Purge of the Pests (1)

The same day, evening.

It was a silent night in the Kuoh Town in Japan.

Under the shadows of the night, countless figures were moving to the outskirts of the Kuoh Town area, to the nearby mountains that were the base for the Fallen Angels.

"Your servant has departed to rescue that nun about an hour ago. With this temp, he should have arrived at the location of the Fallen Angels."

Reported one of the subordinate Executioners to Rias.

"Excellent; inform Vali about this development; we are making haste to reach that place as soon as possible."

Ordered Rias, as Executioner bowed slightly as he melted in shadows.


Outside of the Kuoh Town, Fortress of the Fallen Angels

"So, what is the plan?"

Asked Rias to Vali, they were all standing on the top of some random mountain with a good view of the fortress belonging to the Fallen Angels.

Rias was here together with Shirone and Akeno; all three of them were wearing a battle uniform, while Rias was wearing a Runic Armor, in a similar design to the one Vali was wearing, only distributed for the member of the Imperial House.

It also had its own PSG or the Personal Shield Generator.

"You and your servants deal with rogue exorcists in the outer area of the fortress; I, with my men, will dispose of all Fallen Angels that are hiding in the inner area. Currently, your servant is in the inner church where that Fallen Angel Raynare is performing an extraction ritual on that nun. 234 rogue exorcists ranging from Low-Class to Middle-Class, you should be able to kill them all within a short time, then there are around 15 Fallen Angels at Middle-Class, and one at the High-Class here is the map of the fortress."

Summarized Vali the plan that was to be carried out.

"Now that the plan is clear, everybody start."

Ordered Vali as everyone dispersed.


After dispersing, Rias took Akeno, Shirone, and her subordinate Executioners to fight in the fortress's outer area to annihilate all rogue exorcists up here. All of them were dressed in white clerical clothing and armed with light swords and exorcist guns.

"This will be, though."

While they were stronger, they had a numerical disadvantage, especially after the Fallen Angels sensed that Rias was here. Hence, two Eight-Winged Ultimate-Class Fallen Angels appeared to comfort her, leaving Shirone, Akeno, and two Disciple Executioners to deal with rogue exorcists.

Fortunately, those rogue exorcists were only of Low-Class, and only a few of them were Mid-Class. Unfortunately, several Mid-Class Fallen Angels mingled between them, which was complicating things, but alas... it was time for the fight.

Eight-Winged Ultimate-Class Fallen Angels instantly rushed at Rias, knowing her specialty being long-ranged to mid-ranged combat; as they attempted to kill her in the close-quarters, to the great shock of Eight-Winged Ultimate-Class Fallen Angels, she took out pair of the beautifully crafted daggers and attacked two Eight-Winged Ultimate-Class Fallen Angels, that were charging at her.

She coated her two daggers in Power of Destruction to increase their attacking power, while at the same time, she skillfully dodged every attack that the Eight-Winged Ultimate-Class Fallen Angels threw at her.

While they were at the Ultimate-Class, Rias noticed that they had a problem controlling their own strength, as if they were artificially elevated to the Class. She knew that during the war between what was known at that time as Devil Faction, with Heaven and Grigori, Yahweh was mass-elevating Pure Angels forcefully by using an enormous amount of Divine Crystals to build a strong army.

Two Eight-Winged Ultimate-Class Fallen Angels were shocked that she was rushing at them while dodging their attacks, as they panicked monetary, before they started shooting a large amount of Light Spear at her, to which Rias just active her in-built Personal Shield Generator, that defended her against all attacks, as they were absolutely futile.

She appeared before one of the Eight-Winged Ultimate-Class Fallen Angels, slashing at him with her daggers, slitting his throat in a split of a second. Blood splattered all around as the head sprung into the air, and the headless corpse fell onto the ground. Second Eight-Winged Ultimate-Class Fallen Angels panicked and decided to escape.

Most Fallen Angels were cowards to heart that only fought against someone weaker or someone as strong as them. When faced with a stronger opponent, the majority would choose to escape. Of course, this rule applied only to that of Fallen not belonging to the Empire.

As the Eight-Winged Ultimate-Class Fallen Angel was escaping, Rias flew instantly in pursuit and quickly attacked him with a Power of Destruction wave, aimed at his wings, turning them to dust as the Eight-Winged Ultimate-Class Fallen Angels let out a horrendous shriek of pain as he fell from the sky, crashing onto the ground in an instant.

After the Eight-Winged Ultimate-Class Fallen Angels crashed down, it was a piece of cake to kill him, as she just threw at him several orbs from the Power of Destruction that obliterated his body to oblivion.

"These two were too that strong... fortunately, Vali mentioned that there are even Legendary-Class Fallen Angels up here waiting in the trap."

Muttered Rias as she looked around the fortress and killed all enemies that came at her. All rogue exorcists or Fallen Angels of Mid-Class to High-Class were turned to dust under the might of her Power of Destruction.

As she was strolling the outer area, apparently, all stronger Fallen Angels were preoccupied with Vali and his forces.