Other Factions Make a Move - Others

Siberia, at the same time

"Chieftain, we got their track."

Reported masked man, to a silver-haired old man, who was leaning over on the cane.

"Also, pack leader Garou is currently engaging one of the Ten-Winged Cadre-Class Fallen Angels that are near the research station of Grigori. The fight would be soon over, as the Cadre has been severely injured by the Leader Garou."

Reported another masked man.

"Send in all packs, secure all research materials crows had there, and kill everyone there. Pack it up and we will sell it to young Lucifer for a hefty price."

Remarked the old man, who was Chieftain of all werewolf tribes on the Draconic Deus.

"Yes, Chieftain. I will relay the message over to the Pack Leaders immediately."

It was well known that the young Zeoticus Gremory von Lucifer was an avid researcher of everything magical, and would pay hefty sums for magic tomes and grimoires. So research of Grigori on whatever they were researching over there would sell very well.


Britain, England, Westminster Abbey

Westminster Abbey, formally titled the Collegiate Church of Saint Peter at Westminster, is a large, mainly Gothic abbey church in the City of Westminster, London. Built several centuries ago, and since the coronation of William, the Conqueror in 1066, all coronations of English and British monarchs have occurred in Westminster Abbey.

Today, long gone was a majestic gothic temple, as just piling rubbles were left of it and smoke rising to the sky, as Knights of Erin and Dún Scáith were running around and killing priests of Church and fanatical believers.

Suddenly an enormous 'boom' sound was heard as the earth shook, and several buildings were destroyed as a huge silhouette landed on the ground.

"You stupid dragon?! Are you trying to kill everything here! Many of these people could still be converted to our faith!"

Screamed angry female voice.

She had short black hair and wore something that looked like battle armor and held a staff in her right hand, as a Divine Power was radiating from her.

"Shut up Morrigan, go and annoy somebody else. I just killed another pigeon and this one was strong a geniue Archangel... what was his name? Tamel... no Tamiel, yes Tamiel. Even though he was Archangel, he wasn't that strong in front of this dragon. Although he tasted bad. Where are Dagda and Lugh?"

Morrigan, Goddes of Death and Dead of the Celtic Pantheon just shook her head in defeat, as she was irritated with the behavior of her ally. Still, Crom Cruach was the new Heavenly Dragon-Class dragon, and he himself chose to help.

He was the third Heavenly Dragon in the Draconic Deus, though he was far weaker than Albion and Ddraig, he was still in that Class. Albion and Ddraig were Heavenly Dragons for a long time and were already a peak of the Class, but they still cannot breach the final barrier separating them from reaching Elder Dragon Class, which was Class what Ophis or Great Red were.

"Lugh and Dagda went to fight with other two Archangels, but those two pigeons retreated with their army from England. Apparently command from Michael. Not only that, but similar things are happening all around the world. It is possible that Yahweh has been trapped with Trihexa. Alas, we have achieved our goal and rest is not our matter, provoking Heaven further, may not be good, who knows what has Yahweh prepared in case of emergency."

Stated Morrigan as she dissolved into tens of black crows and flew away.


Greece, Olympus

"Your Majesty as you have commanded all attacks have been successful. Heaven is already retreating and their Angel Legions are either going back to Heaven or to Underworld. Celtic Pantheon has pushed Church out of Britain, Shinto from Japan, and Greece. Kindred has turned Romania into lands of darkness and Werewolf Tribes are rampaging across Siberia and attacking Grigori strongholds."

Reported soldier in a spartan armor as he knelt down before a throne, where a middle-aged man with a mustache, who wore a crown and toga sat majestically.

"Inform Ares to stand by in case they try to retaliate."

Ordered the King of the Olympus, the Skyfather, Zeus.


Underworld, Gremory Territory, Castle Fuerig

"So, Heaven retreated all of their forces from Earth back to the Heaven and Underworld, and only left Vatican Army intact?"

I asked Fia who came to report me good news.

"Yes, do you think..."

Asked Grayfia with a bit of uncertainty, as I knew what she was implying.

"It seems the Four have already awoken Trihexa and trapped Yahweh there. Who knows how long it will take before he will sea the Trihexa and return back to the Draconic Deus, hopefully, it will be years. Additionally, for sure he won't leave it in a good shape."

I stated my personal opinion on the matter.

"What if Trihexa breaks free from him?"

Indeed a valid question and really problematic one.

"Hopefully not. Even if combat isn't Yahweh's main forte, he is a master magician, Mighty Stage God, and master craftsman, not to mention that Trihexa is an Apocalypse-Class Monster that has lost its mind to Law of Chaos, it doesn't have even a basic level of intelligence, so hopefully, he will be able to seal it, if not... then only we can hope that Jade Emperor, Shiva or Great Red would intervene."

I said.

I knew that in case of emergency Okhwang will make a move, he can't afford to leave me to die if he wants his clone to return safely to him.

"If I am not wrong, Satans would be unavailable for some time, before they return, and now Heaven would strike even harder than before. Send a message to all allied Houses and our allies, that they need to be ready to fight at any time."

I said to Fia as I gave her one kiss on the forehead to ease her worries as I hugged her, and she hugged me.

"Don't worry, we will be victorious."