited it.

Zekram visited this place for the first time in his life, as Kindreds were not allowing anybody to lay his eyes upon their Holy City.

This was a place where True Ancestors were sleeping and Blood Lords were residing. Contrary to most factions, it wasn't located in a separate dimensional space tied to the Draconic Deus but rather in Draconic Deus itself, deep under the planet's crust, hidden and protected.

Soon enough, they arrived at the huge castle of enormous size, dwarfing countless fortresses that the Devils had to build across the Underworld. Zekram could feel countless advanced magic spells protecting the fortress as he admired its beauty.

'No wonder that most local Pantheons are not fond and even afraid of these people arriving from Astral Boundary. The production and advancement abilities are far above natives.'

Sighed Zekram as he was looking at the Citated of Yharnam.

In Draconic Deus, there were essentially two types of factions. One was the so-called native, which consisted of Pantheons and factions native to the Draconic Deus, such as Takamagahara, Olympus, Hindu, etc. The second one consisted of those who arrived from the Astral Boundary before the Dimensional Gap was created in ancient times.

Those were Vampires, Asgard, and several others.

They were also not too friendly towards each other.

Viktor led Zekram to the meeting hall, where four Blood Lords were already awaiting him. It was a very dark room, with only moonlight illuminating four seats where four figures were sitting. Zekram observed each of the Blood Lords. Three of them were men, and one was a woman, probably from the Carmilla Family. She had long blond hair and beautiful azure blue eyes.

What caught Zekram's attention was a muscular man wearing pitch-black armor and gripping a sword in his hands. His crimson eyes were shining in the dark and thirsting for blood.

'That should be Valerian Tepes.'

Thought Zerkam as he looked at the man. Viktor told him that Valerian Tepes was a battle maniac, so he would probably support his idea for sure, but other three, he was uncertain. Kyrstia Carmilla was an isolationist, while the other two, Alexstrazs Brunestud and Marcus Corvinus, were unknown.

"My Honorable Blood Lords, I have brought a guest from the Underworld, proposing an idea to attack forces on Church and Heaven during the war between three Factions of Heaven, Devils, and Grigori."

Grigori was an organization of Fallen Angels, created by a mighty Archangel that fell, Azazel, who fell from Heaven. Soon enough, countless Pure Angels started falling for committing sins, and they soon enough created the organization Grigori.

The Watchers of the Children of God.

Azazel served as Governor-General of Grigori, but he wasn't too interested in faction management or anything; due to that, Grigori looked more like countless bandit groups banded together. There was no real authority; it was a very loose faction.

"Yes, the Great King of Bael, right-hand of Lucifer. What do you wish to propose to us?"

Said one of the Blood Lords; more precisely, it was Marcus Corvinus. A middle-aged man with an average look in every way. He wasn't looking anything special, nor powerful, nor exceptional. He deceived countless people with this strategy, and all of them became his nourishment.

"Cooperation, between Devil Race and Blood Races."

Said Zekram straightforwardly.

"Be more specific."

Answered back Blood Lord Corvinus with a low voice.

"As you have already noticed, tensions within our Pantheon are becoming too much to bear, and soon enough, war would erupt. During the war, one of our targets is the influence of Heaven on Draconic Deus, and we wish to strike Church as hard as possible. During the War, Heaven won't have enough manpower to protect and help Church, as it will have full hands with war with Devils and Fallen Angels. That is an opportunity for your faction to attack and exact revenge."

Explained Zekram his plan while four Blood Lords were in deep thought.

"And how can we be sure that Yahweh won't attack us."

Said a soft female voice of Blood Lord Kyrstia Carmilla.

"He won't, for several reasons. First is that you have behind you True Ancestors that could serve as a small deterrent; while not powerful as Yahweh, they could stall him enough for reinforcements to arrive and surround Yahweh. Second, Four Great Satans would be fighting Yahweh, so he won't be away from the battlefield; while the Great Satans are weaker than him, they have created a unique method to boost up their combat prowess actually to injure him. Third, you are not the only faction that will be doing this; Olympus, Asgard, and Takamagahara will all attack. Heaven has made too many enemies and no allies with the aggressive expansion. While he is strong, very strong, we could rely on numbers and other special means. Many Pantheons have their methods on restraining Mighty Divinity Stage God or Being of Law."

Explained Zekram with a great headache each time he mentioned the name of the Christian God.

"Your points are valid, Great King Bael. We could indeed rely on numerical advantage, but Yahweh has his advanced magical technology creations and several Archangels. It is still too risky. Not mentioning this is business of your Three Factions, not us Kindreds."

Said back Blood Lord Kyrstia Carmilla with a cold voice. Even Zekram understood the dangers of doing such a thing. While they had two True Ancestors on the level of Being of Law, genius Apocalypse-Class powerhouses, they couldn't defeat Yahweh due to elemental disadvantage.

If, by any chance, he attacks them, then they would survive, but the costs would be enormous.

"The method of Satans. How sure are you it will work?"

Asked one of the Blood Lords that had closed eyes the entire time and just listened in silence, Alexstrats Brunestud. He was also the strongest out of them.

"100%. They developed a special magic ritual, I won't go into details, but they would be able to fight him on equal grounds. Lord Lucifer personally guaranteed that."

Said Zekram with confidence.