Embodiment of the Destruction

With Dimensional Beacon, entering the Noscent Plane for the Main Invasion Force would be practically effortless.

"We have entered... be ready for the fight."

Stated Zekram sternly as he took out his katana; when they entered the outer perimeter of the Noscent with the help of the special Artifact, Zekram felt the presence of several Transcendents coming at their fleet.

"There are three of them; their power is... weaker than initially expected, limit Apocalypse-Class could deal with them."

Muttered Zekram as he shot Ddraig and Vali a last look before he teleported away, intercepting the three incoming Transcendentals of the Noscent Plane.

As Zekram arrived before the three Transcendentals, he noticed that all three of them looked exactly the same, silhouettes of blinding light.

Without any word, they observed him for a bit before they started merging together into one body, as its power started tremendously rising. Soon enough, its power was equivalent to that of Zekram's.

"Interesting... they are like one."

Said Zekram to himself as he readied his katana and slashed at the faceless Transcendental who finished his merging process.

"Maybe I will go all out... for the first time in a very, very long time."

Muttered Zekram as he released his True Names and activated his True Form, becoming an embodiment of the destruction itself. Out of nowhere, raging waves of the Destruction Energy flew out of his body as the Merged Trasncendetnal looked at Zekram warily.

In his True Form, Zekram revealed twelve majestic devil wings, coupled with 2 pairs of huge demon horns over his head and a single sharp, strong speartail.

The enemy Zekram, termed as the Merged Transcendental, rushed the Zekram with tremendous speed and attacked him with an overwhelming light energy slash, to which Zekram swung his katana enveloped by the Destruction Energy, broking his attack in a single hit.

The Merged Transcendental didn't take it as anything, and his entire body glowed in a blinding light as he attacked Zekram with overwhelming light energy; this time, though, he started releasing it at all sides.

Zekram used his twelve wings to envelope his entire body, creating a protective cocoon, which protected him from all incoming attacks cast by Merged Transcendental. Devil wings were very sturdy, especially in later stages and if the devil strengthened his body to limits, they were the best defensive tool in one's arsenal.

Most devils used their wings to defend against powerful attacks, or some even as a weapon, as their tips were exceptionally sharp.

After the Merged Transcendental stopped bombarding Zekram with light elemental attacks, Zekram flew directly at the Merged Transcendental and slashed at him with his sword, sending at him a slash of the Destruction Energy, to which the Merged Transcendental called forward a protective shield to defend against extremely destructive attack.

Unfortunately for the Merged Transcendental, the Destruction Energy used by Zekram was too powerful and too ferocious as the protective shield crumbled down within several seconds. After the Merged Trasncendentalcame into direct contact with the Destruction Energy, part of his right hand completely disintegrated to the dust.

Not even a second after that happened, the Merged Transcendental turned into thousands of light particles and disappeared to the Noscent Plane.

"Escaped... more decisive than I initially thought."

Said Zekram to himself, as he initially thought that gods would fight to the death, as they were mainly overly arrogant to take anyone into consideration. Apparently, this was not the case, and his opponent, escaped before he could finish him.

From the brief fight with the Merged Transcendental, Zekram knew that while the person was rather powerful, he was weak. Probably none of the so-called Trascnednetals here had proper combat experience, and it was clear that they achieved their power not through blood and fire but rather through some kind of shortcuts.

He noticed that the Merged Trasncendetnal was inexperienced when he fought him, which surprised him, as powerhouses of this level were usually very good fighters.



Main Invasion Fleet, Adjudicator-Class Juggernaut Capital Ship

I was currently in my personal quarters at the Adjudicator-Class Juggernaut Capital Ship together with Hela and Vena as we enjoyed some time together. Not anything sexual; we just were together lying on the bed and cuddling with each other while Vena was watching some TV Shows.

Apparently, it was something popular these days in the Empire, not that I cared, as I spent my time on more productive things than watching TV.

While Vena was hugging me like a teddy bear, I sensed that I got a message at my Holo-Brain. People who could send me a message on the Holo-Brain could be counted on one hand, so I instantly checked its content.

When I read that message, I frowned a little, as this was a somewhat unexpected development. The good news was that the Noscnet Plane was not a threat, and Transcendentals were weak and scarce, but the bad news was that they were like cowardly rats and hiding.

This could prove a significant problem during our invasion if they decide to attack ordinary soldiers and troopers before someone could intercept them.

"What is happening, dear?"

Asked me Hela as she looked at me.

"Zekram encountered little trouble at the Noscent... you will have your fun as it appears."

I smiled as I kissed her forehead.

Hela enjoyed hunting her preys and torturing them subsequently.