Agreement with Silver Dragon King Gu Yuena

"So in the end, the death of the Dragon God wasn't in vain."

Muttered Gu Yuena as she heard everything I said to her.

Dragon God, with his rampage, did severe damage to the Divine Realm of Douluo. "Indeed, the death of the Dragon God showed the resolve of the Spirit Beasts as species, and soon after, Asura realized that if Spirit Beasts were to be annihilated, it could easily cut a path of Spirit Masters, and he admitted that killing Dragon God was a mistake, or rather not allowing any Spirit Beasts to ascend as God was a mistake. Right now, the only thing I need to obtain is the original genome of the Dragon God, but that cannot be done right now; the only way to ascend as Dragon God is for one of the halves to devour each other."

I said to her as Gu Yuena nodded and looked at me.

"What about the Golden Dragon King?"

She asked me, as while she shared some sense of comradery with the Golden Dragon King, if ascending as Dragon God and preserving the lineage of the Spirit Beasts, one of them needed to die, it was perfectly acceptable.

"Based on what Asura said to me, Golden Dragon King was consumed by madness and is currently sealed within the Douluo Divine Realm. So after you recuperate, you can easily devour the Golden Dragon King and become a new Dragon God. After you give me the genome, I can create a perfectly Artificial Spirit Soul, and finally, there could be some form of peace between humanity and Spirit Beasts. Don't forget that Douluo Realm could be invaded any time..."

I stated as Silver Dragon King nodded grimly.

Before I came here, Mercurius warned me that Void Insects were sniffling around the Shao Universe.

Void Insects were serious trouble.

They were another carnage for countless Universes, just like Fiends of the Infinite Abyss.

Void Insects lived in the Void between Universes and were extremely powerful species, where even the weakest creature was comparable to the Grand-Class / Starry Sky Warlock. And those were just workers, Warrior Insects were at standardly at the Ultimate-Class, and they were just cannon fodder.

Usually, Void Insects behaved like Fiends and invaded Universes with high enough Energy Level for resources, but for them, the most precious resources were corpses of powerful beings so they could reproduce endlessly.

They were extremely troublesome to deal with, and usually, dealing with Void Insect Swarm required a lot of effort, and many sacrifices needed to be made in order to defeat single and sometimes weaker Swarm.

Gu Yuena, as the Silver Dragon King, inherited a lot of knowledge from Dragon God and knew how much a threat the Void Insect Swarm actually represented. The real threat was that every Swarm was under the command of the Hivemind, and each Hivemind was an Eternal Ranked powerhouse.

From inherent memories, she knew that the entire Shao Universe didn't have even a single Eternal Ranked powerhouse, so the presence of the Void Insect Swarm was a grave threat.

She could only hope that the Swarm that was around was one of the weaker Swarms, meaning its Hivemind would be in only the early stage of its ranks, and it won't have a large number of top-level bugs.

"I will focus on healing my injuries; I should be fully healed up within the next decades... afterward, we could sign the contract."

She said as I nodded.

"That seems fair, and at least give me a drop of your blood... while your genome won't be enough for the creation of perfect Artificla Spirit Souls, it should be enough to create incomplete that would serve good for ten to twenty years."

Incomplete Artificial Spirit Souls had one great defect, which was their lifespan. They cannot be preserved for a longer period of time as their foundation is not stable enough for such a task.

She nodded and gave me several drops of her blood.

This will allow me and Ajuka to create incomplete Artificial Spirit Souls that, while not perfect, could replace Spirit Rings for Spirit Masters.

"I hope that you recuperate as soon as possible, Your Highness Gu Yuena, so we can complete our agreement."

I said to her as I prepared to leave the Star Dou Forest and go back to the Spirit Hall.

"I will, Your Majesty Lucifer, may our cooperation bring us great benefits."

She said with an elegant small bow.

I then teleported out from the Star Dou Forest.


3rd POV

Gu Yuena stared at the place where Lucifer had teleported out before she let out a long sigh.

"My Lord."

Sounded the voice of Di Tian, who knelt as he arrived before the Silver Dragon King.

"You have broken through... it shall not take a long before you can ascend as God, and with your age, it should be not a problem to reach pinnacle 1st-Class God or even Half-God King."

Stated Gu Yuena as she looked at Di Tian.

"It was thanks to Senior Lucifer; he gave me Divine Crystal with the energy of pinnacle 1st-Class God."

Answered Di Tian swiftly.

"He used same on me to help me heal... he also said he had a great interest in collecting human souls, meaning he and his faction have a method on how to refine souls into the Divine Crystals."

Divine Crystals in Baator were mainly used in two ways. One of them was their usage in Arcanotechnology and the other in Mysticism Rituals to enhance physique.

Of course, only the wealthy and powerful could use Divine Crystals in such rituals to enhance their physique as it consumed a lot of Divine Crystals. Still, since Devils were good at harvesting souls, they had a stable income of Low-Grade and Mid-Grade Divine Crystals that could be used mainly by Ultimate-Class and Satan-Class beings to enhance their physiques.

Additionally, Dragons in Baator used Divine Crystals in their training as Divine Power was good for them to increase their strength.


[Please support me on my patr-eon - https://www.patre* and read ahead 50 chapters. I thank everyone for their support as it helps me to write and publish this novel...]