Purge of the Pests (3)

As soon as Vali gave out the command, he and his officers all attacked Eight-Winged Ultimate-Class Fallen Angels and two Legendary-Class Fallen Angels. As someone of the Pinnacle of the Satan-Class, Vali used his Clan Trait Holy Flame, which was genetically transplanted into him, through mystic and arcane procedures of his adoptive father.

He created a massive wave of the Holy Flame, which devastated all of the Fallen Angels that came into contact with it. Even two Legendary-Class Fallen Angels were turned to dust as they were devoured by the Holy Flames' wave, which purged their existence.

After Vali's attack killed two Legendary-Class Fallen Angels and several Eight-Winged Ultimate-Class Fallen Angels, his officers finished the job by killing injured Fallen Angels or those Eight-Winged Ultimate-Class Fallen Angels who survived and attempted to escape.

"Secure the area, leave none alive."

Ordered Vali as he looked around, and then at the place where two Legendary-Class Fallen Angels were turned to dust by his Holy Flame.

'Our presence on Earth is not that strong, and given enough time, Kokabiel, with his boosted Fallen, could cause us great damages.'

Thought Vali in his head about this mission.

'They need to be dealt with as soon as possible.'

He then started typing something on his Holo-Brain, sending a report to the HQ of the Imperialis Militarum about this new development, as the rise of the high amount of Ultimate-Class Fallen Angels under the leadership of Kokabiel could cause problems for their operation on Earth.

That was because most agents and other military personnel of the Empire that were operating on the Earth were mainly under the Ultimate-Class.


Meanwhile, in a church's inner area of the fortress, there was a fight between one reincarnated devil and one Fallen Angel.

After Issei arrived at the place, he didn't encounter even a single Fallen Angel or rogue exorcists. Still, he didn't really overthink about that, and he just continued to search for the nun named Asia Argento.

In the end, he found her in the innermost area of the fortress, in a church that was built there, as she was bound to a cross, while Fallen Angel, he remembered to be named Raynare, was performing some kind of ritual.


He screamed, but it was too late, and the ritual was complete as a sphere of a green light landed in Raynare's hands.

"Too late human lowlife."

Scowled Raynare at him as she kicked down the cross with Asia's corpse on it, while Issei started crying seeing his friend die like that.

Without thinking too much, Issei charged at Raynare, only to be kicked into his stomach and sent flying, crashing through several lines of wooden benches as he coughed blood.


Frowned Raynare as she saw that the reincarnated devil couldn't handle a single hit from her. She slowly walked up to him with a cruel smile on his face as she created a light spear in her hands.

"I am going to enjoy killing you... very, very slowly."

Laughed Raynare.

Unaware to her, she was quietly being observed by Rias and Vali, who were hiding on the high floor of the church, silently watching the show.

"She is going to kill him."

Said Vali to his girlfriend, who just shook her head, uninterested in what was happening beneath them.

"She won't... she is playing with him. I want to watch if he awakens the Boosted Gear; if he doesn't, it would be for the best."

Answered Rias, as she knew that Ddraig was probably observing what was happening, he for sure realized that his host was worthless, and if he didn't awaken the Boosted Gear in a life and death situation, she was aware that her negotiation would be much easier.

And thus, they watched as Raynare was toying with Issei by beating him brutally, after which she started stabbing him with her light spear.

"Okey... I don't want him to die... at least yet."

Muttered Rias as she teleported behind Raynare after Issei lost his consciousness, and with one orb of Power of Destruction, she insta-killed her.

After killing her, she picked up the Twilight Healing from her corpse, or from what remained from her, as the upper part of her body was obliterated by her Power of Destruction.

"Vali, could you bring this back to the Empire? Magister Beelzebub is already awaiting it at Magisterium of Arcanotech."

Stated Rias as she passed him the Twilight Healing after turning her attention to a bleeding Issei.

"What to do with you...?"

She muttered as she looked at him.

"Maybe it would be best to negotiate with Ddraig right now, isn't that correct Red Dragon Emperor?"

She asked as she started chanting a particular spell that was meant for this specific purpose.