Great Cloud's Decision and...

While Bai Family was strong, on the Canghzi Plane Surface World, compared to truly powerful factions, it was nothing. Even 2nd-rate and 3rd-rate factions in the Core World or even Astral Boundary as a whole have at least one Tier 9 Powerhouse presiding over it.

While Bail Family had 3 Mighty Stage Gods, they were confined to their plane where they ascended as Gods, so for the Bai Family and Great Cloud Dynasty as a whole, dealing with even a small expeditionary group from the Chthonian Empire backed by its Nobles was a headache as hell.

Especially when hearing that Crown Prince Abraxas Leviathan-Lucifer led the Baatorians.

Chthonian Empire had very strict and high requirements for Nobility, and they were actualized each time when the general strength of the population increased.

For example, Bright World Warlocks, who were considered peerless experts on the Canghzi Plane, second only to the Infinity Warlocks, were just entrance level to be even considered Noble House; of course, those who wanted to be Nobles needed not only to achieve Satan-Class, equivalent to the Bright World Warlock but also had some inheritable uniqueness, such as Bloodline, Ability or something. Hence, their combat prowess was usually superior to the Bright World Warlock.

On the Canghzi Plane's main continents, when Warlock achieved Moonlight Warlock Realm, they were entitled to create their own Noble House. Contrary to that, in the Baator, Ultimate-Class, which was the same rank as Moonlight Warlock, were considered just as stronger cannon fodder, nothing more and nothing less; at best, they would be elite standard soldiers.

There was an enormous disparity between their strength, but fortunately, the strongest person who descended had the combat prowess of only Warlock Monarch, meaning with necessary sacrifices and traps, Bai Wuqing believed that the Great Cloud Dynasty could deal with the invaders.

"Order the Demon Hunting Division to start hunting all Devil Worshippers and breaking down their cults that are worshipping Baatorians. At the same time, notify watchers that we have identified this threat. They will possibly deal with this mess; if not, the only thing that remains for the Great Cloud Dynasty is to prepare some traps to deal with Baatorians."

Ordered Bai Wuqing.

"Also, there is a question, how did these invaders even enter the Canghzi Plane in the first place?"

Pondered Bai Wuqing before someone said.

"The most probable reason is that someone let them in. They probably observed the entire Canghzi Plane and studied its political landscape for a long time. After gathering sufficient information, they made their move. We know that the first place where they appeared was Turandot Subcontinent, which is closer to the Western Warlock World; they purposely chose one of the three Western Dynasties to grow their influence and gather worshippers who would open Astral Gates for them to enter the Canghzi Plane."

Summarized situation Head of the Intelligence Department of the Great Cloud Dynasty.

"Indeed, while Western Warlock Dynasties are weaker, their backers Immortal Halls are still pretty powerful; unfortunately, they are complete isolationists, so they would not watch over what is happening at the Canghzhi Plane. This gave Baatorians the necessary space to grow. Either way, we need to deal with this threat, and we will start with their worshippers. At the same time, we can use this as a reason to deal with Ten Great Sects who will not submit completely to the Great Cloud Dynasty."

Proclaimed Bai Wuqing with an authoritative voice as everyone clapped their hands in agreement as they went to carry out the orders of their Emperor.


Turandot Subcontinent, Underground World, Fortress of the Chthonian Empire

"Your Highness, excavators have sent a message that they have found the place where the Holy Spirit Warlock-ranked Hellions are sealed, and by fluctuations, some of them are the pinnacle of the Great Holy, and there are even Quasi-Emperor, ranked Hellions, fortunately, their seals are still strong, but they are visibly weakening, and in a few centuries they would completely break down."

Reported one of the Custodians to the Crown Prince Abraxas Leviathan-Lucifer, who was in charge of this operation.

"Excellent, bring install there Energy Extractors and Anti-Magic Domain Device, afterward transport all Hellions back to the Baator for research. Under their weakened state, we can use them as research material; if not, kill them outright before they become a threat."

Ordered Abraxas.

Hellions were basically bio-engineered soldiers created through forbidden alchemy, genetic manipulation and mysticism rituals by Taboo Dynasty in collaboration with a few Arcanists. If the Chthonian Empire could properly research their genetics and their creations, it would be priceless as it could be used to develop a new way to strengthen species of the Baator.

Or we could create our own version of Hellions, with better control, as it was common knowledge that Hellions were hard to control even by their creators, and they often went berserk and attacked everything in their sight, making them a double-edged weapon for use.

Abrasax originally wanted to kill them, but in the end, High Command decided it would be more productive to send them to Ancestor, Ajuka, and Mephisto to research. All three were extremely powerful, and Ajuka and Mephisto were on the verge of reaching Dimensional-Class, so it would be no problem for them to deal with significantly weakened Hellions.

"How is the output of the resources we are obtaining at the Canghzi Plane and shipping back to the Empire?"

Aksed Abraxas one of his adjutant.

"Very good, especially when we have reached the last layer of the Underground World of the Turandot Subcontinent; that place is filled with precious herbs, rare ores, and even some extraordinary lifeforms. Additionally, our gains through our cultists on main continents are growing day by day."

Summarized his adjutant as Abraxas nodded in satisfaction.

"I have also ordered our cult leaders to be extra careful, as we have noticed some suspicious movements in the Great Cloud Dynasty. They are probably preparing to make a move against our pawns there."

Abraxas knew that sooner or later, factions here would notice them and fight with them, it was only a matter of time, but he was ready for that.