Life and Death Battle

Even though I knew that this attack had injured him, I sensed that it was not enough. Irtarr's Quasi-Emperor Warlock Divine Slave was very strong; he is probably the strongest opponent I have ever fought.

And this was apparently not enough to kill him, and I had a hunch that this was not his peak; if not, Irtarr's True Body wouldn't be sent him here to kill me.

'I should probably go all out...'

I thought in my head that I would be really going all in single combat for the first time in my life.

Quasi-Emperor Warlock Divine Slave took out another Divine Artifact, which was a sword, and just by looking at it, I felt an instinctive danger as he rushed at me and activated a secret method, which increased his power several-fold.

'He is burning up his lifeforce, and even he has supplements from Divine Kingdom of Iratarr, who is Myriad God Emperor... right now combat prowess of this Quasi-Emperor Warlock Divine Slave isn't losing to even a bit weaker Warlock Emperor. This is... so exhilarating.'

I grinned at this sight as I released all that I had.

For the first time in my life, I went to fight for my survival.

I instantly activated the main ability of my Godhood, which I termed God and Devil Domain. I created it from the ability I got from obtaining complete control over Baator with Godhood.

Using a combination of Essence of Baator and Godhood: Father of All Devils, a 25-kilometer area into your own exclusive territory. My ability will be five times as powerful within the area, and I can suppress the opponent's ability up to a certain level. Within this territory, Demonic Energy Regeneration is boosted tenfold. Resistance against Energy-Based attacks is lowered by half no matter the level.

Not even a second later, I activated my True Name, Zerius - Prime Evil which allowed me to store negative energy created from sinning; basically, everyone who did anything related to Seven Deadly Sins would have created something I called Energy of Sin, which I automatically absorbed, and I could burn this energy reserved in exchange to obtain an explosive increase in power.

More than two thousand years' worth of sins of all living beings of Baator was now used to increase my power, together coupled with the effects of the God and Devil Domain; right now, I felt that I could beat even average Tier 11 beings if I played my cards right, as the disparity between Tier 10 and Tier 11 was enormous, no matter what Power System one was following.

After entering the God and Devil Domain, Quasi-Emperor Warlock Divine Slave was weakened significantly.

He roared in anger as he burned his lifeforce even faster to obtain greater explosive combat prowess. He slashed at me with his sword artifact, and I barely managed to dodge his strike.

Even though he was greatly weakened and I was greatly strengthened, he was still very strong, burning his lifeforce, and he was also getting boosted by the consumption of Divine Power from the Divine Kingdom of Irtarr. The Divine Kingdom of Myriad God Emperor was really terrifying.

For the next ten minutes, we have spent by playing mouse and cat, as Quasi-Emperor Warlock Divine Slave tried to hit me, and I always dodged his attacks.

I chose a strategy of playing for time. I knew that Quasi-Emperor Warlock Divine Slave had limited time to fight in this state, as sooner or later, his lifeforce would be burned to the point where he would be getting weaker and weaker.

My only mistake was a slight miscalculation when he stopped in his attacks and started gathering his aura.

'Shit... that method has a second level.'

I cursed in my mind as I observed Quasi-Emperor Warlock Divine Slave's power rising up at an unprecedented speed. However, at this rate, he would probably only withstand 5 minutes before he died from burning up all of his lifeforce.

Still, 5 minutes was enough to kill me several times.

Even if I couldn't kill Quasi-Emperor Warlock Divine Slave, I needed to stall him for 5 minutes, even at the price of my very life, as I could still be resurrected through the usage of my true name Isaiah - Nirvana.

If I couldn't achieve that, entire forces in the Feisuo Plane would be destroyed, and most importantly, there was a huge chance that my wives would probably be killed if they didn't evacuate already.

I instantly teleported away at the perimeter of the God and Devil Domain, while at the same time, I conjured several Decomposition Magic Rule beams as they started shooting beams of energy at the Quasi-Emperor Warlock Divine Slave and slowly weakened.

Decomposition Magic Rule was the strongest weapon when fighting against anything energy-based. Basically, it could disrupt the flow of any kind of magic, spells, or secret methods that were energy-based like the one used by Quasi-Emperor Warlock Divine Slave.

Fortunately for me, usage of the Decomposition Magic Rule managed to decrease the overall power of the Quasi-Emperor Warlock Divine Slave by approximately 15%, which was good enough by itself.

My enemy slashed his sword once more, though this time, the entire sword was enveloped by flames, as my instincts screamed at me to run away from that weapon.

'God-Slayer Weapon.'

That weapon was imbued with God-Slaying Attribute, which was pretty rare these days.

I conjured several tens of Dark Light Chains through my Law of Darklight as they shot directly at the Quasi-Emperor Warlock Divine Slave, unfortunately for me, the Quasi-Emperor Warlock Divine Slave was too fast for them, and he dodged all of them pretty easily, as I teleported from my current location to another end of the God and Devil Domain, as I started bombarding him with Dark Light Weaponry furiously, as millions of Dark Light Weapons were being shot at the Quasi-Emperor Warlock Divine Slave each second.

At the same time, I imbued each of the Dark Light Weapons with Lightning with the usage of the Light of Lightning and Destruction from using Law of Destruction, for them have even more destructive power.