Wedding (4)

After finishing the talk with Great King Zekram, I went to meddle with other guests.

Venelana and Grayfia were the centers of attention from many Ladies of various houses, as they talked and often giggled about some things.

Of course, their womanly talks while often meaningless sometimes could lead to gathering important information or even securing good alliances and business deals. Some Ladies there, were also Head of the House, and while some not beating the Head of the House, had a huge influence on their husbands and their decision-making.

Now that we have married, I have officially named Grayfia a Castellan of the Great King Gremory and Venelana would be officially managing all of my business ventures across the Draconic Deus. They were doing these jobs till now, but rather unofficially. From now on, all of the decision-making would be in their hands, and I will only decide the most important things.

I don't have time to decide every idiotic thing that comes by with ruling.

"So what is the response of Celtic, Crom?"

I asked Crom Cruach, who was sitting on the chair, with sleepy leaning over his shoulder, she finally tired out, so now she was very easy to handle, as she won't go searching for treasures.

"They said yes, we would be launching an offensive against the forces of Church when the war starts, coordinating with everyone. Our target is all believers and priests across Ireland and England. Morrigan has decided to release a plague that will hit only believers of Yahweh and then Gods of Celts will come and take their country back."

I could see his battle lust soaring with each said word.

Indeed, the Celtic Pantheon was one of the hardest hit after Yahweh started spreading their faith. While they didn't face extinction, like some Slavic Pantheon that were massacred by Yahweh and his Legions of Angels, Celts were all Battle-Gods, but the cutting of supply of faith hit them hard, so they all retreated to the Erin.

With all my preparations then, during the Cannon happened as I remember, Heaven and Church would be just shallow of its former self.

If all my plans come perfectly, the Chruch would be confined only to some parts of Continental Europe and Africa. No England under their influence and no America under their influence.

In turn, I planned to make the future USA my own dominion, which would be worshipping devils. I could construct some Arcanotech Device that would be harvesting Faith Energy, to create Divine Crystals. Satanistic Cults were trendy even right now, and there were countless humans that worshipped devils, some of them were even useful, and later those with special talents could be reincarnated into Devils.

"That is splendid to hear, my friend. Will you join the offensive?"

I asked curiously.

"Yeh... I, Dagda, Lugh, and Morrigan will lead the charge. My target is Archangel Tamiel who is one of three Archangels stationed in England."

Heaven had a lot of Archangels, but they were mostly weak, and in the Underworld, they could be easily killed by Satan-Class devils. That was due to the fact, they were so-called Artificial Archangels, meaning they didn't reach that Class on their own, but rather were elevated by Yahweh to it.

Yahweh could do something like that rather easily, but the side effect was that Artificial Archangels were far weaker in terms of combat prowess than geniue Archangels, like Azazel, Azrael, Michael, Gabriel, or Uriel.

Each one of those five, could take several Artificial Archangels and even kill them. And even Zekram who was the pinnacle Satan-Class could fight against two or three Artificial Archangels and kill them if they fought in the Underworld.

In the Underworld, all Angels are much weaker due to the environment, while all devils got a small boost in power due to the environment, while Fallen Angels were somewhere in between. While they didn't get weaker, they also didn't get stronger.

"Good, very good. Kill them all. Also, would you please sell me corpses of all Eight-Winged Ultimate-Class Angels, Ten-Winged Cadre-Class Angels, and Tamiel's corpse?"

I asked as I wanted to get my hands on them, they would greatly accelerate the evolution of Dou Dou, so she can reach Thorny Flower Demoness that could reach Emperor Level.

"I don't really care about that, but I will ask Dagda. Even though most of those Angels are Artificially powered up, they still had some Divine Energy from extraction."

He answered me.

As Yahweh was Mighty Stage God with an enormous flow of Divine Crystals, he could easily elevate even 2-Winged Low-Class Angels with Eight-Winged Ultimate-Class Angels. Thought they would never be able to advance to a higher level and would have low combat prowess for an Ultimate-Class.

"I am rich, I can pay."

After that, we have talked a bit, before I departed for Vena and Fia, as we would be leaving this part, as all three of us were tired as hell.

I wonder what two of them found out.

"So what information have my two beautiful wifes found out?"

I asked them, as we walked to our chambers.

"Yes, we found."

Said Fia.

"But that would be topic for later."

This time Vena answered with a seductive smirk.

"Oh... I like where is things going... we will have a lot of fun tonight."

I said as I pulled them into my embrace and locked the door behind us.