Meeting of Elders (2)

Merging with Grigori was necessary for the Empire. While not as strong as a fraction of the Imperial strength, Grigori represented potential that we could significantly use. Especially if Fallen Angels are converted to Azrael's method of how he advanced.

Additionally, while Empire had very advanced Arcanotech, Grigori was far superior in research of Sacred Gear or rather entirely Soul-Bound Growth Equipment and Artificiery due to Azazel's passion.

Imperial technology never delved deep into the research of the Sacred Gears or Soul-Bound Growth Equipment as a whole. While I had to some extent, but my success at reviving Canis Lykaon was more dependent on Laws than on understanding it as a whole.

Additionally, Fallen Angels were populous, numbering around several billion altogether, maybe 7 or 8, which would be a good population boost for the Empire.

"After Kokabiel took his loyal ones, Azazel said that the Grigori is prepared for the fusion into the Empire."

Stated Azrael slowly.

"Splendid. After Grigori has fused into the Empire, the last step in our plan will start. Refinement of the Three Realms will cause huge waves, and when Okhwang reaches the next realm in his cultivation, we can begin tearing down the Dimensional Gap."

I said as everyone turned extremely serious in a matter of several seconds.

"It is highly probable that when I start the ritual to tear down the Dimensional Gap, I would be attacked by all Pantheons on the Earth that wish to preserve it. We are currently aware that there are several Mighty Stage Gods in the Olympian Pantheon, Shinto Pantheon, and Hindu Pantheon. Their combined effort, coupled with their trump cards, especially if Shiva uses his position as God-King, would be enough to propel him temporarily into the Supreme God Stage. We are at a severe disadvantage up here in such a fight. The approximate amount of high-level enemies is more than 10, while we are 5, and if we recruit Pale Blood, it will make 7. Okhwang would be able to handle Shiva in his boosted state, but the real problem would be if some of the hidden Mighty Stage Gods became God-Kings of the Shinto Pantheon and Olympians. And if Evie and Etouldes are counted in too... I fear it would be a tough fight."

I said grimly.

This was the underlying strength of the factions of Dimensional Gap and especially Draconic Deus factions.

After so many years of gathering information, spying, infiltration, and torture, we were able to get information on the hidden strengths of several factions.

As I predicted, some so-called Primordial Gods were still alive and were slumbering and would awaken only in the direst time of need.

Olympus had only one Mighty Stage God, Shinto had three slumbering ones, Hindu Pantheon, had together four slumbering and coupled with Shiva, Indra, and Brahma, there were 7 Mighty Stage Gods in the Hindu Pantheon alone, which was terrifying.

Even in the Astral Boundary, such force would be unmatched if they ruled in some random Grade 3 Plane. Even in the Canghzi Plane, which was home of the Warlocks, finding a living Warlock Monarch on the surface world of the Canghzi Plane was a rare occasion, as right now, the Core World was still separated from the Surface World of the Canghzi.

"Fortunately, Olympians have been basically crippled after Titans broke out of their prison, so no gods from their side aside from Ouranos will intervene. Asgard is still recuperating from the last stunt Empress Hela did by recruiting Surtr to form a Burning Legion as she fought with Odin, who woke up and he needed to use a lot of his power to defeat her."

Several years ago, Hela infiltrated Nine Realm and negotiated a deal with Surtr to pledge his allegiance to the Chthonian Empire.

Surtr was an Emperor Level Monster, standing at the pinnacle of the realm. Not only that, but he was difficult to kill even for those in a realm higher than him due to his special nature. He had absolute control over millions of the fire creatures in the realm of Muspelheim.

In the end, he agreed, and he created a Burning Legion by combining all the fire creatures until only 100,000 of them remained, each one at the pinnacle of the Grand-Class. By the time the Burning Legion was created, Odin had woken up from his sleep and found out that Hela was in the Nine Realms doing something nefarious with Surtr.

He fought her as Surtr rampaged and slain several Asgardian Gods before he escaped to the Baator with the entire Burning Legion intact.

Meanwhile, Hela fought with Odin, forcing him to use all reserves of the Pantheon that he recovered in centuries to defeat Hela or rather to push her out. In truth, Hela's aim wasn't to even defeat Odin to kill him, but rather to force him to do exactly this. Killing Odin within Nine Realms was virtually impossible for even her unless she was a pinnacle Mighty Stage God, but this result was equally good.

"We need to increase the number of high-end powerhouses in the Empire. Who is currently close to breaking through?"

I asked as I wanted to produce at least 2 Powerhouses that could participate in such a fight.

"Captain-General Diablo is apparently very close, same could be said about Crown Prince Sirzechs and Imperial Prince Sigmar."

Reported Zekram.

"Redirect all crucial resources towards them, and I need for them to reach that level as soon as possible."

For Diablo, he was only recovering where he once was, but it took time a long time. Meanwhile, Sirzechs and Sigmar had their own circumstances for their rather slow growth.

But one was common for them.

When they broke through, they would be fearsome existences at the same rank.