Ceasefire and Plans (1)

After getting the message, I instantly departed for the Main Battlefield, where my father-in-law was already waiting for me, together with Original Lucifer, who seemed to be injured.

"Lord Grandfather, Father-in-law."

I greeted both of them as we entered the building.

We entered the Command Room, where several notable people were waiting, most important being Zekram Bael, Heads of Six Houses of Lucifer, and Archduke Agares.

"Now that everyone is here, we have already got a message from Heaven and Grigori, and in one hour, we will meet on the neutral ground and will declare a ceasefire until the two Heavenly Dragons are dealt with. Satans Asmodeus and Beelzebub are currently unavailable, so their authority is transferred to Gerstahl."

Said Lucifer, as everybody nodded in agreement.

"From the Grigori Azazel and Baraquiel would represent their side, and from the Heaven, Michael and Gabriel will come. Now let's way, and then I will be taking with me Zekram and Zeoticus."

He said as we went to wait. There was nothing else to do, so I went to check up on the magical barriers around Devil camps and started enhancing them so that they wouldn't break from aftershocks from Albion's and Ddraig's battle.

After one hour, I met with Zekram and Lucifer, and we departed for the meeting point, dubbed as the neutral zone.

In truth, it was just several tens of kilometers away from the main battlefield, on some hill, where a tent was stretched up.

The first to arrive after us were Fallen Angels, namely Azael and Baraqiel.

Azazel was a tall man probably in his twenties with an average build, black hair, golden bangs, and a black goatee. He also possesses twelve jet-black feathered wings that grow out from his back.

He wore a V-neck maroon long-coat with a wide, open high-collar that opens up at the hem. The long coat also featured two black belts around the waist and four black bands on each arm, two of the bands at the wrist and the other two near the elbow. He wore grey slacks and brown shoes.

While Baraquiel had the appearance of a middle-aged, gruff-looking man with black hair, a matching beard, and a muscular body, he also had a Ten-Wings. Still, I sensed that his power was already reaching the Archangel-Class, and he soon will achieve it, maybe in several years, and Grigori would gain another Archangel.

Baraqiel was famous for his Holy Lightning ability, as not many Angels or Fallen Angels had something which was equivalent to the Devil's Clan Trait.

"Azazel, Baraqiel."

Greeted them Lucifer.

"Lucifer, Zekram... and that one behind you must be your grandson Zeoticus, right?"

Asked Azazel with a carefree voice, as Baraqiel just stood behind him, not saying anything but watching our every move.

Really fitting to his reputation as a rigid warrior.


Said Lucifer with gruff.

"Hello Lord Azazel, it is unfortunate we meet up under these circumstances. I have read your research on the Sacred Gears and Magic Technology of Heaven and Asgard, I must admit it was most enlightening."

I greeted Azazel politely, and he was really one of the few people I have genuinely admired.

Aside from his inability to run Grigori properly, he was a brilliant scientist who had high achievements in Magical Technology and had done extinguish research into the topic of Sacred Gears.

"I must admit, kid; It could be said the same about you, who invented your own branch of Magical Technology, Arcanotech, and created his own magic system. After this entire mess with War ends, we could exchange notes; what do you say?"

Asked Azazel cheerfully, not minding everyone else. I didn't particularly care he called me a kid, as he was several thousand years old, probably as old as Lucifer.

"It would be great."

I said as we started talking about Magical Technology and Magic in general, as he would often have some comments about me being married to the two hottest young female devils in the Underworld, and having a relationship with Hela, who was also famous for her beauty as was for her brutality on the battlefield.

After some time, Michael and Gabriel arrived.

Michael has the appearance of a handsome-looking man with long blond hair and green eyes. He has twelve wings growing from his back, and unlike other Angels whose wings are white, his wings are colored gold.

On the other hand, Gabriel has the appearance of a gorgeous woman with curly blonde hair and a voluptuous figure and is known as the most beautiful woman in Heaven. He also had a 12-Wings like any other Archangel.

Azazel instantly stared at Gabriel's breasts, to which she just innocently smiled. If he did the same thing to Hela or Grayfia, they would probably castrate him like a stray dog.

Both of them were prideful, and only I was allowed to stare at them.

Grayfia even once froze someone to death. For lecherous remarks about her, some branch family of lesser Nobles, I had their entire branch to be executed in the end, as I was an excellent way to establish authority.

I was really possessive truth to be told.

"Now that we are all here, shall we begin?"

Asked Lucifer as we all sat around the round table.

"Now, who agree to enter ceasefire until the Two Heavenly Dragons, Albion and Ddraig, are dealt with."

Asked Azazel, as all three leaders, Michael, he, and Lucifer, lifted up their right hand in agreement.

"Excellent, now to the main topic, how shall we deal with Heavenly Dragons rampaging across the battlefield."

Now the real fun begins.