Important Decisions and Plans (3)

This allowed Empire to increase its Mechs production in quantity and quality considerably. Nowadays, all drones were reforged with Black Iron ad with additional runic inscriptions, and all drones were of Middle-Class standard, which was a great boon compared to previous Low-Class. Also, their numbers have increased to half a billion. Most of them were controlled by members of the Military Branch, Mechanicum.

Hydralisks have been increased to the Grand-Class due to new material, and currently, there were hundred million of them in active service.

And additionally, we even had a new type of Mech built. It was of Arachne Type - Hive Warrior. It was a huge humanoid Arachne-type mech, around 5m tall, usually weighing more than 2000kg. Its combat prowess was at the Ultimate-Class; unfortunately, due to a shortage of crucial materials, there were only 1,000 of them made for the foreseeable future.

Another big thing was that Navis Imperialis or the Void Fleets have been properly trained in the arts of the naval battles by blood and fire. We have encountered much space-faring civilization during our hunt for resources in the Milky Way Galaxy and other neighboring galaxies, and some had even pretty advanced technology.

All of them were crushed in front of the might of Navis Imperialis, as our ships were stronger, larger, and had far more firepower than anything we have encountered. Of course, all of these civilizations were purely technologically based, not even one having magic or anything similar. Some were dabbling into genetic engineering and genetic strengthening. Still, their level was weak, not even able to mass-produce Genetical Enhancing Serums that would create someone on the Middle-Class standart.

Even though they proved to be a great practice for the first generation of naval officers and tested our ships, their civilizations were either crushed or annihilated, and some new interesting things greatly expanded my knowledge repertoire.

"Now for the last topic. I am preparing for the expedition for another Universe. Time Dilation between our Universe and my destination, the Douluo Universe, is 100:1, so I think I would be absent from Baator for around 200 Years. I will be taking with me a detachment of Custodians together with Captain-General Noir and Magister Beelzebub. The expedition will commence after all things that are in need of attention are resolved, so within 10 Years of our time. This expedition must succeed so that the Empire will get a steady supply of precious ores and herbs. Ajuka if you could."

I said as everyone murmured between each other, but none questioned my decision. Ajuka, in the meanwhile, took a sample of metal from the Douluo Universe and showed it to everyone.

"Now, please look at this metal. It is already smelted, and its origin is Douluo Universe. While the Douluo Universe lack Magicule Particles and has something equivalent called Spirit Energy, all objects there are heavily saturated in it. Meaning, all ores are tough, and all of them have energy absorption quality. After it was delivered to the Astral Boundary, this particular ore has started replacing its fading Spirit Energy with Magicule Particles while preserving its characteristics."

Everyone was shocked hearing this but also instantly understood its potential. While the Dimensional Gap was there, Baator didn't have access to similar things like many factions in the Astral Boundary.

But with access to the Douluo Universe, one of our most significant weaknesses may be resolved.

"And here is the second thing. This is something called Spirit Herb, or rather now, it would be a Magic Herb. Usually, these kinds of things are used in the Underworld to create potions to heal, regenerate or even increase Demonic Energy or Enhance Physique. Due to the existence of the Dimensional Gap and the low energy density of the Underworld, Magic Herbs are scarce. In the Douluo Universe, though, they are common. After this concrete Spirit Herb was brought to the Astral Boundary, it showed exactly the same reaction as the Metal Ingot I have shown you before. Ladies and Gentlemen, you must now realize the potential and need for this. With this, not only our Military could prosper, but the potential to create new Healing items, enchanted items, strengthening potions, and many others are immense. Due to us being where we are, we do not have access to common things in the Astral Boundary, but the gap would be again lowered with this. I thank you for your attention."

Explained Ajuka as everybody quickly quieted down.

"Now, we need to prepare for an attack on Hades and Osiris. Then during my absence, I hope you all will take care of things here. And, as my primary Heir, Sirzechs would take the place of Acting Emperor as Crown Prince of the Empire. I hope Elder Zekram and Elder Azrael would help him if he neglects his duties beat him."

I said sternly as I looked at my oldest son. No matter how I loved my children, I am well aware of their faults and weaknesses. That was why Sirzechs was Crown Prince; while he was lazy, he had a good head on his shoulders. He was sensible, knew his way even though he seemed like a total dunderhead.

Sigmar renounced his claim, as it sounded too dull by his words, and Hilda was satisfied with her position and carrier in the Commissariat.

While I didn't plan to step down from the position of being Emperor, I needed an Heir. Probably when Baator would establish itself as a faction in the Astral Boundary, I would pass the Crown to the Sirzechs and become Ancestral-figure, so I can have more free time and not do paperwork several hours per day. Even with advanced tech, it was too much on me.

"I will do my best, father."

Said Sirzechs mentally as he looked at me, and I could see that he really meant it.

"Of course, and don't worry, if you cannot handle something, don't be shy to ask for help from Grandpa Zekram or Elder Azrael."

I answered him through a telepathy spell soon after.