Attack of the Unseen Enemies

"How did you find out?"

Questioned Yasaka as she looked at the Princess of the Chthonian Empire of the Baator, only subsequently to realize how stupid a question it was.

"Actually, my father felt that someone was born to his line when little Kunou was born. But, something was wrong with her bloodline, so he didn't pay a lot of attention to it, and only recently did he give me something to test the bloodline resonance. Though I would like to ask, how and why? Now that you have accepted the offer, you need to know that this matter needs to be resolved immediately."

Explained Rias, as Yasaka took a deep breath before she started explaining.

"I met your brother several years ago when he went to challenge Greater Gods of Shinto to fight him; I led him to Takamagahara; after that, he stayed here and searched for some opponents to fight, among hidden Youkai Hermits, and in the end, he was pestering me to fight him. I don't even know how it happened, but after some time, I fell in love with him. After one night, I found out that I was pregnant, but deep inside, even though I love Sigmar till now, I realized that he was not suitable to be a father. I didn't want my daughter to have a father who would be obsessed with battles and fighting, thus neglecting her or even endangering her. I wanted a father for her who would care for and spend time with his daughter. So I didn't tell him anything and let him leave."

Explained Yasaka sadly, and to some extent, Rias could relate to her. She knew very well that Sigmar was the last person that should be taking care of a small child.

"If Aunt Hela founds about it... this would get messy, though not for you, for Sigmar... she will beat him to a pulp."

Hela wanted a grandchild, as she was jealous that Venelana got a grandchild before her; in the end, all of her father's wives were still competing against each other. Grayfia and Bibi Dong knew they had lost this contest, as Hilda was too occupied with her career and Renxue was too young and too focused on the development of the Spirit Hall.

But Hela didn't like losing at all.

"I think that you should at first talk with Aunt Hela and only then to talk with Sigmar. Aunt Hela will surely straighten him out for you, and then you can shape my brother to proper husband material."

Stated Rias with a mischievous smile.

As Rias and Yasaka talked to each other, suddenly they felt a disturbance in the magicules in the area.


Stated Rias, as Yasaka instantly active defense around her palace.

"How many are there?"

Asked Rias while Yasaka was currently scouting the area.

"Hundreds, all humans. Wizards of OZ, Magicians of Nilrem, Utsuemi Agency, and lastly Hero Faction."

Stated Yasaka as she sighed in relief because none of the enemies was stronger than Ultimate-Class. She herself was at the pinnacle of the Satan-Class, Rias was the peak of the Ultimate-Class, and she had several Youkai at the Ultimate-Class and even some on the initial Satan-Class.

"So they have attacked here... though do you know why have they attacked you, Lady Yasaka?"

Asked Rias, while Yasaka shook her head in denial.

"In the end, it doesn't matter, as you are already a member of the Empire."

Stated Rias as she tapped on something on her Holo-Brain and sent a message that they were under attack.

She then looked through the window to see the leaders of the attacker.

"Cao Cao and Georg... of course, it would be those two."

Muttered Rias as she observed the Leader of the Hero Faction and the Vice-Leader of the Hero Faction.

Cao Cao was a handsome young man with short black hair and blue eyes. He wears a combination of a Japanese school uniform (more specifically, the gakuran worn by Japanese schoolboys in the fall) and ancient Chinese attire.

Georg was a young man with black hair and spectacles; he wore a mage-style robe with a feathered cape over his uniform.

Youkai Soldiers were already armed and took a defensive position against their invaders, while Yasaka and Rias remained inside the palace behind the barrier together with Youkai Soldiers.

"How long before your reinforcements arrive?"

Asked Yasaka as she was reluctant to let her soldiers die in vain, so she ordered them to play it with defensive battle, where they had an advantage.

Traveling between Draconic Deus and Baator was hard; when Baator recovered to a Grade 3 Plane, the Laws have returned, and apparently, it was close to evolution once more, so opening a portal to another Plane became a hard thing to do, contrary to what it was in the past, where free teleportation was possible.

"Soon, they were on the standby already, returning from their mission; they should be here any minute."

Answered Rias, as she observed the barrier around them blocking all the magical attacks from the Hero Faction, Nilrem, Wizards of Oz, and Utsuemi Agency, but soon the barrier started showing cracks, as it wasn't that advanced compared to advanced magic that Chthonian Empire possessed.

Several minutes later, enormous portals appeared all around the place, and men and women in pristine white runic armor, armed with swords, started marching out of them in neatly ordered formations.


Shouted one with more decorated armor, who was their commander, and by his order, all of them stopped and readied their swords.

"We are the Blades of the Emperor! Those who stand against us fall!"

He shouted once more as all of them got into combat position and looked at the human enemies.

"Attack! Leave none alive!"

He commanded as hundreds of Sardaukar rushed at the human magicians, heroes, and other individuals that were associated with them.