Invasion of ExE (1)

Baator, Imperial Capital of Anor Londo - Imperial Palace, Several months later.

As expected, the destruction of the Three Realms created havoc across all factions residing in the Draconic Deus minus, of course, Empire and Shiva's Faction.

After some time, I gave out Law Crystals to my wives.

Venelana and Grayfia advanced to the Apocalypse-Class as well. And after absorbing the Law Crystals, the Empire now had 7 entities of that level altogether.

From my children, Sirzechs would be the first to reach the Apocalypse-Class. After he had undergone Law Baptism, while his progression slowed down considerably, I could see that he was increasing his comprehension of the Law of Destruction by 1% per 10 years.

This was a swift advancement, truth to be told.

Right now, the final preparations for the invasion of the ExE Plane are finished, and I have decided to participate myself.

ExE, with the current strength of the Empire, is no longer a threat, as the majority of their strongest Mighty Stage Gods were killed, Resetoras is seriously injured, and even someone with the power of pinnacle Super Devil can kill him, and their factions are weakened.

It was time to begin the harvest.

The First Fleet to Third Fleet, each consisting of 1,000 Lunar-Class Cruisers, 500 Avenger-Class Grand Cruisers, 100 Destroyer-Class Battle Cruisers, 10 Emperor-Class Battleships, and 1 Adjudicator-Class Juggernaut Capital Ship would be departing for the ExE Plane.

Of course, together with majestic Fleet was carrying 1st Army to 4th Army, altogether 4 Million soldiers, together with Khaos Brigade and Sardaukar Forces. Additionally, 5 Apocalypse-Class beings participated in this invasion, me, my wives Hela, Fia, Vena, and Architect and Crom Cruach.

Lord Admiral Orlock was placed in charge of the three fleets. At the same time, Hela would command the Four Armies of the Imperilis Militarum.

"The Ships are ready to enter the Dimensional Gap. Approximate time of arrival at the ExE Plane is estimated to be 17 Hours and 45 Minutes, Your Imperial Majesty."

Lord Admiral Orlock told me while I was sitting on my throne in the Adjudicator-Class Juggernaut Capital Ship.


I ordered as Lord Admiral Orlock bowed to me, as he went to carry out my order, as thousands of Voidships flew to the enormous portal that opened above the skies of the Baator and entered the Dimensional Gap.


Several hours later, Adjudicator-Class Juggernaut Capital Ship, Command Center.

"Zeo, Zeo."

I heard someone calling my name in a soft voice as I opened my eyes.

"I have fallen asleep?"

I have asked more myself as this was rare for someone like me to fall asleep.


Nodded Vena that I had indeed fallen asleep.

"We would be soon reaching ExE Plane, and our sensors have caught defensive network of Evies. Also, there are some Etoulde mixed in; apparently, after killing most of their powerhouses, these two races started protecting their plane together."

I stood up from my throne to inspect the information that our scanners found out, and indeed the ExE Plane was very well fortified. It was the same grade as the Draconic Deus, a Grade 3 Plane, but the living conditions were that of the geniue Grade 3 Plane.

"Vena, call Lord Admiral Orlock."

I said to Vena as I observed the technological marvel of the Evie species. Really, the technological level of the civilization created solely from the evolved Artificial intelligence has reached really terrifying heights.

Their level was really similar to the Solar Federation, though they had far superior technology in terms of offensive and destructive weaponry from what I could see. Fortunately, Chthonian Empire had even more superior technology due to centuries of tedious research of countless departments and Magisteriums.

"Your Imperial Majesty."

Greeted me Lord Admiral Orlock, as he entered the command center, as I signaled him to come to me, as we have observed hundreds upon hundreds of Voidships flying through the Dimensional Gap.

"How is the trip?"

I asked, as the Void Fleet rarely made such long trips in such high numbers through the Dimensional Gap, mainly due to the fact that Ophis or Great Red tended to ambush our ships, and we cannot have someone on their level each time as an escort.

"Good, without those annoying lizards, we can sail without any problems."

Stated Lord Admiral Orlock as I nodded; hearing his words, I knew that he was a man of a few words.

"It appears that those pests have fortified their plane."

I said as I admired my beautiful Void Fleet.

"It won't be a problem, Your Imperial Majesty. All of our ships are armed with advanced stealth systems, so we will hide outside the range of their scans and use Adjudicator-Class Juggernaut Capital Ship to destroy the Pillars of the fortification line. In contrast, Battleships and the rest of the fleet would destroy the rest of the fortification line the second after the Pillar is down. With this method, we can dispose of their strongest defense before they can even react. Even if they have stationed someone to guard the fortification line, onboard, we have five Apocalypse-Class entities; one could go down and lure them away."

Explained Lord Admiral Orlock his plan while I nodded in satisfaction.

"Very well, carry out."

I ordered as Lord Admiral Orlock went to carry out what he said before.

"Architect, what are your chances of evolution if you absorb every Evie on the Plane?"

I asked after a while.

[97,89%. And there is an additional 37,98% chance of me entering the Supreme Stage Innate God within the next five hundred years.]
