Recuperation and Fast Moves

Irtarr's Divine Slave was very strong; I wonder how strong would his true body be. Myriad God Emperors were really terrifying entities, especially when their Divine Kingdoms supported them.

"We need to finish our work on the Feisuo Plane as soon as possible; previous calculations are not possible more... two years is the maximum time I can give you to complete all works on the Feisuo Plane, we cannot be sure if Irtarr's True Body won't send more people here even though it is not highly possible, but we need to be careful. Any Grade 2 Plane, especially Primary Grade 2 Plane such as Feisuo Plane, is priceless for any God as they could cultivate the enormous number of worshippers here and subordinates due to the plane being capable of holding even Myriad God Emperor."

I explained as I let myself be healed by my wives, who were worried about me.

"If we mobilize most of our free forces and some civilian forces, we can make it in a timespan that you stated..."

Said Vena after pondering over this topic for a while.

"We can station here one of the Armies of the Imperialis Militarum who don't have any deployment orders. Aside from guarding the plane, they could help with all works going on across the entire plane."

Stated Hela shortly after Vena.

"Which one is available?"

I asked her while I checked my injuries.

"I can send here 4th Army Imperial Sentinels, under the command of Lord General Belphegor."

Stated Hela, as I agreed with her proposition.

4th Army Imperial Sentinels was an army mainly focusing on defense, fortification works, defensive warfare, and similar things. They were perfect for this kind of task; additionally, the 4th Army Imperial Sentinels were permanently stationed at the Baator, near the Imperial City, as they were also the army tasked with the protection of the 9th Layer of the Baator, Nessus.

"Excellent; Fia sent here all available mechs and deploy part of the Imperial Mech Army; now we can transport here some of them. Their efficiency would be far superior to ordinary mining mechs with their Tier 8 prowess."

Grayfia nodded and went to carry out my order.


9th Layer of Baator, Nessus, near the capital of the Chthonian Empire, Anor Londo, City of Augustgrad

"Lord General Belphegor."

Said Grayfia, whose face appeared on the Holo-Brain, which belonged to Lord General Ryogun Belphegor.

She was a beautiful young woman appearing in her twenties with long, wavy, cherry blossom hair and two horns protruding from her head. She wears high-cut battle armor with high slits and has a well-endowed bust and slim waist.

She was a very powerful Apocalypse-Class Devil who commanded a 4th Army Imperial Sentinels since their founding and was also a Head of the Belphegor Family, Chthonian Lord House, and held a prestigious position across the Empire.

"High Chancellor."

Greeted her Ryogun.

"You are immediately deployed at the Feisuo Plane together with the entire 4th Army Imperial Sentinels. Your task is to guard the plane and help with all resource gathering and related tasks."

Said Grayfia as Lord General Belphegor saluted her.

"Yes, High Chancellor, it shall be done."

The call then ended.

"Immediately mobilize all Imperial Sentinels; we need to have complete mobilization done within 12 hours."

Ordered Lord General Ryogun Belphegor to her adjutant as they then hurried away from the room to carry out her orders.


Feisuo Plane, Miracle City

"Now we only have to wait until the things are done before returning back home."

I stated as Venelana snuggled close to me as she put her head on my chest.

"How long till you are healed completely?"

Vena asked quietly.

"Three weeks."

I stated. Because of their healing spells were very potent, they helped me a lot and especially Hela when she gave me all of her Divine Energy that speeded up my recovery considerably, as my Godhood started regenerating me extremely fast.

"That is good, but in case, I will ask grandpa Zekram to come here."

Stated Vena.

Zekram was similar to me, as he achieved a peak of Dimensional-Class, and he was very close to reaching fusion of Laws and ascending to Lord-Class. While his combat prowess was a bit lacking compared to me, mainly because of my Godhood, but if not for my Godhood, my offensive prowess would be lower compared to Zekram.

With Zekram here, it would be another failsafe, as my combat prowess was lowered considerably due to my injuries.

His Path that he is forging is extremely destructive; he comprehended several Laws, including the Law of Extermination, Decay, and several others related to "destruction", so he achieved an unprecedented level of destructive powers.

He would be enough if even Irtarr sent another Divine Slave, of course, taking into consideration that he wouldn't be as strong as Quasi-Emperor Warlock Divine Slave.