
After the last of the goblinoids were killed, we started slowly cleaning the battlefield. I ordered to collect all corpses on Commander Level, as they would serve as good food for my troublesome familiar.

I didn't bother with lower-leveled corpses, as they would be of no use, for as fast as possible growth of my familiar, I needed corpses of the strongest beings. What was troublesome after it evolved to Devouring Thorny Flower, which has a strength limit of General Level, then it would be strengthened only of corpses of Commander Level and higher.

From my limited understanding of that species, they needed an enormous amount of food to reach a higher level. Even from Commander Level's corpse, their progress would be slow.

I had an idea that if their limit is set to, for example, Commander Level, then that level would act as base material, and lower leveled ones won't be effective anymore or will be effective with the efficiency of one hundredth they were before. I need more data.

I flew through the battlefield as I watched my soldiers and Arcane Mechanical Automatons cleaning the battlefield, with General Amyke and General Borke Zagan giving instruction and overseeing the battlefield.

"My Lord."

Said both of them as they watched me come.

"Order all soldiers to stop the cleaning works and go to rest. Tomorrow take all 11 Legions and conquer the rest of the Ewor subcontinent... kill anything that breathes; I want to have a clean subcontinent."

I ordered. Now was the best time to attack the rest of the subcontinent, as their leadership was crushed and dead. Also, most of the northern tribes of various species were drastically weakened, as they lost their numbers here.

"Yes, My Lord."

"Also, what are our loses?"

I asked as I looked at them.

"Around 100,000 dead. For many soldiers, this was the first large-scale battle, My Lord."

Answered General Zagan slowly, to which I grit my teeth.

"More than I anticipated, but the remaining ones would be steeled with fire and blood."

I said with frustration. Still, with such a numerical disadvantage, it was a good result. Not to mention goblinoid tribes have more combat experiences than my soldiers, who were mostly freshly recruited to increase numbers.

Fortunately, with the right training methods, and top-noétch weapons and armor, losses were far less than they would be if not for my precautions.

"When we return from the Conquest Expedition, we will start the recruitment process once more and adjust military drills by tenfold."

I said briefly as I watched both of them bow and then leave.

I also instructed Arcane Mechanical Automatons to finish the cleaning works, delivering the corpses of Commander Level creatures to me; as I stored them in my dimensional storage, the rest was left to rot after Arcane Mechanical Automatons extracted the magical power to recharge themselves.

It was another function that the Architect created based on my Devour Clan trait. It allowed any kind of Arcane Mechanical Automatons with the right runic matrix to extract magical power from the deceased foe, recharge itself, or store energy.

Thanks to that, they could work faster and without needing short breaks for recharging with ambient magic. This would also boost the efficiency of the Arcane Mechanical Automatons several times.

Next days, my Legions started marching through the Skull Valley Pass to conquer the rest of the Ewor Subcontinent while I stayed here in the fortress and oversaw the cleaning process. Surprisingly, Venelana tagged along in case they encountered more Ultimate-Class beings.

Fortunately, after two days, I got the message that half of the north already fell into our hands, as the Legions marched and annihilated every village or town they found. With such speed, soon enough, the entire Ewor subcontinent, within exactly five days altogether, fell under my rule.

In some corners, some goblinoids survived, but they were mercilessly hunted down as I ordered complete clean-up from any even bit intelligent forms of life. Yestera Plane must be stripped clean, as an entire plane would be turned into mining type, and even core would be mined.

After an additional week, I was creating some plans for basic fortifications of the subcontinent and a means to reach other lands of the Yestera Plane. All continents were divided by huge bodies of water, and from magic scans, there were some really nasty things living deep within the depths of the ocean. This was troublesome, but I left it be as now I am not prepared to deal with sea monsters.

A teleportation array was the best option to bring my Legions to other continents, but that could only be constructed if we were already there. So to safely cross the large distances, I ordered the Arcane Mechanical Automatons first to replicate and build more Arcane Mechanical Automatons. Afterward, they would start building the first Voidships.

For the first Voidship to be built, I chose a Cruiser type, more precisely Lunar-Class Cruiser. Not to mention, each Voidship of the Solar Federation has fearsome firepower; now that I have the entire sub-continent at my disposal, that would be used as resources for my new weaponry, something not possible in the Underworld, as most resources went into factories to make supplies for war.

Arcane Mechanical Automatons started mining works immediately, as they attacked all deposits, worked non-stop to mine countless ores, and started working on manufacturing more Arcane Mechanical Automatons, and this process repeated and repeated.

I even ordered soldiers to help with various tasks to boost the production rate. I wanted everything to be done maximally within 2 months of time.