Barbarian King

As the situation on the battlefield rapidly changed with the death of tens of important commanding barbarians who controlled the barbarian horde, the Barbarian King and his Chieftains, that were on the Deity Level, were preparing to make a move.

Just as the Barbarian King and his retinue were preparing to enter the battlefield, suddenly, two-dimensional portals opened at the edges of the battlefield. Sardaukar Forces and Khaos Brigade exited from them respectively and went to attack barbarians with a ferocity not seen before.

Sardaukar and Khaos Brigade were also participating in the Invasion, and Generals decided to use them as trump cards and deploy them only when the battle entered its middle stages so that they could encircle them and slaughter barbarian soldiers with ease.

All Sardaukar Force and Khaos Brigade soldiers were at the pinnacle of Tier 4 at the lowest and were clad with the best armor and armed with the best weapons. Additionally, both of these non-standart military subjects were filled with powerful experts on their own.

When the Sardaukar and Khaos Brigade entered the battlefield, the morale of the other soldiers of the Imperialis Militarum skyrocketed to new heights as they started pushing even further, as dragons transformed into their true dragon forms and started wreaking havoc on the battlefield, while Farstriders were sniping strong combatants on the barbarian side.

Just as the Barbarian King was about to descend on the battlefield, I activated the teleportation spell and teleported him away to a remote location.

While the Barbarian King was confused at first, he soon got hold of himself and readied his weapon for upcoming combat with me, as he already knew that this was a trap prepared explicitly for him.

Barbarian King's physical strength was roughly at the same level as mine, only a bit weaker, but his terrifying magic resistance made it up. Meaning I had only a few opinions on how to dispose of him effectively, and in truth, I wanted some challenge, so I went for close combat.

I took the combat stance as I prepared myself and used the Law of Destruction and Law of Lightning to enhance my striking power.

While I wasn't devoted to martial arts or anything like that, I have learned several of them to be considered a Master, and one of them was Destruction Martial Arts, created by Sairaorg Bael. After reaching Satan-Class in terms of physique, he accumulated slowly enough merits to redeem ritual that unlocked his Clan Trait and strengthened it considerably with his Demonic Energy reserves.

Afterward, he fused the Power of Destruction with his close-combat style, creating extremely terrifying martial arts after it was imbued with the Power of Destruction. Almost all members of the Bael Clan learned it, including Venelana, Sirzechs, Zekram, and even Rias.

In a split of a second, I disappeared from my position and appeared before the Barbarian King, striking him with my fist, enveloped with the Law of Destruction and Law of Lightning, giving my attack a terrifying destructive power.

Barbarian King hastily used his battle-axe as means to block my attack. Unfortunately for the Barbarian King, his battle-axe was only a Monarch-Grade Artifact. It soon started cracking until it broke into countless parts. My fist hit the Barbarian King straight to his chest, sending him flying several tens of kilometers.

Before he could recuperate, I conjured countless Dark Light Chaisn through the Law of Dark Light and bonded the Barbarian King in one place; as I unleashed a second strike aimed directly at his head, as I instantly knocked him out.

"Indeed, the disparity between us is too huge..."

I muttered as I looked at the unconscious form of the Barbarian King; I used several seals of the Mysticism to completely seal out his power as I levitated the unconscious Barbarian King and went to the castle to carry out my experiments on the valuable specimen.


Meanwhile, on the battlefield between barbarians and Chthonian Armies.

After the Barbarian King was teleported out or rather kidnapped, remaining Deity Level Chieftains and lieutenants of the Barbarian King instantly fell into a state of chaos, as they started arguing with each other on who shall lead the barbarian armies during the absence of their king.

Before they could decide on anything, a beam of a blinding light hit one of the chieftains creating an enormous hole in his chest where his heart was, efficiently killing him instantly, as Vali appeared before them, gripping his spear, True Longinus.

Seconds later, Ddraig Y. Goch descended down in his dragon form. He flapped his enormous wings while releasing a shaking dragon roar, which made all of the barbarians near him freeze in their tracks as they couldn't move an inch.

Vali exploited this, who swung True Longinus at another barbarian standing next to him, and pierced through his stomach as he released the Holy Flame and burned the barbarian chieftain alive from inside as the Holy Flames turned his entire body into the ash.

When the Deity Level barbarians broke out of the shaking effect of the Elder Dragon's roar, several of them rushed at Ddraig, swinging their weapons at him, only for them to break apart entirely when they fell onto his exceptionally though scales.