Remains of the Legacy

After we arrived at the 9th Layer of the Underground World of the Feisuo Plane, it was enormous, even far more extensive than the Grade 8 Plane, which was understandable, and was inhabited by countless so-called "Dark Races".

While I was tempted to go and subjugate all those "Dark Races" at once, as they were not that strong, they were more powerful than the mortals above because they had a far higher ratio of the powerhouses compared to weak ones.

While the population of these "Dark Races" was lower than the population above, they had far more Legend-ranked powerhouses and even Demigod Divinity Stage powerhouses than those Empires above the underground world.

But now, it was not time to do anything against "Dark Races", because it would alert gods, which would be troublesome.

I did some analysis on the Dark Forest, which was the location where I currently was together with my wives.

The Goddess of the Weave created the weave by relying on planar laws, which were said to cover the entire plane. Interestingly, the fog was blocking the weave here, and the weave was strong from what I have researched.

Not only was it created by the Supreme Stage God, but it was created from stolen methods of the Magic Note Imperial Warlock Court / Warlock Dynasty, which created something similar on the Canghzi Plane until it was destroyed.

And with the addition of some remains from Arcanist factions that attempted to invade other god-controlled planes, the weave was created here.

We strolled through the fog, which had some hallucinogen effects and created illusions, but it was effective only on the people beneath beings of law, so on me, it didn't have much effect.

Soon enough, we crossed the gray river that was located in the Dark Forest. In our sight appeared a palace is towering high into the clouds that looked like it propped the dome of heaven.

I saw the heads of countless extraordinary life forms embedded into the huge palace. There was the head of an Archaic Dragon, a head of an Absolute Beginning Giant, a head of an Abyssal Fiend Sage, a head of a Supreme Divinity Stage God, a head of a High Elven Monarch, a head of a 9-Headed Dragon, a head of a Primordial Earthen, and the heads of other horrifying existences.

All of them were either existences on the level of Tier 9 or Tier 10, especially the head 9-Headed Dragon, which was from the corpse of one who reached Tier 11 or even higher.

While for some, these things may be considered priceless, for me, they were only average. All of the named entities I could kill by myself and research their severed heads were useless; only a living specimen had some value for me.

"This place is under the protection of an exceptionally powerful barrier..."

I muttered as I gathered Decomposition Magic Rule and hit the barrier with the power of the Decomposition Magic Rule, shattering it at the first attack. This power was already on the level of some weak Warlock Emperor, so I was aware that my combat prowess had reached higher ends of the entire universe, even without officially stepping into the Lord-Class.

At the gate stood a 6-meter-tall, 3-head, humanoid statue holding a trident. Of its three heads, one was a human head, another was a dragon head, and the last one was a devil head.

Suddenly the stone statue cracked and held the trident in a combat-ready position.

"Who dares to barge into the palace of the Taboo Lord?"

Roared the statue.

"So it is the inheritance site of the Taboo Emperor... not bad."

Muttered Hela. It could be better, but we could also use inheritances left by the Taboo Lord.

Taboo Lord was one of the strongest Warlocks of the Cangzhi Plane in history. The planes found around the Cangzhi Plane were his domain, and no one dared disobey his orders.

He was one with the strongest combat prowess among the eight Warlock Emperors.

Taboo Lord also comprehended several Laws at the top of his cultivation, allowing him to compete with even the stronger Arcane Lords. Though his mastery over those Laws was shit, it still gave him a significant advantage over the rest of the Warlock Emperors.

Taboo Lord established the Bloodline Warlock path, and it was still one of the two peak paths leading to the power of the Cangzhi Plane.

"Shut up, Gatekeeper."

I snorted as I released my own pressure that eclipsed the power released by the Gatekeeper of the Taboo Lord.

"You are an only relic of a long fallen powerhouse, who cannot maintain his own form and must seal himself in order to survive."

I shouted.

In the end, the Path of Warlock was a cultivation path and thus was flawed and didn't bid well with more magical Univers such as the Astral Boundary. This critical flaw has shown itself in the Warlock Emperor Realm, as powerhouses of that rank had lowered lifespan considerably due to some problems with their cultivation system.

Unless they achieved Eternal-Rank, they could only seal themselves.

The Gatekeeper was Holy Spirit Warlock ranked powerhouse. However, it was artificially made by the Taboo Lord by merging the bloodlines and genes of various species, creating this abomination of nature.

But in front of my power, which was significantly enhanced after condensing Godhood and becoming god, and more at that, Common God, even the Gatekeeper, lost his composure in a short time after it tried to resist my pressure.

Shortly, I created high gravity and used the Law of Dark Light to create Dark Light Chains to immobilize the Gatekeeper, as Hela knocked it out.

"Don't kill it."

I said, as Hela already had her Necroswords in her hands and wanted to decapitate the Gatekeeper.

"He will be useful for our research."

I noted as I created countless binding runes across his body and inserted several Arcanotech devices into his body to render Gatekeeper completely useless.

His body was priceless as it was one of the great works of the Taboo Lord; Empire could gain a lot by studying its bloodline and genetic composition.