Sometimes it is hard

Time dilation between two universes was 1:100, meaning one hundred years in the Astral Boundary was just one year in the Douluo Universe. I have planned to depart within several years of the Astral Boundary time; some things needed my attention immediately right now in the Underworld and Baator, and who knows how many years I would spend away.

I thought I would spend in Douluo Universe year or maximally three, which would be either 100 years or 300 years in Astral Boundary. Fortunately, the governmental structure was stable and strict o the Empire could govern itself even without my direct presence with just Senatorum Imperialis.

If Senatorum Imperialis cannot solve something then Elders are always in the Baator and would solve it for me. I have used the Fate Algorithm, which showed me the possibility of me reaching Apocalpyse-Class in that Universe were around 95%.

Within the past week, I have managed to get a solid foothold and knowledge about Spirit Energy that was in the Douluo Universe, and the creation of basic Spirit Technology was going well. I have included Ajuka Beelzebub, yes Beelzebub, as I have given Bloodlines of Beelzebub, Asmodeus, and Leviathan to Ajuka, Falbium, and Serafall as they were compatible with their Clan Traits and they created new Houses in the Baator.

Clan Traits of those three Families were powerful, and it would be a shame for them to be lost in the annals of history.

Battle Armors for Spirit Masters was already almost complete, and I just needed to test them in practice to make final adjustments. Alas, that was impossible here, as there were no Spirit Masters, so I needed to wait, but I have decided to take Ajuka with me to the Douluo Plane.

He was already a very strong Satan-Class individual, so he would even help in combat. Especially his Kankara Formula allowed him to fight even Class above him, as he could easily redirect energy attacks and unless one had absolute control over his energy, then Ajuka could turn it against him.

Battle Armors would be a great boost for the Spirit Hall. They would provide a significant increase in the Offensive and Defensive and even in the Supportive department for the user. Equipment was a vital part of the strength.

For example, a single Custodian that was dual Ultimate-Class clad in his Runic Power Armor could slaughter an entire Regiment of Middle-Class soldiers in the Imperialis Militarum without any effort. This is mainly thanks to the superior quality of the Runic Power Armors that can not be damaged by energy attacks or physical attacks lower than High-Class. Additionally, I have designed them to have absorption qualities, so they would absorb energy attacks to charge themselves, repair, and support.

Today I was spending time with my wives.

More precisely, currently only with Vena, as my other wives, Fia and Hela, were busy with their duties and would join us at a later date. Vena had more free time, as she had no official government position. Still, instead, she managed an enormous megacorporation, IMC, or Interdimensional Manufacturing Corporation.

It was created as a merger of various companies that I owned or bought from other Nobles or inherited by Right of Conquest from Houses Levithan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, or other individuals that during my rise to power refused to swear their undying loyalty.

While the IMC was formally a private business, materially, it was basically part of the government as it was only a private supplier of wargear, Arcanotech, and other things; because of this, I also gave Vena place in the Senatorum Imperialis as CEO of the IMC.

The creation of the IMC gave me an even stricter hold on the Empire as I controlled the Military from the governmental side, economists from the governmental side and private side, and politics from the governmental side and partially even the private side.

"What it is, Vena? Do you want to go to bed to enjoy some carnal pleasures?"

I asked with a grin as my adorable wife laid in my hands, as we were enjoying our private time in her gardens in the Senatorum Imperialis. Both Hela and Vena liked gardening and taking care of plants.

Of course, Hela's garden was more like of deathtrap; like madwoman she was, she was rearing deathly plants, and several of them were extremely dangerous. Though Dou Dou, my Phantom Devouring Thorny Flower Familiar, loved the place. On the other side, Vena created the garden from plants and trees imported from the Three Realms, giving a very lovely and tranquil atmosphere when one entered.

Vena just smirked at my question and started pressing my chest against me.

"We will wait for Fia and Hela. Or they would be jealous."

I said as Vena pouted a little.

Strictly speaking, I didn't have a harem, but the polyamorous relationship as all four of us was equal in our relationship. Though my wives would often compete and sometimes fight with each other. Unfortunately for them, all three of them were almost equal in strength, with Hela being a tad stronger than Fia and Vena due to her rich combat experiences, but that gap was narrowing during the past decades as Fia and Vena fought and sparred a lot.

There were in Laws in Baator that every citizen of Baator must undergo obligatory military training and serve in the Imperialis Militarum or in another branch of Military for a decade, which wasn't that lot considering that majority of species were extremely long-lived or outright ageless. And there were also Laws that every citizen must train at least several hours a day and undergo special examination every fifty years.

That was to prepare everyone for the Astral Boundary, and for that, in times of need, everyone in Baator could defend themselves if it got invaded, or should there be a need to recruit new soldiers for an army quickly.

All children in the Empire started their training at six years old, and the majority started their military service at the age of 15. This significantly increased the quality of soldiers in Baator and established a well-disciplined and professional society of warriors and soldiers.