
"So what shall we do?"

Asked Rias, as she was not as good when it came to formulating complex strategies as Sona.

"Play along... what else is we can do? After Prince Elect arrived, annihilating those Fallen would be secured even if some stronger Fallen Angels appeared. However, we should capture some of them for interrogation. We need to create a pretext for attacking them at their base so the Shinto Gods won't accuse us of breaching the treaty between them and the Empire."

Answered Sona mildly.

"I believe such reason will come sooner or later as the Fallen won't be silent. I think after they learn that I have reincarnated the person that they have killed, they will try once again, and I think I already have some way to find a perfect reason to leave our territory to attack them."

Smiled Rias with a mischievous smile.

"What reason?"

Asked Sona curiously.

"Did you know that injuries by Dark Light are extremely hard to distinguish from those caused by Fallen Angels?"

Said Rias as Sona squinted her eyes.

"You don't mean..."

Rias nodded.

"Yes, after Vali arrives and when Fallen make their move, I will have Vali injure me with Dark Light causing me severe injuries with Dark Light; that would be proof that we need to leave our territory and attack Fallen; without breaching the treaty with the Shinto."

The treaty between Shinto Pantheon and Empire clearly stated that Empire could not provoke any kind of fight in the territory of Shinto that would affect the citizens of Japan.

"That could work; Empire doesn't want any kind of war conflicts right now."

While the Chthonian Empire was the strongest faction in the Draconic Deus, it didn't want to fight meaningless wars, as it would weaken them and hinder their growth for the Astral Boundary.

While other factions were in the dark about the real strength of the Chthonian Empire as due to the fact that Empire had immense defenses and didn't allow anyone to enter Baator, and also as the Baator started recovering and was severed from its connections with other planes in the Dimensional Gap, it was almost impossible to enter the Baator undetected.

The Empire was aware that each Pantheon had at least one Mighty Stage God that didn't participate in the creation of the Dimensional Gap; the Primordial God was the title for any God that lived for a very, very long time.

Such Gods could cause a lot of trouble to the Empire, and gains were far less than losses in these cases.

"I will not take my leave; I have a pervert to introduce to his new life and then try to establish communication with Ddraig."

Stated Rias as she stood up and left shortly after.


After that, she returned to the Occult Research Club Building and sent one of her underlings to fetch Issei Hyoudou.

As Novice Executioner, she had under her several Disciples and Initiates to follow her orders; all of them were ar the Grand-Class and High-Class.

Soon enough, after several minutes, Disciple Executioner returned with Issei Hyoudou, who instantly started staring at her chest without even hiding his perverted gaze.

'If not for the fact I need him alive, I would have already killed that perverted trash.'

Thought Rias in her head, as his behavior disgusted her to no limits. As someone who was brought up with a strict code of conduct befitting that of the member of Imperial House, behavior like this was unacceptable for her.

Currently, there were only Rias and two Disciple Executioners of the Grand-Class in the room, as Akeno was doing something else, and Shirone was having a call with her sister.

"Please sit down."

Rias said to an absent-minded young man as he dumbly nodded his head and sat down at the chair opposite to her, as she stared at her breasts.

'Vali will beat him to death if they meet...'

Thought Rias in her head in the meantime.

She quickly explained to him what had happened and that he had been reincarnated as Devil due to being killed by Fallen Angel called Raynare due to having a Sacred Gear.

Fortunately, in the Execution Temple, they were taught how to handle situations like this with the highest efficiency.

After that, she proceeded to tell him some basic information, to which he didn't really listen, but that was also good, and in the end, she told him that there was a high possibility of him having a harem if he was strong enough and attained noble rank in the Empire.

Throughout the all-time, Rias kept on a seductive smile as she attempted to flirt with him, to create emotional attachment from his side for her as it would be much easier for her to control him in the time he had remaining.

"I will do it, buchou! I will be the strongest servant and become Harem King!"

After some time, Issei shouted enthusiastically as Rias winked at him seductively as he left the room soon afterward.

"Monitor him all the time, in case he is ambushed by Fallen Angels once again. And observe his every movement, and everything about him, I wonder what he will be doing... If he starts training in an attempt to get stronger, it could be problematic, but also good, as he still didn't awaken even Twice Critical; this was he would be killed even by some random Low-Class thug."

Ordered Rias to one of the Disciple Executioners, who bowed slightly and merged with the shadows.

In the Empire, even commoners were at least the pinnacle of the Low-Class.

"Just like Shirone said, his Soul Aptitude is trash; not even reincarnating managed to awaken even the Twice Critical... this is problematic... the spell I know was meant to communicate with already awakened Boosted Gear."

Muttered Rias to herself as she opened her Holo-Brain and wrote a message to the Magister of the Arcane and Magic Research, Lord Mephisto Pheles, as he should be able to provide her with a new spell that would be able to communicate with the soul inside the Sacred Gear even if it is not awakened at all.