Sealed Plane and Uniquess

Suddenly I felt an enormous wave of energy as I teleported back to the Baator.

Because I was the absolute controller of the Baator, due to the fact that I held complete Command Sequence over the Plane, I benefitted most from the fact of Baator's evolution as Baator was evolving to the Primary Grade 2 Plane.

[Ermous wave of energy is entering the host's body.]

[Demonic-God Force has reached 7,500 Units. Maximum for the Dimensional-Class. Adjusting remaining energy flow.]

[Godhood is reacting... Godhood Index is advancing...]

[Godhood Index has reached 100 Million.]

[Godhood Index has reached 150 Million.]

[Godhood Index has reached 250 Million.]

[Godhood Index has reached 400 Million.]

[Godhood Index has reached 450 Million.]

[Godhood Index has reached 500 Million.]

At the same time, as my Godhood Index was increasing and I reached Half-Step Paramount God, my body reached strength comparable to the Mid Empyrean-Grade Artifact, which means that my durability would be able to withstand even attacks from the Warlock Emperor's with ease right now.

Even though I was still technically Tier 10, with my current combat prowess, even some Tier 11 powerhouses, like Dawn Warlock Emperor, would not be my match in single combat.

A similar effect appeared practically on all citizens of the Baator, of course, to various degrees. Most of it was harvested by my immediate family and Elders of the Baator. The second ones who gathered most of the benefits were people with the strongest cultivation and, of course, Nobles.

Each of the Layers of the Baator expanded tremendously. 1st Layer Avernus expanded from the size comparable to the Grade 9 Plane to the size of the Grade 7 Plane. 2nd to 8th Layer expanded from the size of a Grade 8 Plane to a Grade 5 Plane, while the last Layer, the 9th Layer Nessus reached the size of the Secondary Grade 2 Plane from the size of a Grade 3 Plane.

Now my aim was to increase the Grade 1 Plane, and then I would need to find a method how to strengthen the plane even further, beyond the standards of the Grade 1 Plane, but that is still far in the future.

After digesting the benefits of the evolution of the plane, I was once again a step closer to achieving the Lord-Class, as even my comprehension of the Law of Space increased slightly.

Additionally, with my newly increased power, I could fight some Tier 11 individuals.

If I now fought that Irtarr's Quasi-Emperor Warlock Divine Slave, I would win without breaking a sweat, and that was just in my base state, without using any of my trump cards.

That was the result of practicing two power systems at the same time, but like everything in existence, everything has its price. I would need to perfectly fuse these two power systems at some point, meaning my "Devil and Law System" and Godhood Index System to advance even further.

Or else I would not be able to advance further, probably. The Exarch-rank would be my limit, but if I managed to succeed and fuse these two paths, I would create an absolutely unique and powerful power system.

After I returned back to the Anor Londo, I went to the Imperial Palace, where Sirzechs had already waited for me together with members of the Senatorum Imperialis.

"Imperial Father."

Sirzechs gave me a low bow, as other members of the Senatorum Imperialis bowed to me more deeply, following the standard imperial protocol.


I nodded as everyone followed me to the Senate Hall, as we all sat on our respective seats, with Sirzechs sitting on the throne belonging to the Emperor, while I sat on the throne which was specially designed for me, for the Father of All Devils.

"You can start."

Stated Sirzechs, as Magister of Domestic Affairs, stepped forward with his report about the current state of the Baator.

The report was mainly real-time information about the expansion of the Baator and some minor things that I wasn't that curious about, as that was mainly for Sirzechs, as the current Emperor, to deal with.

"Now, the next thing to discuss is an invasion of the Noscent Plane, which was submitted by Patriarch of the Silvermoon Elves Verath Windrunner and Patriarch of the Three-Headed Golden Dragon Tribe Villentretenmerth."

Stated Grayfia, who was the High Chancellor of the Chthonian Empire.

Noscent Plane was a rare sealed Plane in the Astral Boundary located in the Ancient Eternity Star Region. It was the birthplace of both Silvermoon Elves and the Three-Headed Golden Dragon Tribe, who once ruled the Noscent until they were overthrown by humans there.

The majority of their species perished in the bloody rebellion led by some human named Charles the Great, who then established his Bloodline Dynasty. For centuries, they recuperated their strength and thirsted for revenge in the Baator.

Noscent itself was a Primary Grade 2 Plane, which was sealed, meaning nobody could easily access it, aside from interconnected planes with it. On top of that, Noscent was fascinating because aside from being a sealed plane, it had its own power system that was practiced by natives of that plane, meaning that plane served as a "lab" for some Eternal-ranked Powerhouse who was researching new power system for further advancement.

For most of the Tier 12 Powerhouses who achieved Eternal-rank, Exarchy, or similar, it was very hard to advance even further and ascend to the Great Old One. Usually, these powerhouses needed to forge their own path from that moment; experimenting with new power systems was a norm for such people.

After everyone had said their part, it was time for Sirzechs to decide if they would initiate the invasion of the Noscent Plane or not, as stated in his duty as Emperor of the Chthonian Empire.

"I have decided to support the invasion of the Noscent Plane, though, only after it is confirmed that the person who sealed this plane is proved to be dead. Further details shall be discussed with Patriarch Villentretenmerth and Patriarch Windrunner."

Stated Sirzechs as everyone accepted this outcome.