The Continuous Conquest (1)

When a devil approaches the limit of his class, he or she will undergo a so-called metamorphosis or evolution, or whatever one could call it. During that process, one's body would be changed, which would allow one to accommodate more energy in the body.

It also drastically expanded energy reserves and had many other gains from it.

After I was done with these two, I used another Strategic-Tier Spell, Hell Flame, to burn down the remains of the two mummified Amphisbaenas.

Then I just flew back to my Cruiser to finish my tea, snacks, and book.


One month later, somewhere in the Southern Area of the Mainland of Yestera

"I see that your part has been successful, General Zagan."

I said while looking at General Zagan, who was sitting across from me.

It was one month from the time I killed two Amphisbaenas. During this one month, my Army Group B progressed smoothly and annihilated countless tribes, towns, settlements, and monster hordes until blood was soaked red.

Thanks to Architect and advanced Arcanotech, the casualties we have suffered were kept to a minimum during the conquest.

Similarly, Army Group A, commanded by General Zagan, progressed smoothly and annihilated everything in its way until we met at a certain point in the southern area of the mainland. Now, we will progress to the Central Region, and when that one is conquered, then Western Region and Eastern Region.

"It was hard, but we made it out without any serious losses. Thanks to my Ultimate-Class Flesh Golems combined with Lunar-Class Cruiser and their high firepower, we were able to dispose of many General Level monsters without any problem."

Stated General Zagan.

"What about Mechanical Legion?"

I asked after a while.

He was given complete control over the Mechanical Legion.

"Truth to be told, I was surprised at their efficiency when I first deployed them... if we conquer the entire plane, then we can build more and more legions like this. They are practically perfect soldiers, especially suited to be best cannon fodder, and in higher number, they could even drown Ultimate-Class experts."

Said General Zagan.


"These little things are more suitable to be our foot soldiers while we may focus on cultivating elite devil armies. Mechs of High-Class such as Hydralisk Type Arcane Mechanical Automaton are perfect close combat cannon fodder foot soldiers. If we manage to replace ordinary soldiers with Mechs, it would drastically lessen the losses of lives of devils, as most devils killed at the battlefield are that of the Low-Class and Middle-Class, with some High-Class being among them, but not that much. Secondly, we could train our armies to be elites or to have proper specializations."

I nodded my head in agreement hearing everything that General Zagan said.

Yes, indeed, as I studied our recent wars, it was true that the majority of Low-Class and Middle-Class soldiers that went to wars or battles died there. The percentage was lower for High-Class combatants but still lingered between 40% to 55%, which was pretty high for my standards.

The main reason was simple, which could be seen in most civilizations and cultures and a bit different.

Most of Devil Nobility didn't intend to groom a proper army, and if there is a call to war, then what happens... there is a mass forced conscription from rows of common devils that have minimal to no training, and they are subsequently dropped on the battlefield with poor gear.

While devils were better in certain areas, as many knew the basics of combat, it was not enough for war.

I planned to develop a trend of constructing Mechanical Legions to fill the roles of cannon fodder soldiers. If you go by price, then constructing Mechanical Legion was only a tad expensive compared to training proper Legion of High-Class soldiers.

The advantages of my Mechanical Legions were much more lucrative. You don't need to pay them salaries, arm them, feed them, or house them. They only spent some money on repairs, which isn't very responsible, as they can mostly repair themselves if needed.

"That is good... I predict that resources from the continents of the Yestera Plane would be enough to build several million of them and plus a smaller Void Fleet. Sadly, without having at least three Satan-Class combatants, it will be impossible to conquer the depths of the oceans."

I said to General Zagan, who agreed with my statement.

Having millions of Arcane Mechanical Automatons and the entire Void Fleet was my main goal to do before the Great War started. With this Arcanotech, I would be able to increase my influence significantly and more easily implement my plans.

Also, it will be much easier to do severe damage to Fallen and Church. If possible, maybe I will cause some collateral damage to the Olympians. Hades would become a threat once in the future as he has immense hatred toward devils for eating souls.

"How is the situation in the Central Region?"

Questioned me General Zagan as we were sitting in my room of this Cruiser.

"Here it is interesting... compared to the other Regions of the Mainland of Yestera, this one has something similar to civilization or at least tribal society similar to Ewor. Apparently, some Orc Tribes have established some kind of kingdom or whatever it is called. Our scans show that they have subjugated tribes of Ogres, Trolls, Hill Giants, and weaker species such as Kobolds or Goblins. It may be problematic, as Pinnacle General Level Orc has probably emerged and conquered every tribe. Problems are their numbers, as they number in millions."

I answered. I chose Central Region first after the South Region fell precisely because of this.

In this region, something akin to the primitive kingdom emerged, which was unacceptable as if given more time, they could grow more and become a threat or cause serious damage.

"So we need to lower their numbers at first..."