Spending a Day with Venelana (2)

"How many of them are here? And why do they look like spiders?"

Asked Venelana as she looked over my shoulder at working spider automatons.

"Around 80,000. They are extremely fast at replicating and creating new ones, so theoretically, as long as there are materials, they could produce god knows how many of them daily. And they look like spiders due to their versatility."

I gave out my explanation.


"Yes, you see, they generally insect-type golems are more suited for more types of actions, such as attacking, support, working, and many others. Due to their shape, they can take the role of fighter, defender, supportive unit or construction or worked unit."

I continued my explanation.

"Hmm... do you want some tea and dessert, Venelana? I have exclusive tea shipped from the Forbidden Garden of Celestial Court."

I said as Venelana nodded her head. I loved tea as much as coffee; unfortunately, for now, at this time, coffee was not available to me, but tea was. I have bought Moonlight Heavenly Tea Leaves; one gram of them cost me around 20,000 Soul Coins. That amount of money was enough to buy armor and weapon sets of the dwarven craft of excellent quality for info.

Expensive tea was one of my very few indulgences in this life. I was rich, so I often bought costly tea for myself. Hindu, Celestial Court, and Takagamara produced such, and I was one of the biggest buyers.

Of course, such ones were sold only to the rich and powerful, as nobody had so much money to buy 1 gram of tea from 20,000 Soul Coins.

Certainly, this tea was not ordinary, but it also had excellent effects on the soul and strengthened the soul a little.

We went to my private garden, which was a relatively small place for me, to just rest. It was filled with plants and trees delivered there from Takamagahara or Three Realms, which I have brought, giving visage of the Chinese or Japanese architecture.

We sat down; there weren't any chairs; we were sitting on the ground, on the pillows, and before us was a small tea table.

"Did Lord Zekram tell you about the results of our discussion?"

I asked as I waited for the tea to be brewed. Tea brewing was a highly complex process that I rather enjoyed doing.

"Yes, he did. I must admit, I didn't think my future husband was so ambitious."

Replied Venelana with a grin.

"So, what... you are also well aware of our species and our grim dark future state."

I remarked. The current state of the Devils was terrible. My vision for a new form of government was only out of personal ambition but also a need.

Only one was truly united among the Three Factions, and that was Heaven.

Fallen Angels were divided between many Cadre-Class Fallen Angels, creating diversity. Still, as there were not many Cadres, as each one was as strong as Satan-Class Devil, their diversification was less than devils.

Practically our government was some kind of confederation. We had rulers, the Four Great Satans, but their ruling was just a name. A united government existed, which were Four Great Satans, but their commanding power over the rest of the noble houses wasn't extreme. Each of the Pillars, Extra Demons, or other Nobles had a high degree of autonomy; they were managing their territories as they seemed fit, so they weren't managing even a shit.

"In terms of government, we are even worse than Fallen. Look at it, our Nobility responsible for managing their territories and training up armies, what is ding? Playing, indulging in sexual or other pleasure activities, wasting time and power. Only a very few of them are really doing something; the rest of it is just a disgrace to their names."

I said with disgust in my voice. Devil Nobles were responsible for managing their territories solely by themselves, and almost none paid heightened attention to it. When I succeed, it will be the first thing I will change.

"And if you rule, how will it change?"

"Simple. I will implement Territorial Management Level, which other Pantheons use to grade their vassals. Celestial Court, Asgard, and Takagahamara have been using it for thousands of years. The base premise lies here. Every territory will be graded based on its state in economics, the number of powerhouses, magical and technology level, and several others, and we will then get the Average Territory Management Coefficient. If some territory falls below the TMC, then the Lord in charge would be severely punished. If he increases the TMC level in contrast to the previous one, then there would be a reward. Asgard is using this method to keep the development of its Nine Worlds and Jarldoms, Celestial Court on the other hand development of Three Realms, while Takagahamara on its Vassals."

Territory Management Coefficient was a very effective way to practically control and speed up the development of the territory as a whole. I heard that punishments in the Three Realms are especially severe due to the high population of various species in Three Realms; the most common one is the execution of the Lord.

It is the most populous faction, so there isn't a problem with finding new ones to take the place of old ones.

"Hmm... that could work. Still, the premise is that you have overwhelming power and suppress all opposition. Ideally, you can combine it with benefits that your rule will bring."

Said Venelana after some thought.

"Indeed, but I have enough time to grow. Within hundred years, there won't be anyone in the Underworld to oppose me in terms of strength."

I said. Maybe even sooner, but I don't want to progress too quickly, as that could damage my foundation. I now have an optimal path, and once I uncock the Clan Trait Devour, I can advance by leaps and bounds. My advancement won't be hindered, and the only thing that would matter would be to advance my masteries.