Progress of One Year

1 year, Underworld, Gremory Territory, Castle Fuerig

During this one year, not many things happened, aside from me going back to the Yestera Plane and clearing it out from the Monarch Level Monsters together with Zekram and Crom Cruach.

We went there for around four months and killed every single Monarch Level Monster. Their bodies and magical cores were divided between Crom Cruach and me. Now entire Yestera Plane was under my control, and soon it would be entirely mined up.

My strength didn't increase much, though, in terms of the Energy Reserves and Physique, but I have perfectly consolidated everything I had right now, and in the near future, I can progress at a fast pace once again.

That was an important step.

To stabilize your foundation.

One of the major things that happened was that I grew much closer with Grayfia... that close that we had sex together at least once per day. Seeing that Venelana had led above her, she grew jealous, and her competitive spirit didn't let it slide away.

And in turn, several days later, after I slept with Grayfia for the first time, she and Vena got into an argument that destroyed several areas of the Fuerig Castle, as they decided to fight to solve their issues.

While Grayfia was wearing a perfect emotionless mask and was good at hiding her intentions and feelings, she was very competitive and prideful and aimed at the position of my first wife.

While Venelana already took that position to herself and decided to defend it with her strength. Both of them were prideful and did not take each other's presence well.

I just stopped meddling in this, as this was something they must decide on their own. If not, there was a high possibility that they would just be angry with me. So I ignored them wherever they were fighting; my attention ended with erecting barriers and wards to protect the castle.

Overall though, Vena was winning a full streak. Not only in their fights, as she was stronger than Grayfia, but also in other areas. Additionally, Vena was best at pissing Grayfia off, as Grayfia wasn't the most socially skilled person.

In the end, they entered a ceasefire state, where they decided not to fight with brute force with each other. Rather they started competing for my affection, which was sometimes a hilarious thing to see.

First thing, they started a cooking competition, which Grayfia won by a large margin. Vena cooked me some stew from dragon meat; the result was that I almost puked. I still remember Grayfia's grin she had when that happened.

Grayfia learned how to cook, as it was her hobby. She was really brilliant at that, and everything she made tasted freaking delicious. Grayfia was one of the best cooks I have ever seen; she had an immense talent for cooking.

On the other hand, Venelana seeing that she couldn't beat Grayfia in terms of some household work such as cooking decided on something else; she knew Grayfia would lose. And that area was seduction, in various seductive clothing. Something Grayfia was too uptight, while Vena was a lot bolder.

Additionally, they now had a common enemy in the form of Hela. She was a weird one; she decided that she would make me her husband by any means possible to produce the strongest descendants. Yeh, only a dunderhead and warmonger like her can say something like that. Still, we have spent a lot of time together due to her role in my army.

This was the only topic when Grayfia and Venelana agreed, was when it concerned Hela, as not even one of them could beat her. She was Pinnacle Intermediate God, not to mention that she would soon reach Greater God Stage after she obtained Divine Spark from Ereshkigal.

Right now, I am going to check up on the results of my latest project, and after that, I need to depart to meet with my uncle, Rizevim Livan Lucifer, as we are going to hunt Sacred Gear Users.

I was deep within the underground of the castle Fuerig, where countless Arcanotech Factories were constructing thousands of automatons daily. After completely clearing out the Yestera Plane, the production of the resources obtained from the plane skyrocketed, and now my Mechanical Army expanded drastically. I have also sold mechanical legions to other Noble Houses.

Currently, I have 10 million Arachne Drones, 1 million Hydralisks, 1,000 Anti-Matter Magicule Canon Batteries, 100 Lunar-Class Cruisers, and 25 Avenger-Class Grand Cruisers. This was a grand setup. And my Military also grew to 50 million, divided between fifty Legions. With 20 Ultimate-Class Generals, after the integration with Aesir and Vanir was complete.

Hela was named the Marshall of Gremory Legions. She was best suited for the role, as she was extremely strong, and being a military and strategy genius gave me the best Marshall of my Legions I could wish for.

Military-wise, I was currently the strongest Noble with the strongest army, just ahead of the Original Lucifer. Everyone knew that, and even three Great Satans were reluctant to stay in my way, as even strength-wise, I was stronger than them.

Another nail to the coffin is called Devil Government. Usually, Great Satans just avoided each other and worked together only when absolutely necessary. Such dysfunctionality was bad for the government as a whole, but for ambitious nobles, it was best.

I was practically at the level of Great King Zekram; I was now faction on my own. Several of the lesser Houses of the 72 Pillars were already gathering around me to increase their social standing.

Nobody in the whole Underworld could now order me around, aside from the Original Lucifer, but that would not last long enough.

Also, during past years, some mysterious deaths happened as several less important descendants of the Houses Leviathan, Beelzebub and Asmodeus died. Nobody knew how and why just. Satans raged over it for several weeks, and then it went to the forgotten.