Reincarnation (1)

Later that day

"Those Fallen Angels are really planning to kill him; I have tallied one of them to their nest. They are hiding in the self-made base in the mountains nearby Kuoh Town. There are roughly fifteen Fallen Angels there, with probably a hundred rogue exorcists. They have built there rather nice magical defenses around the base."

Summarized Shirone her findings, as she deeply frowned hearing that.

As the fortress of the Fallen Angels was outside their territory, they could not attack them openly, as they would be trespassing the territory of Shinto, and fighting on their territory was a breach of the treaty between the Chthonian Empire and Shinto Pantheon.

"Go and watch that human low-life; hopefully, he will use the summon I have given him, or my efforts here are useless."

Said Rias, as she was a bit nervous.

If her target died, then her efforts would be turned null, as Sacred Gear would return to Heaven's System, and they would need to wait until a new host of it had been born. She had already developed a strategy to keep him by her side as long as she needed, and that was until she reached an agreement with Ddraig.

Class Cards cannot control someone's mind to follow someone's orders without question; they just reincarnated someone into the pre-designed race. They tied him to the Ruler Card, but the Ruler cannot control his Servants through the Card, as they were not mind-controlling artifacts nor they contained compel spells or similar.

She was very well aware that her target was a depraved pervert that could be fooled easily. It could be seen in the actual case with the Fallen Angel. A beautiful woman that he doesn't know walks up to a famous prevent and confesses to him? Even an idiot could sense something fishy going on here.

Rias only needed to act a bit pitiful and control him through his carnal lust, nothing serious, just a bit teasing and empty promises. Then they could extract Ddraig willingly with Ddraing's consent or by force.

Suddenly as she leaned over her chair, her Holo-Brained lit up with incoming call requests; when she saw it, she instantly picked it up.

"Hello, my darling."

Said Rias with a soft voice as she picked up the call.

"Guhhh... it still sounds weird when you greet me like that..."

The caller was Rias's childhood crush Prince Elect Vali Lucifer.

Initially, Vali didn't really like Rias as she was more spoiled, but after her father sent her to the Execution Temple, there were many things she needed to learn, such as advanced magic that wasn't taught at the Execution Temple, she really didn't know whom to ask to teach her.

Her siblings didn't have time, or like her sisters, they outright refused her, and the only person to teach her was Vali.

Even though he was a seemingly arrogant and cold person, deep inside, he was compassionate due to his childhood experience when he lived with his grandfather and father.

Vali was rather famous in the Empire for being a ruthless, cold, and arrogant person, who looked down on the weak, and especially those who remained weak by their choice, even though they had an opportunity to get stronger.

In his own words, he helped her only because her mother, Venelana, was kind to him when he was a child, and he considered her as her own mother together with Grayfia.

Even though Vali was a close combatant, his magical knowledge was something to behold, as he was personally taught by her father every piece of magic. Her father even went as long as to use countless precious treasures to awaken Dark Light Clan Trait in his bloodline and used blood adoption ritual so he could gain one of her father's Clan Traits, and he gained Holy Flame.

Altogether Vali had two Clan Traits and four innate powers that were given to him by Albion when Albion transferred part of his bloodline origin to save his life. It was powers of Division and Absorption, Reflect, Reduce.

"Your father has decided to deploy me to the Kuoh with Khaos Brigade on the stand-by."

He said as Rias was feeling complicated emotions inside.

From the day when she was stripped of her title as Imperial Princess, she didn't spoke with her father even once. After two years, she had learned that life wasn't just having fun and lazying around in the Imperial Palace.

"Do you know that that father was actively keeping eye on your progress? He even watched you sometimes training; he was happy that you have reached Ultimate-Class and started to be more responsible."

Stated Vali as Rias was frozen in shock.

She never thought that her father would be keeping an eye on her after he banished her in reality. Even though she still retained the title of the Imperial Noble, her status, in truth, meant nothing.

"Probably if you obtain Ddraig for the Chthonian Empire, he would name you Imperial Princess."

Vali said after some time of silence.

"Have you already found the host?"

Aksed Vali as Rias nodded.

"Yes, I will reincarnate him as my servant and try to convince Ddraig. I already have a few advantages, as probable host of Ddraig, won't be awakening Boosted Gear even after reincarnation due to low Soul Aptitude, and the fact that Albion is alive and kicking should also help a lot."

Answered Rias slowly as Vali agreed partially with her statement.

"Be careful; dragons are very prideful; even to father, it took a lot of effort to convince Albion. For them, outside help is a disgrace, especially to strong dragons that were in the Heavenly Dragon Class when they were alive, and both of them had very noble bloodline, so their pride and arrogance know no boundary, so you need to be patient. If I should give you a piece of advice, you need to convince Ddraig that his host is pathetic, or rather you need to force Ddraig to admit it himself."