Slaves, Power and Plans

Rydgex City, Morrince Empire.

The Rydgex City was located at the edge of the common border between the Beastman Empire, the Elven Empire, and the human Morrince Empire; it was regarded as a major city of the Morrince Empire.

The architecture of the city was just as I would expect from a medieval city on Earth, mixed with fantasy elements of the Supernatural. One could see many people walking through the streets, often from other races, but those were mainly slaves.

It was a so-called slaver city, as it depended on the sale of slaves. It was a machine that propped the Rydgex City's flourishing economy. The Beastman Empire, the Elven Empire, and the Morrince Empire fought all year long. The losers would be reduced to slaves and brought to the Rydgex City by slave merchants.

Thus the Rydgex City was the largest slave trade city in the Morrince Empire.

Chthonian Empire had only one type of slavery, which were the Penal Legions, which consisted of death-row criminals. It would be a shame to kill them directly, so a better solution was to use them as cannon fodder; at least they could repay society with their deaths.

We were strolling through Rydgex City; as we obtained all slaves we could get our hands on. With a bit of magic, we obtained thousands upon thousands of slaves. Most of the slaves in the Rydgex City were beastmen and half-beastmen.

Beastmen were divided into two kinds, humanoid beastmen and pure beast beastmen. Humanoid beastmen were mostly human-looking beastmen with some beastly features. However, pure beastmen were beasts who acted like humans, evolved hands and feet, and possessed an intellect not inferior to humans.

After several hours, we have gone through the entire Rydgex City, and we have obtained around 100,000 slaves. All of them were sent through a portal to a safe place, and I have done some magic precautions so that nobody could track me or anything related to this act.

Afterward, I returned with my wives to a place where we started discussing our next moves.

"They are weak; most of them are not even comparable to Mid-Class."

Stated Hela with slight disdain as she looked at tens of thousands of slaves that were eating and getting used to their new situation.

"Most of the slaves here are without any combat power, and those who have are on the average level of Apprentice Level, meaning comparable to Low-Class, only a few hundreds are of the Knight Level that is around Lower Mid-Class, and few tens are at Grand Knight, Intermediate Mid-Class and that it is. I will take some time to study this power system; I will try to invest in some method to cultivate quickly to the at least Knight / Wizard Level. With some additions, I should be able easily to create new Levels for their power system; as truth to be told, they are rather primitive."

My aim in this was to increase the power of the natives. Additionally, this could be useful in other planar conquests as the power system of Knights and Wizards was most common among worshippers of gods across countless planes.

"Then where shall we start?"

Asked Vena as we were discussing the future development.

"What about the Red Earth Wasteland?"

Stated Hela a rhetorical question.

The Red Earth Wasteland was a vast expanse of wasteland at the junction of the Morrince Empire, the Titan Empire, the Beastman Empire, and the Elven Empire. There was only a single river in the wasteland, the Rhine River, running through the entire wasteland.

It was a place filled with countless orcs, goblins, bugbears, other magical beasts, and other dangerous creatures.

The most commendable thing about the Red Earth Wasteland was its superior geographical location, from which one could go to the four empires and trade with them. However, at the same time, its geographical location was bad.

Although the four empires were not willing to establish a city in the Red Earth Wasteland, once a city was successfully established in the Red Earth Wasteland, then it was bound to give rise to major disputes. This forsaken place basically had no way to attract those powerful forces.

"It would be doable. We could easily create all things that Red Earth Wasteland lacks with our technological level. Additionally, if we have enough people with superior strength, then repelling attacks from mortals would be of no problem. From Empire, we could get a steady supply of resources such as weapons and armors, far superior to anything on the Feisuo Plane. Of course, we need to act slowly and low, to avoid suspicion Gods as long as possible."

I knew that sooner or later, Gods would sooner or later notice this, but then it would be too late. I could easily block their sight to the Red Earth Wasteland with my magic and superior strength or interfere with their prying eyes.

"We need to be careful not to bring any kind of Arcanotech here. Canghzi Plane was invaded in the past by Golem Dynasty, and they are very well aware of the existence of Mechanical Legions and of similar things."

Stated Hela as I nodded.

This was a good point indeed.

Many planes had great knowledge about Warlock Alchemy or Arcanotech used by Arcanists. Suppose we showed too high capabilities in these terms. In that case, Gods could easily deduce that these forces were backed by us, invaders of the Feisuo Plane.