Satan-Class (2)

"I know, but thanks for your concern."

I answered as Grayfia looked indifferent, but I knew that she was satisfied with herself about an accomplished goal: to scold me and acknowledge that she was right.

"What are you going to do now?"

Asked me.

"Rest, if you want, I can help you digest God Corpse Potion more easily with magical formation."

I proposed.

Usually, to digest and refine such things as God Corpse Potion that was brewed to strengthen the physique of the user, there was one most effective way, and that was physical training. Something I was not fond of and didn't have enough time for.

The second way was just to let it be refined naturally, but that could take even several months, based on the potency of the potion.

And finally, there was a third way, something I used, and that was magical formation to help you refine the potion and its effect. Aside from the Divine Sparks, the spell I intended to use for Grayfia was almost the same one I have used for myself.

"Later, after we deal with your things."

Said Grayfia stoically.


Afterward, I spent several hours recuperating and resting to be in pristine condition, as I felt that my energy reserves were nearing the limit, and soon the following metamorphosis would happen.

Devils didn't usually reach the next Class through metamorphosis, which was similar to cultivation breakthrough to higher realms in cultivator universes.

Reaching the higher Class through metamorphosis happened only to Devils who were expanding and training their energy reserves to reach the higher Class. While ordinary devils, who didn't train, will reach a higher Class naturally.

The only difference was several centuries plus-minus, depending on your innate talent and luck. Still, most devils could reach the High-Class without any problems for several centuries just by doing nothing.

While most devils with noble bloodlines could reach Class I have termed as Grand-Class, which corresponds to the stage between High-Class and Ultimate-Class, that existed in the Astral Boundary but was missing in the Dimensional Gap due to messed up Laws. Grand-Class corresponded to the Starry Sky Warlock in Warlock Cultivation System.

Those more talented could train and reach Ultimate-Class or Satan-Class if they were lucky or trained hard enough. Of course, there existed other ways, like magical rituals, potions, treasures, and other ways.

While this wasn't bad, there existed even more terrifying lifeforms in the many Universes. And everything below Ultimate-Class was nothing more than just glorified cannon fodder in huge wars across Astral Boundary or other places.

When I was already at my full energy and rested enough, I started preparing a magical formation that would help me absorb the High-Grade Demonic Energy Magic Stone.

High-Grade Magic Stones were precious even in the Astral Boundary, not that much, but they were the currency used by upper-tier experts. Here in the Dimensional Gap, even one High-Grade Magic Stone was a peerless treasure and priceless thing.

As I held it in my hand, I was even more suspicious about Lucifer and what he intended to do...

I placed it in the eye of the formation and activated the spell matrix.

[Architect, start the protocol.]

I commanded in my head.


He answered as the spell matrix started.

Enormous magical formation started glowing with blinding light, as countless magic circles appeared around me, as a tremendous amount of Demonic Energy was now being directed to my body, from the High-Grade Demonic Energy Magic Stone and abundant magic of the Underworld.

The process was very similar to what when I reached the Ultimate-Class, at first my overall energy reserved started getting smaller by lightning speed, as the energy inside my body was being refined, fused, purified, and once again, this happened all over, unit the density and purity of my Demonic Energy didn't reach astonishing level.

Afterward, my energy reserves started slowly rising. Soon enough, it reached 100, then 200, then after another ten minutes it broke through the number 300 and kept rising to 400, and soon 500. To my surprise, it didn't stop there and kept climbing to 550, 575, 600...







It then stabilized at the number 624. Shortly after, I felt the Will of the Underworld descend upon me as my entire body froze.




I now heard a familiar creepy voice belonging to the Will of the Underworld.

'Prideguard - When in the Underworld, no physical or energy attack done by any one of the similar or same alignment as the bearer of this name, that is weaker than bearer, cannot do any harm. For thou who are stronger than the bearer, the effect would be lowered appropriately.'

Said the voice as it soon disappeared.

I studied the effect of the new part of my True Name that the Underworld gifted me, and it was terrifying. As long as I am attacked in the Underworld by someone who is weaker than me and is of the same alignment, meaning Devil or has Darkness / Shadow or any other similar element, I am basically immune to such attacks.

Of course, if Devil attacks me, that is stronger than me; the Prideguard would just weaken the effect of their attack. This was why it was of utmost importance to guard the True Name.

One mistake, and your strongest side will be your weakest.

True Names given by the Will of the Underworld itself are really terrifying and are the greatest secret of any devil. For example, if an attacker knew my True Name 'Savant,' then the effect of the Prideguard for the such attacker would be null.

On top of such wonderful True Name, the only shame is that it will work only on being of Dark Aligntemnet such as Devils, Demons, Pale Blood, Vampires, Werewolves, and similar and only when I am in the Underworld. Sadly, Fallen Angels are omitted as they are not Dark but rather Neutral because they still possess light.

'Architect, scan.'