Final Battle (2)

"So we have a numerical advantage... that is good. Focus more on the forces of Grigori instead of Heaven; with Heaven, we need to fight a defensive battle, and with Grigori offensive one."

After that, we have spent several hours formulating military and battle plans for the Final Battle.

The next day, the forces of the three factions already started gathering at the main battlefield, as billions were present, creating a majestic scene.

After another two days, I was clad in my armor, standing side by side, with Zekram and several other high-ranking devils, as we all looked at the main battlefield and awaited the time to start the battle.

Practically every noble that had bought some Arcanotech from me brought it to the battlefield, as the hundreds upon hundreds of Anti-Matter Magicule Canon Batteries were stationed here and aimed the direction where forces of Grigori were concentrated. I alone brought 5,000 Anti-Matter Magicule Canon Batteries that could be moved from their locations.

By the agreement of me, Michael and Azazel, each faction wouldn't send top powerhouses to fight, aside for those whom they wish to perish. It was done because, this way, we could dispose of several uncomfortable individuals that would severely endanger the ceasefire in the future.

Of course, forces of the Grigori were led by Kokabiel, as Azazel wanted to dispose of him in a quiet manner, and that idiot even volunteered himself to lead the armies of Grigori into the battle as he tried to kill as many of devils and pure angels possible.

"Be ready. Charge Anti-Matter Magicule Canon Batteries and on my command fire."

I commanded, as around 12,000 Anti-Matter Magicule Canon Batteries started charging as forces of Grigori and Heaven were approaching our positions, while almost all of the Anti-Matter Magicule Canon Batteries were aimed at the incoming Fallen Angels.

"Fire! Voidfleet Fire!"

I commanded as thousands of shots from the Anti-Matter Magicule Canon Batteries and Voidflreet were fired, as the incoming swarm of Fallen Angels, causing explosions and screams here and there, death and blood flew, as millions of Fallen were killed.

'Hela, you can go.'

I said telepathically to my lover as Hela emerged in her battle armor out of the portal, the moment when the armies of three factions clashed in the violet battle.

Each seconds tens or maybe even hundreds were killed who knows, as the chaos absolute ruled the battlefield, as the Anti-Matter Magicule Canon Batteries and Voidfleet shot another salvo of their shots, at the forces of Grigori and several on the Pure Angels that were descending from Heaven.

Even Venelana was participating in the final battle, as she already reached Satan-Class long ago, and now led the entire Legion as she clashed with forces of pure Angels. I was utterly captivated by her figure as she kept blasting thousands of Pure Angels into nothingness with her Power of Destruction.

Only then I notice that she was shot with Holy Flame; fortunately, she cast a protective barrier. The Arcanotech Artifact that I created powered the barrier up significantly, so she could defend against the attack.

And I perfectly and instantly knew who attacked.

"Damm. Zekram takes command. Somehow Heaven's Kokabiel has joined the war."

I said in anger, as Zekram was equally angered that Archangel Uriel appeared on the battlefield. We had a silent agreement that nobody with the power of Archangel / Super Devil won't be participating not to cause too significant collateral damage.

The battle between existences on that level could be incredibly destructive. So only people below that power level participate, but who would have thought Uriel would join the fight.

He was Archangel, a very strong one, that had Bloodline Ability similar to the Clan Trait, Holy Flame. He was as petty as Kokabiel and wanted to enforce superiority of Heaven, so the local warmonger.

'Hmm... he has Bloodline of Holy Flame, if combined in a right way with Incinerate Anthem, then I can create a new Clan Trait that could be even inherited probably... and having Holy Flames coupled with Dark Light would make me nemesis of everything affiliated with Dark Elements, which is perfect for the ruler of Baator. Everyone would think several times before crossing me.'

I thought in my head as I spread my twelve wings and appeared instantly by Venelana's side, being glad that she was okey and wasn't injured.

I instantly turned around and started casting a Forbidden-Tier Spell, called Bararaq Saiqa, which created an imaginary lightning sword in my right hand, and an enormous amount of lightning was being concentrated within it.

After several seconds, I released all of it in the direction of Uriel and shot a beam of condensed lightning energy his way.

Bararaq Saiqa draws lightning down from the sky. Once the lightning has been summoned and stored in the sword, it releases an enormous lightning blast, able to fill the sky with light.

I saw that Uriel cast a protective barrier, but it was futile, he was soon enveloped in the blinding light, together with hundreds of thousands of surrounding Pure Angels as they were turned to ash in a split of a second, as Uriel's protective barrier cracked after several seconds, and even he was hit directly by the Forbbiden-Tier Spell Bararaq Saiqa.

"Vena goes and fights on another part of the battlefield; I will deal with this pest here."

I said with a cold voice as Venelana just nodded and hurried away, seeing that I was royally pissed off.

If she was attacked on someone on her own level of power, or maybe even someone as strong as Kokabiel, I would interfere, as I would let her deal with it, and make a move only when her life would be in immediate danger.

But Uriel was a different story; I think he wanted to kill Venelana as a form of revenge. You need to know, thanks to my widely spread Arcanotech; Heaven had far higher losses of lives than was initially predicted.