Dealing with Liabilities

Signing a Soul-Geass was obligatory for every citizen of the Empire, so they could not under any circumstances betray the Empire, or the Laws of the Universe would crush their own very soul.

This rule was obligatory for even members of Nobility and High-Ranking Officials. Contrary to commoners, these people were even under the stricter type of contract called Blood and Soul Void-Geass.

Blood and Soul Void-Geass was a new type of Geass developed through arduous research based on the knowledge obtained by Emperor from the Longinus Dreizhen Orden, creating the probably strongest type of contract across the entire Astral Boundary Universe.

It even contained a lot from Okhwang's original Universe, Ancient Dao Universe, which has extensive knowledge of these things, and Zeoticus managed to convince Okhwang to help him in this one; in a way, the entire Orden could then use them.

In the end, it became some kind of group project, where everyone in the entire Longinus Dreizhen Orden worked on this and created their masterpiece.

Blood and Soul Void-Geass could be broken by force only when someone reached a later stage of the Exarch Realm or by someone in Lord-Class unparalleled in Soul Laws and similar aspects.

It was the crystallization of knowledge of several universes.

Ddraig was given Soul-Geass only for now, as he didn't have a physical body.

"Now, we only need to wait till the Empire gathers all necessary resources for your revival."

Stated Rias after Ddraig signed the Soul-Geass.

"And that would be when? I don't want to be stuck up in this hellhole for any moment longer."

Asked Red Dragon Emperor of Domination impatiently.

"A few months maximally. You need to be aware that Empire needs to gather a few more resources, and several of them are extremely precious even across the entire Astral Boundary, ann only father can procure them."

Ddraig nodded, satisfied with this answer.

In the end, what were a few months compared to entire centuries?

Most of the resources were gathered by Zeoticus personally, through the help of his colleagues from the Longinus Dreizhen Orden, to achieve a perfect revival, which was not an easy feat.

After Rias finished negotiating with Ddraig, she returned to the real world from Issei's consciousness.

While she was there, her Executioner subordinates were already cleaning up the place by disposing of corpses, and soon enough, they would obliterate the entire fortress.

"Bring him to healer and heal him properly."

Ordered Rias to her Executioner subordinates.



Some time later

After an attack on the fortress of the Fallen Angels, Empire obtained the allegiance of Heavenly Dragon, Red Dragon Emperor of Domination, Ddraig Y. Goch, and Twilight Healing which would serve the Empire as a model to develop similar artifacts for healing.

They would be specially incorporated into the runic armors of Custodians and Sardaukar. Coupled with the quality of the Runic Armors and Personal Shield Generators, they would be completely unstoppable on the battlefield.

What was disturbing news, on the contrary, was information obtained by Intelligence Department that Kokabiel with his group had appeared; he reached the level of Twelve-Winged Archangel-Class Fallen Angel and raided the Vatican.

They killed several prominent exorcists and severely injured Vasco Strada and Ewald Cristaldi.

Their aim was to obtain fragments of the Excalibur Swords, and they obtained 6 out of 7 fragments. All Fake Excaliburs, namely Excalibur Destruction, Excalibur Mimic, Excalibur Rapidly, Excalibur Nightmare, Excalibur Blessing, and Transparency.

The last piece, Excalibur Ruler, was in the hands of the Empire, namely in the hands of the Chthonian Lord Family, the Pendragon Family that joined the Empire.

After raiding the Vatican and stealing all fragments of Excalibur, Kokabiel and his goons disappeared into thin air once more.

As I heard all of these reports, I knew what Kokabiel would do next.

He would attack Kuoh and try to kill Rias and Sona.

He knew that it wouldn't spark the war between Empire and Grigori, but it would create a great rift between our factions that are soon merging.

"Give the command, Your Imperial Majesty, and this Diablo will exterminate all of your enemies."

Diablo knelt before me while he excluded a murderous aura not weaker than mine own. He has long reached the level of the Abyssal King Fiend that was comparable to Warlock Monarch, though his combat prowess would put many Apocalypse-Class beings to shame.

"No need for that, Diablo... I will dispose of him myself... that pest was getting on my nerves for many centuries, and now, he would finally show himself up."

I said with an authoritative voice as I looked at the gathered Imperial Officials.

For past centuries I rarely made a move by myself and let my subordinates deal with all things regarding attacking enemies of the Empire.

"Prepare contingent of Custodians with my son as Leader; they would depart together with me."

I said.

Diablo nodded at my order and departed to organize his Custodians for me.

"Your Imperial Majesty, we have confirmed the connection. Shinto God Susanoo is in cahoots with Kokabiel, who in turn is the servant of Melvazoa. By our information, Amaterasu knows about everything, but she lets it slide; they fear our close relationship with Celestial Court. After the slaughter of all Susanoo's priests, he got into contact with Kokabiel and supplied him with weapons and Divine Crystals."

Said one of the officers of the Intelligence Department.

I just sighed at that.

Alliance with the Shinto Pantheon was signed centuries ago, mainly because they were one of the strongest Pantheons, and we needed allies with strong influence on Earth.

But... I have long ago predicted an outcome like this, and because of that, I have already prepared for it.

"Good. Active the End Protocol. Let Takamagahara burn."

I ordered with an emotionless voice, as everyone stopped in their place as blood froze in their veins.

"It shall be done, Your Imperial Majesty."

I hated traitors, and alliance with the Shinto Pantheon already lost its meaning the moment Susanoo colluded with Kokabiel.

Their time will come faster than others.

In the end...

When I tear down Dimensional Gap, I doubt that even a single God of Draconic Deus will survive the onslaught of factions of the Astral Boundary that are near.