
In the end, the entire invasion of the ExE Plane wasn't really without any hindrance, and after killing their top powerhouses, my armies carried out the merciless slaughter of what remained of Evies, Etoulde, and other enslaved races that were under their rule.

I got a message from Architect that he was done with assimilation of all Evies, and he would be reaching Mighty Stage God within the next year or so. Additionally, he even managed to evolve to an even higher form of mechanical lifeform.

Meanwhile, Hela was overseeing the ongoing extermination of all lifeforms and collecting their corpses, as even corpses of weak Etoulde could be put to good use.

Vena was right now in the process of distributing mechs to mine resources across the entire ExE Plane as I ordered for it to be completely devoid of any resources within one year, an almost impossible-seeming task, but after millions of worker-type mechs were dispatched from the Empire together with hundreds of thousands of Imperial Citizens that would be helping mechs it could be done done.

After I had returned to the capital ship, I sat upon my throne and thought about some things.

Right now, after comprehending several Laws, I could clearly see how our Universe worked and that Weismann was right in certain things that he said to me; no wonder he wished to leave for a pure Magic-type Universe.

While Arcanists functioned a bit similar to cultivators, they fundamentally could not advance without sufficient knowledge of their magic. Otherwise, they would suffer injuries if their magic went out of control.

I took a look at the Umbara Soul Flower before I ate it and felt a miraculous effect in my soul, as I felt an indescribable feeling when my Soul Apritutde was increased to Level 10 - Inferior.

When I opened my eyes, I felt like a totally new world was opened to my eyes, as all Laws became more transparent than before.

It was a really wonderful feeling.

After that, I started comprehending the Law of Darklight, which had current comprehension of 97,89% and soon was moving up, just several seconds after I started comprehending the Law of Darklight.




And that was where I stopped.

I knew that I would automatically reach the Dimensional-Class when the comprehension rate reached 100% because I was already at my limit. Arch-Arcanists reached Magister rank when they comprehended 3 Laws. The fact that I was able to comprehend 4 simultaneously while being Apocalypse-Class showed that I had broken the limit.

Right now, there was nothing for me to do at the ExE Plane aside from creating Spell Formation to refine Planar Core and transfer all that refined energy to our own Planar Core of the Baator, but that could be done at a later due, as right now the Plane was just conquered. Now excavation and mining works were just started, and it would take a year before I could refine the Plane, so I departed back to the Baator.


After returning to the Baator, I went to my workshop, as I went to work on something that I had long forgotten, the Tier Magic System. Initially, after reaching Apocalypse-Class, I have thought that it was there where the Tier Magic System would end, in Law Manipulation, and a new Tier was impossible to achieve.

And yet, I was wrong.

Only after several decades of studying the Laws and how they warped reality when used I have finally found a proper path for my Tier Magic System.

My initial thought was that, after reaching Apocalypse-Class and mastering the Tier Magic to become Forbidden Magician, one could directly use the Laws to Power Up original Tier Spells to adjust their destructive prowess.

I have simply termed it as the Law Tier Magician, and now I have finally finished final preparations to create a whole new world for the Tier Magic users after reaching Forbidden Rank.

The real problem with my previous "solution" was that, even if someone used their Laws, the spell itself would still be, for example, Strategic-Tier if it was original. The root of the Spell Model wasn't changed, merely enhanced.

This, in turn, often caused significant instability, which in turn made the entire process of using "Law Magic" extremely dangerous for the caster.

Now, I have come to a solution.

Spell Model, created purely from the elements of the comprehended Laws and perfected with an essence of the Universe that each Being of Law can harness to a certain degree.

I have immediately activated protective wards that could withstand the destructive power of peak Dimensional-Class. My workshop had the second strongest defense in the entire Imperial Palace, with the first being The Vault.

And I then started constructing the Spell Model and creating the Magic Sequence.

At the base, I used my Law of Darklight and Law of Destruction, as I carved every piece of the runic matrix with exact precision and supplemented with the origin of the Baator and Astral Boundary Universe for greater stability of the spell itself until the Runic Matrix was finished, and the spell was ready to be cast.

I didn't realize it, but it took me more than ten minutes to create it, which was a very long time.

Then I cast the spell, as the environment was brightened, and descending start fell onto the target, as the entire sealed area shook violently, but nothing was damaged outside of the sealed area.

On the contrary, the sealed area was turned to rubble, and extreme heat saturated the air.

"Initial Dimensional-Class... Architect record this spell, termed: Starfall. The first spell of the Starlight-Tier."

I said excitedly.