Sardaukar Forces


Baator, Chthonian Empire, Salusa City

Salusa City was one of the Major Cities in the Chthonian Empire and one of the last that would be built before the last plan happened.

It was also a city where elite forces of the Imperialis Militarum Sardaukar Forces were trained and stationed.

I currently went here to have an inspection of the Salusa City and to take a look at the Sardaukar Forces. Like the Khaos Brigade, Sardaukar Forces were all of the Grand-Class, and their specialization was the swordfight.

Each Sardaukar soldier had mastery over the standard Sardaukar Sword style at Master Rank. Additionally, all of them were required to learn at least two additional sword styles and master them to Expert rank, and have dual-wield at least Adept rank.

"Your Imperial Majesty."

Greeted me commander of the Sardaukar Forces, Arthur Pendragon. He was a handsome young man with blond hair with a strand of hair across his face, clothed in standard white runic armor of the Sardaukar Forces.

"Your Imperial Majesty."

Shouted all 30,000 members of the Sardauker Forces as they knelt before me. All of them wore the same white runic armor, similar to that of Arthur, just a less declared.

Runic Armors of the Sardaukar Forces were but special compared to the standard armor of the soldiers of Imperialis Militarum. These runic armors were downgraded versions of the Runic Battle Armor of the Custodians, meaning all of them had an in-built personal shield generator inside them.

PSG, or the personal shield generator, was an arcanotech device that was capable of absorbing incoming energy attacks and storing them inside special containers. Subsequently, this energy stored is used by PSG to power itself up practically indefinitely and also could be used by the user to power up his attacks or enhance his physical capabilities.

These Runic Armors were Mid-Grade Artifacts, so they were incredibly precious in such large numbers, even in the Astral Boundary. Usually, not even large factions in the Astral Boundary cannot afford to arm all of their soldiers with such armor and weaponry.

I could, as I didn't really create any resource reserves; everything that was obtained was instantly used, so the Empire could grow stronger. We could store treasures and resources after the Chthonian Empire had established itself in the Astral Boundary.

"I am especially pleased with the current state of the Sarduakar Forces; they would become the pride of the Chthonian Empire."

I said to Arthur, who bowed in gratitude.

"I have a mission for you, Arthur. In the next few days, Sarduakar Forces will ambush the supply line of the Evies in the Ratan Plane in the Dimensional Gap. The number of Evies soldiers that are coming there is around 250,000, and most of them are of the High-Class. Your mission is to leave none alive; of course, you will get the support of the Navy, and I will dispatch some powerhouses under the leadership of Elder Zekram Bael in case powerhouses of Evies appear."

I stated as Arthur's expression remained unchanged.

"I will complete the mission."

Even though Sardaukar had a numerical disadvantage, Evies in nature fought more with energy-based weaponry, which was primarily ineffective against Sardauakar Forces due to the special nature of their Runic Armors.

During the past years, skirmishes with Evies and Etouldes have become more brutal and common, now even on the larger scale as armies were commonly used.

I had a good idea about the strength of the two races that had been waging war against each other for a very long time.

Suddenly as I was talking with Arthur, my Holo-Brain lit up with an incoming call request.

Holo-Brains were special Arcanotech devices, invited based on the technology of the Solar Federation. They had the shape of a bracelet and could be sued for a variety of functions such as light source, communications, making calls, transmitting messages, writing notes, wallet directly connected to bank account, timer, watch private communication mode, recording voice message and many others, and that was just civilian Holo-Brain.

Then there existed Military Grade and even special models for high-ranking personnel of the Chthonian Empire.

The caller was Imperial Overseer of the Kuoh Town, Cleria Belial, who was also the second wife of my firstborn son Sirzechs.

"Father-in-Law, I bring urgent news obtained by Rias. Apparently, suspicious movements from Kokabiel's faction are happening, together with remnants of Nilrem and other two hostile factions, Utsusemi Agency and Wizards of OZ; I would like to request support; in case Kuoh is attacked."

I grimaced hearing that.

Now that Underworld had become Baator, it meant that I severed the connection between it and Earth. Teleportation was a very hard thing to do. It was possible only through large-scale teleportation circles, which were not many of those.

"I have just now assigned a mission for the Sardaukar Forces, but Khaos Brigade is currently without any assignment, so I will order Vali to depart to Earth and let Khaos Brigade be on the stand; in case anything happens."

I said to Cleria as she ended the call after everything was resolved.

"One more thing, I have noticed that Sigurn is among your officers; what is that about?"

I said as I looked behind Arthur at one person who tried to hide from my gaze.

"I am not aware of circumstances, but apparently, Princess wanted to be part of the Sardaukar Forces and fulfilled every requirement, so I allowed it."

Answered Arthur indifferently as I shook my head.

'In hiding your intentions in some aspects, you are very similar to your mother, dear daughter.'

I thought as I shook my head in defeat.