The Devour

Lucifuge Clan was closer to the Lucifer Clan than any other devil bloodline, as they were made from the same source. Even Clan Trait of the Lucifuge Clan, Power of Annihilation was similar to the Dark Light Trait, as the Power of Annihilation was extremely deadly even to devils, same as the Dark Light.

Each member of the Lucifer Clan would get a Lucifuge Clan member based on their bloodline resonance between them. A special bond is formed between them that empowers them, making them stronger if they fight together.

Just like Lucifer had Lord Lucifuge, Rizevim had Euclid Lucifuge. Apparently, my mother should have Grayfia, but alas, my mother escaped from home before she could even test the bloodline resonance between them. Hence, there is a very high probability that Grayfia would be paired with me.

That would also mean that she would become my wife by default. If female Lucifuge is paired with male Lucifer or vice versa, they must marry, as there was no better partner for Lucifer than Lucifuge.

Still, that was a topic for later, only when Original Lucifer noticed my existence, and I would get assigned Lucifuge to me.

For now, I took out the corpse of the Fallen Angel General, which was in perfect state thanks to the simple storage spell.

Evidently, the corpse was still full of energy.

To use Devour, I needed to have direct contact with the corpse, as my mastery was low. My grandfather could simultaneously use it from a distance and even on hundreds of targets.

With my lower-ranked mastery, I needed to do it manually, and that was troublesome and low in terms of time. I touched the corpse of the Fallen Angel General and used the Devour ability.

Slowly, all energy in the Fallen Angel General's body started flowing into my body, entering my heart, strengthening my energy reserves by a smaller amount, of probably 5 Units.

"Architect, scan,"

I said to Architect.

[As you wish.]

Soon enough, the scan was done.

[Class: Ultimate

Demonic Energy: 167

Strength: 82

Agility: 80

Vitality: 70]

"So a total increase by 15 Units if I count increase from the addition of my second heart. With this amount of energy reserves, I shouldn't be weak like a newly advanced Ultimate-Class being. During the Planar Conquest, I fight more and obtain more Ultimate-Class corpses... it would be best If we killed some Lesser Divinity Stage Gods..."

I said to myself.

Body of the Lesser Divinity Stage God or rather of any god was precious. Ironically, the bodies of Gods were precious even if they were under the Being of Law level. Especially for the Familiar, I planned to obtain the corpse of Lesser Divinity Stage God would be a priceless treasure for advancement in strength.

I also have around 75,000 corpses of Fallen Angel Soldiers in my dimensional storage, and I thought I should use Devour on them a bit. Unfortunately for me, my mastery was too low, so I won't able to gain anything.

From my grandfather's notes, with Devour, you can devour the energy of the same or higher Class as yours. But if one attains Master-ranked mastery over the ability, you can basically refine weaker-level energy from countless corpses.

For example, you have 100 High-Class corpses; with Devour, you can absorb their refined energy that would be equivalent to gainst from the weakest Ultimate-Class.

Grandfather didn't use this method often, as it required an enormous amount of energy and gave you only a small increase; it was more profitable to search for beings of the same Class. I even speculated that after reaching Apocalypse-Class, I wouldn't absorb anything from beings under Being of Law, no matter how many of them would be used in the process.

"Architect, what is progress on adjustments to the Anti-Matter Magicule Cannon Batteries?"

I asked as I sat down.

[Soon, the first ones would be produced. Arcane Mechanical Automatons have manufactured everything to stabilize and produce Anti-Matter.]

"How is their firepower?"

[Pinnacle of High-Class with the usage of Tier Magic System. With the usage of Magicule Particles, the firepower and stability were increased significantly. However, the larger version of the Cannons, installed on the Voidships, has predicted firepower comparable to the Ultimate-Class.]

Answered Architect. Slowly he was adjusting most of the inventions and weaponry of the Solar Federation for the circumstances of Draconic Deus. Anti-Matter weaponry was one of the most destructive the Solar Federation had in its arsenal.

These canons were just small weapons compared to the Anti-Matter weaponry's pinnacle that could easily destroy entire planets. The most powerful Anti-Matter based weapon could implode the sun, though it was never used by Solar Federation and served mainly as a deterrent for the Aeldari Empire and various Ork Empires and Warbands.

Even though it is small weaponry, for upcoming conquest, even Cannon Batteries should be enough, taking into account that in primitive society, there won't many powerhouses or advanced technology or magical technology.

"Good... continue adjusting slowly entire database, and give priority to things that could be used immediately in the current situation."

Not everything could be used in this world, where everyone controlled fearsome powers like magic or divine power. For example, things like tanks or Knights will have little to no usage against strong experts for now.

Maybe Knights with enough adjustments, several runic inscriptions, and rare materials could be used. I remember during the Stellar Exodus, Knights were why so many colonies survived until the invention of the Warp Drive and STC. Knights and Knight Houses enjoyed great prominence and respect even when I lived in the Federation.

"For, now start slowly preparing for the Planar Conquest of the Yestera Plane. I will depart to the Familiar Forest."

I said to Architect and to myself at the same time.