Sun Moon

On the Road to the Spirit City

"I heard that you have found a new continent?"

I asked as I was sitting in the luxurious carriage with Bibi Dong, Diablo, and Ajuka, while we were going to the Spirit City.

"Yes, the natives there call it the Sun Moon Continent. It has wealthy mineral deposits, and to my surprise, it is creating something akin to Spirit Weapons. Currently, it is divided into countless kingdoms that are warring against each other, but there is one Kingdom called the Sun Moon Kingdom that has the upper hand and soon would soon conquer the entire Sun Moon Continent, probably within the next several centuries as they are advancing slowly in their conquest."

Explained Bibi Dong as I was genuinely intrigued by this. I was aware that several continents existed in the Douluo Planet, and most of them had some sort of civilized society.

"How strong is the Sun Moon Continent compared to the Douluo Continent?"

I asked.

"Martially-wise, Douluo Continent is far superior, but technologically, they are far ahead. Thanks to their rich mineral deposits and natural resources, they have developed a fascinating level of blacksmithing and are slowly moving to technology. I predict that while right now Douluo Continent is stronger, in the future, if it is left alone, and they gain more Titled Douluos and more powerhouses, then the entirety of the Douluo Continent would be needed to fight them due to the presence of their Spirit Technology."

It tends to end that way.

For example, if both sides have each equal number of Titled Douluos and other powerhouses, then it would be other factors that would decide the winner of the war. And one such factor, for example, was the technological level and quality of weapons and armors and other things. Something that the Sun Moon Kingdom was soon to have and Douluo Continent lacked at the moment.

"How do you wish to deal with them?"

I wondered what she had prepared.

Apparently, they found the existence of the Sun Moon Continent only several months ago, and yet Spirit Hall already had ears and eyes everywhere there.

"After the Spirit Hall is reunited into the single entity and my authority is unquestioned, I plan to send several Worship Elders, some of your Custodians if you allow and some of my other people, to gain control over the strongest faction there... the Sun Moon Kingdom. From what I know that people backing the Sun Moon Empire, which currently controls over 20% of the entire continent, are not many, about five, from which only their protector is Hyper Douluo Spirit Rank: 97, rest of them are Spirit Ranks 96 or 95. If possible, they would sign the same Soul-Geass as Worship Elders to join the Spirit Hall; if not, they will die. I have already created branches of the Spirit Hall in several important locations, though currently they are weak and are keeping low; with our more advanced martial techniques, we will soon lure to our side independent Titled Douluos and establish ourselves in the Sun Moon Continent."

This was a good plan, she had formed. And if she gained common people on her side, she could cultivate many geniuses from nothing. Apparently, contrary to the Douluo Continent, where Spirit Awakening Ceremony was something akin to a commonplace, in the Sun Moon Continent, it wasn't, and thus the ratio of Spirit Masters compared to the Douluo Continent was lower.

"Okey, as per our alliance, I will do everything that helps you, or rather it helps even me in return."

I smiled as we continued talking about various things while Ajuka started doing something on Holobrain, while Diablo left the carriage and went to join his fellow Custodians in the guard duty.

"How far is the Spirit City?"

I asked, already annoyed that we cannot take a Voidship but must use a carriage. The technological disparity was already going on my nerves.

"Soon, the Spirit City is located in the territory of the Balak Kingdom, a small kingdom between borders of Star Luo Empire and Heaven Dou Empire. After we arrive there, we can immediately go to the Supreme Pontiff Palace, and I can call two Worship Elders that are on my side to start the plan."

I nodded.

I was confident that this would end fast, as I was currently as strong as someone with Spirit Rank 100, God Official thanks to my comprehension of Laws, and once I ascend to the Apocalypse-Class, I would be as strong as 1st-Class God instantly.

While I was more concerned about the development of the Mortal Plane to hold so-called Wild Gods, the gods without a God Position and Immortal Qi, but with Spirit Rank comparable to those of geniue gods.

Why one could ask... the answer was rather simple.

Douluo Mortal Plane was created from several Galaxies, and some Galaxies were stronger and could hold Wild Gods easily. If somehow, they found their way to this galaxy, then... it would be catastrophic, and gods from the Divine Realm cannot quickly intervene in matters of mortals, not to mention directly descend and protect their factions when they were still mortals.

But when I thought about all resources I could get, I was almost salivating about it.

After that, we talked about many things, while Bibi Dong mainly spoke about her experiences in the Spirit Hall, while I spoke about my in the Empire. We talked a bit about some things like hobbies and even favorite food.

Some part of me little pitied her for what she went through as I got some information from Mercurius. Some were sad, and some were outraging.

While she seemed cold and distant, she was a nice person when I talked with her for a longer time, and she started relaxing around me.

First, she was almost raped by her master, then abandoned by her lover, who in the meantime found another lover...

While I had three wives, I never experienced any kind of drama... something I was thankful for.