Killing Angels in Japan

"Come Grayfia... we are nearing the hole where Angels and Exorcists are coping up. We need to dye it red."

I said as we went on the move once more. Soon enough, we have come to see a small city, housing probably a few thousand people. What was interesting was there were several churches there, so we had just hit the right place.

"Hmm... Grayfia cast concealment spell on this area, and when I am ready, you will break it."

I ordered as Grayfia cast the spell, and I was creating another.

My newest creation, the first Ultra-Order Spell ever exist [Lightning Judgement]. Currently, I have two Ultra-Order Spells, one of them was Lightning Judgement, and another one was Dimensional Slash, which was redesigned as an Ultra-Order Spell.

I planned to do the most simple thing to lure the rats out of the holes.

Destroy this entire city. Based on the number of churches here and the population, it should be one of the major strongholds of Heaven and the Church in Japan. The best thing was that not even Takagahamara would say anything about me massacring some humans, as they were already converted to the faith of their enemies, so Gods wouldn't care if some humans that betrayed them died by my hand. And I didn't care about the life of anything that wasn't my ally.

This was the first time I was casting Ultra-Order Spell; it took me five minutes to create a spell matrix for the Ultra-Order Spell [Lightning Judgement]. When Grayfia saw that I was done, she released the concealment spell, as it could interfere with my casting, and I released the spell onto the quiet night city.

Out of nowhere, an enormous thunderbolt hit the ground and razed one-third of the city to the dust. Immediately, several light figures appeared in the air, with their eight wings spread fully, as they tried to create a barrier against other lightning strikes.

Still, the barrier was cracked like fragile glass, and three Ultimate-Class Eight Winged Angels and a whole bunch of Six Winged High-Class Angels were pulverized to oblivion.

When the third strike sounded, the entire city was just a pile of rubbles and ruins, where not even bodies of killed humans and angels remained.

As the fourth strike was landing on the city, a figure suddenly appeared before the lightning strike to finish survivors of Church and Heaven hiding in the underground of the Church that was protected by rather a strong barrier.

It was an angel in golden armor, holding a golden spear with ten pure white wings.

A Cadre-Class Ten Winged Angel has appeared.

"When he blocks that, go and kill everything that breathes. Let me know if you cannot handle them, and I will help you."

I said as I reminded her not to push herself too much. There should be at least two or three Ultimate-Class Eight Winged Angels hiding in the basement, protecting there something precious, as they didn't dare to leave the room.

And only after the entire town was turned to ash has their leader, a Cadre-Class Ten Winged Angel appeared.

He outstretched his spear and cast out a barrier before himself to stop the last lightning strike that was about to hit the target.

I watched in wonder as I had to admit that the Angel was strong, but unfortunately for him, not strong enough. Even though he managed to block the last lightning strike, he was still injured by it.

After that, I spread my ten wings and flew to the Angel, as he had already noticed me, while Grayfia went to the place where rats were hiding to do a small clean-up.

'Architect scan.'

[Class: Cadre-Class Ten Winged Angel

Holy Energy: 359 (521)

Strength: 101

Agility: 100

Vitality: 98

Condition: Injured]

'Hmm... much weaker than me.'

"So, what are Angels and rats from Church doing here in Japan? Are you perhaps lost? Or running?"

I mocked as I prepared my spells while Angel looked at me stoically, but I knew he was panicking inside as I was outside his league of power and could easily kill him.

He probably won't say anything of use to me.

"Not talking... shame, then have a nice journey."

I said as I shot several Dark Light Spears after the Cadre-Class Ten Winged Angel. This one was injured, his physical body was several times weaker than mine, and he used nearly half of his energy reserves to block my spell and injured.

Cadre-Class Ten Winged Angel spread his wings and tried to dodge an incoming barrage of the Dark Light Spears, successfully, albeit a few of them still managed to hit him and cause him energy poisoning, as the Dark Light was poisonous to everyone with Darkness or Light attribute.

Seeing the Cadre-Class Ten Winged Angel still holding up, I decided to change a strategy a little, and this time I used Truth-Seeking Orb Style to condense tens of the Dark Light Orbs that shot towards the Cadre-Class Ten Winged Angel at tremendous speed.

As the Cadre-Class Ten Winged Angel was successfully dodging the fast Dark Light Orbs, I grinned, as at the same time, all thirty or so Dark Light Orbs exploded and created an enormous wave of the Dark Light that swept everything in its way.

Fortunately, Grayfia was already in the underground space under the Church, or she would have been hit too.

As the explosion settled down, the Cadre-Class Ten Winged Angel was killed in it.

"Hmm... this would be the first time I would be using Devour on such a high-ranking pure angel."

I muttered as I used Devour and felt Holy Energy from Angel being devoured and refined as my own energy reserves expanded by around 16 Units, reaching 640 Units altogether.

Though I felt a bit dizzy after devouring Holy Energy from the Cadre-Class Ten Winged Angel, I noticed that my Devour became even easier to use and could absorb even more energy. Probably my mastery went higher as I devoured the Cadre-Class Ten Winged Angel.