Progress of Great War

3 Years Later

As predicted straight after Yahweh was sealed, a bloody offensive was launched by forces of Heaven on Devils, and Grigori didn't wait for long before they attacked both Angels and Devils. The offensive was short but hard and brutal.

Almost seven hundred million devils were killed in the offensive, as Heaven was aware that Satans won't be back, until one week or so, so they threw everything they had at us. My territory was also attacked, but fortunately, I didn't fight them.

I chose to act like a turtle and activated defense of my territory to maximum, and used Arcanotech to attack them from long range. After their army suffered huge losses to my Anti-Matter Magicule Canon Batteries, Voidfleet, Battle Mages, and Arcanotech Towers, they retreated.

And Grigori acting like cowards were attacking both factions when they saw them getting weaker from the fight. Grigori was attacking anybody that was weakened, as they were practically the weakest faction in here, due to the lack of higher-end powerhouses to lead the faction.

Not surprisingly Azazel showed himself only during the first wave of offensive, and then he disappeared, probably going back to his research. Also, Grigori's ability to lead war was weakened as I killed one of their strongest Cadres, Satanael. Though Kokabiel has been doing problems lately, he even fought with Zekram and survived a clash against Super-Devil, he was really resistant as a cockroach.

On the other side, at least influence of the Church has been completely diminished on Earth, and now they were influential in Europe minus Britannia and Ireland, where Celts took back their lands and once again started spreading their faith after killing every fanatical believer and burning down each Church in the country.

Similar things happened in Greece, though Olympians didn't kill mortals there, instead, they turned all priests and believers of Yahweh into hideous monsters, just like in the past. Greek Gods were famous for their pettiness, cruelty, and arrogance, so they really took their revenge on humans, by turning approximately 20% of the populace of Greece into monsters. Greek Gods got much stronger as this even, created many fanatical believers.

Not that I cared about such minor things, but I was still curious how this Earth will look like when the technological advancements start up.

Vampires and Kindreds in Romania cleared their country from the influence of Church and Heaven and now it was their playground as they hunted humans for sport, or started breeding them for their blood. It was useful for weaker ones, that cannot feed on stronger creatures.

What was delightful, I got my hands-on research on Sacred Gears. It was sold to me by werewolf Grand Chieftain, after he raided one of the strongholds of the Grigori on the Earth, in Siberia. There was a lot of useful information there, especially how the Sacred Gears worked and on the System of Heaven.

Apparently, Azazel wants to create artificial Sacred Gears and is also studying how to sever the connection between Sacred Gear and the System of Heaven. From studying those notes, I have managed to find a way to sever Sacred Gear from the System of Heaven, though I would attempt it only after Yahweh's death, due to safety reasons.

As I was sitting in my garden and enjoying Tea I got from Okhwang, I suddenly felt someone behind me, and by the aura, I knew it was Hela, she always had some kind of dreadful aura around her constantly.

"What it is my deathly darling?"

I asked as I teleported behind Hela and hugged her waist.

"Nothing... just..."

She muttered as she looked at the ground.

Hela wasn't bold as Vena, or confident in these things like Fia. She was a warrior who spent most of her time on the battlefield, so when it came to man and woman things, she was pretty awkward. Just like me, before I met Venelana and she taught me some basic things in a mystery called relationships.

It was still sometimes awkward for Hela even after three years we have been together, after that kiss before the Military Headquarters.

"You know... you have really changed during these years. When I first met you, you were always filled with so much anger and violence... now it feels like you are tamed kitty."

I joked, but one precise punch to my stomach with her elbow quickly destroyed my illusion about peaceful and kind Hela.

"Just try that once again, and I will show you exactly how tamed I am."

Said Hela, as I could swear to see blush over her face.

"And who told you to stop holding me!"

She shouted with fake anger, as we both sat below the tree and I hugged her close to me.

"You know... I want to meet my mother."

I was honestly surprised hearing Hela mentioning someone from her family, and even meeting them at all.

"Queen Frigga?"

Hela nodded her head.

"She never supported Odin in training me to be his conqueror from a young age, but there was nothing she could do, as Odin's decision was final, and my powers were too great to be left as they were."

She talked about old times in Asgard.

"Though I doubt such thing is possible in the current situation, right?"

Hela started at me with sad eyes, as I cannot bring myself to say yes.

"Just wait after the war between our factions has ended, and then we will search for a way to enter Asgard unnoticed and meet with your mother. Hopefully, your father or Heimdall won't notice anything."

I said slowly.

"They won't, if they did, then Loki wouldn't cause such mess around Asgard and Nine Realms and Earth so often."

Answered Hela.

"Hey, are there any chances for Surtr to pledge his allegiance to me?"

I asked curiously.

"Surtr? Hmm... yes, you just need to defeat him in combat."

Surtr was at the Emperor Level and was strong as Hell. He would be a great asset to my future plans and military. Not to mention his almost endless hordes of Fire Creatures.