Fall of the Heavenly Dragons (2)

"Prepare your weapons, the time has passed, and we can start the attack."

I said to several people gathered behind me as I told Architect to navigate two Emperor-Class Battleships so that they could fire their salvos at Albion and Ddraig.

"By my calculations, we have exactly 1 minute and 17 seconds to kill both of them before their regeneration kicks up, and their magical power starts regenerating at high speed. After switching off the Anti-Magic Device, the impression effect will last only the time mentioned, and after another 5 minutes, all side-effects will be off."

I said as Azazel gave me a spear that was some unnamed Dragon Slaying weapon. Everybody had a Dragon Slaying weapon, as all seven of us were waiting for the moment to attack.

My two Emperor-Class Battleships were already waiting here in the stealth mode, as I was waiting for a moment to disperse the barrier and turn off the Anti-Magic Device, as I saw that Albion and Ddraig were absolutely engaged in their attempts to kill each other, I switched off the Anti-Magic Device as the barrier dispersed and ordered Architect to fire from main cannons of two Emperor-Class Battleships.

As the barrier dispersed, the main cannons of Emperor-Class Battleships lit up in a split of a second. As their engines were overdriven and fired up their most powerful shot, they could muster without destroying themselves up.

In an instant, Albion and Ddraig were hit each one three times, as their scales were destroyed on three points on their bodies, and both of them fell onto the ground as the earth shook and two Heavenly Dragons roared in rage that they were cowardly attacked.

"Now, attack them now."

I shouted as Lucifer, Zekram, Michael, Gabriel, Azazel, Baraqiel, and I flew high into the air and rushed at the two Heavenly Dragons that were trying to stand up.

Seeing us coming close, they breathed some dragon's breath, which was easy to dodge, as their attacks were not precise due to their injury.


Roared Ddraig, as Michael pierces his throat with Dragon Slaying sword Ascalon. Then the second hit came, as Gabriel stabs one of his dragon's hearts with Dragon Slaying Spear, which was even cursed, as I sensed several magical explosions in Ddraig's body.

It was the final strike from me, straight into his brain as I pierced his head with my Dragon Slaying Spear that ended the life of the Heavenly Dragon, Y Ddraig Goch, Red Dragon Emperor of Dominance.

In truth, it was easy to kill them, as they were weakened to the extreme, then subsequently gravely injured by my two Emperor-Level Battleships, which shot them with power comparable to pinnacle Super-Devil Class and then were attacked with weapons specially created to kill dragons.

But still... one of the top powerhouses of the Draconic Deus has fallen.

On the other side, Albion was in no better state, as he was gravely injured by strikes of Lucifer, Zekram, Baraqiel before Azazel killed him.

He was more problematic to deal with, as due to his touch of Law of Supremacy gave him the power of Dividing, so he used it on his attacker to recover some of his magical power, so it took more energy and effort to kill him, but in the end, second Heavenly Dragon, Albion Gwider, White Dragon Emperor of Supremacy lay dead.

As their souls started leaving their bodies, they were captured by some device in Michael's hands, probably crafted by Yahweh.

"I must say it was a bit anti-climatic."

I said in a low voice as I looked at the majestic bodies of two Heavenly Dragons.

"Indeed, but so is the life. It wasn't us what killed them, but rather their arrogance."

Said Azazel as he landed beside me.

And in a certain sense, he was right. In truth, if not for Albion and Ddraig wreaking havoc on the main battlefield between our factions, we would never be forced to unite to kill them. Each faction gave something to the table; we devils had me in the form of Arcanotech, while Heaven and Grigori had rich weaponry of Dragon Slaying weapons.

"Now, who will butcher them for me?"

Asked Azazel cheerfully.

"I can have my Drones do it, I need to get my Dragon Cores from them, but I want some meat. Dragon Steaks from Heavenly Dragons sounds too appealing."

I answered, as hundreds of Drones were taken from Interdimensional storage and started working on the corpses of Ddraig and Albion.

I noticed that Michael and Gabriel have long returned to Heaven. Indeed, Underworld wasn't a good place for angels to be in. Zekram and Lucifer have returned to their homes as they weren't interested in watching dragon corpses being butchered while Baraqiel has also returned to Grigori, leaving me here alone with Azazel.

Zekram and Lucifer probably planned sneak attacking positions of Heaven to use the fact that Michael and Gabriel have returned to Heaven. The moment Albion and Ddraig were killed, our alliance was null.

"You can drop the act Azazel. State what you came for."

I said to the General-Governor of the Grigori, as his stupid expression turned serious in a second.

"Sharp as they said. I want to ask for a favor."

He stated thoughtfully as I looked straight at him.

"Tell me."

"Let Grigori leave the war without persecution, and in the future, we can talk about the integration of Grigori into your little Empire."