Am Feeling Great

The ability of the True Name Isaiah was pretty powerful.

I liked passive abilities much more than those active ones, as they were always on. Now when I am in the Underworld, I would have faster regeneration of my Demonic Energy or would recover from injuries faster than before.

But the most crucial part of this ability was to revive me if I am killed in the Underworld by permanently sacrificing some of my Demonic Energy. While I would drop a Class, but that could be quickly recovered. Still, I hope and believe I would never be in a situation where I would need to use this, but it was nice to have insurance.

'Architect, scan.'

I said in my head immediately after I felt the presence of the Underworld's Will vanish.

[Name: Zeoticus Gremory von Lucifer

True Name: Dizmason (Devil Talent), Savant (Prideguard), Isaiah (Nirvana)

Race: Trans-Pure-Blooded Devil

Bloodline: Gremory, Lucifer

Occupation: Lord of House of Gremory, Great King of Gremory

Age: 191


Class: Super-Devil

Demonic Energy: 6,125

Strength: 621

Agility: 635

Vitality: 589

Underworld Command Sequence: 25%


Clan Trait:

Dark Light - Master (Gate of Babylon Style, Truth-Seeking Orb Style, Chains of Heaven Style)

The Devour - Master]

I observed Architect's analysis.

One of the most notable changes was an increase in my Demonic Energy and a change of my race after I underwent assimilation with Trans-Devil Gene-Seed.

For me, fusing with Trans-Devil Gene-Seed didn't give me any power increase but somewhat increased my survivability and some passive abilities.

"How are you feeling, Zeo?"

Asked Hela after she dispersed the protective barrier enveloping me.

"I am feeling great... far better than great. It's best!"

I shouted in delight.

Currently, I was practically at the top of the power hierarchy in the Draconic Deus. Not counting Elder Dragons of Great Red and Ophis, or Mighty God Shiva or Okhwang, who wasn't even native, just a neighbor cultivator reincarnated here.

With over 6,000 Units of Demonic Energy, I was already in an advanced stage of the Super-Devil Class. Limit for it was generally 15,000 Units of Energy, so having 6,000 already set in the high rank, probably in terms of Class alone, I am higher than Zekram, maybe even Lucifer.

Of course, that is only Class. I think that Zekram could defeat me even as a newly advanced Super Devil. He has several thousand years of combat experience, and I think the only thing that is stopping him from reaching Apocalypse-Class is his Energy Reserves.

Clan Traits of Devils were the gate to comprehension of Law.

When one reaches mastery of Forbidden Rank over the Clan Trait, he has already touched Realm of Laws, and his comprehension percentage of Law should be around 15% to 20%. When one reaches comprehension of 50%, he would have changed to undergo Law Baptism, meaning Laws itself would baptize him.

If succeeded, then the probability of reaching Being of Law was sure for absolute. Of course, the death rate was 9 to 10.

For example, based on my observation Albion and Ddraig were at 49% of comprehension of their respective Laws. If not then, killing them even with traps would be absolutely impossible. One needs to know that after Law Baptism, there is a tremendous qualitative change in one's body, making one several times more powerful.

Albion and Ddraig were fighting for the epiphany to achieve 50% and undergo Law Baptism; with their strength, there was a huge chance they would succeed, and within the next decades or century, there would be a new Elder Dragon born.

"While my physical strength remained the same, my Demonic Energy is overwhelming right now; I could probably fight for even a week without tiring myself out."

I stated as I cast several spells.

Consumption for spells was minimal, and my regeneration of Demonic Energy was frightening. Especially when in the Underworld, thanks to my True Name Isaiah it was several times superior to other of the same Class.

"Also, you should look into a mirror, my dear."

Said Hela as she conjured a mirror for me to take a look at me.

I was shocked at the changes in my appearance. The most notable that caught my attention first was two crimson horns that were sprouting from my head. They stood there proudly as a colossal amount of Demonic Energy was being concentrated in them.

The second thing that changed, was the appearance of my tail. The tail was a very fragile and sensitive organ for devils, so most devils would keep it retracted and never show it; while it could be used in combat at the element of surprise, it was hazardous to do so.

Now my tail, got bulkier and thicker, I swung with it several times, and the tip of my tail looked even sharper than before. I could even use it in the fight without being afraid that somebody would target my tail. Speartip of my tail could now pierce even through the finest armor my soldiers are wearing, which already was something to behold.

And the last thing, I now had apparently a tattoo.

It was in a runic pattern, it started underneath my right eye, and in weird patterns and symbols, it covered my right shoulder arm and my entire right arm.

It was the so-called Demon Tattoo.

I read that Fiends that reach Abbysal Dukes rank and take human form often had these Demon Tattoos over their bodies. The more they had, the stronger they were. These Demon Tattoos increased the ability to use Demonic Energy and strengthened resistance to Magic and Holy Power. Probably more I would advance, larger the Demon Tattoo would get, not that I cared as it looked pretty cool, and it even gave me more bonuses, so all okey.

I also had Twelve Wings instead of the previous Ten Wings.

"I look better... I would say, more intimidating?"

I said rhetorical question, to which Hela just nodded as I was too engrossed in admiring myself in a mirror.