Pride on Our Own

After the battle with Barbarians ended, my forces started the cleaning process of the battlefield. Approximately 85% to 90% of the barbarians were killed on the battlefield together with all of their powerhouses, with only two or three managing to escape the onslaught.

On the other hand, we also suffered heavy losses. Around death, the count was around 165,000. Almost all of them were from the Imperialis Militarum, while some were from the non-standard elite forces of the Military.

As this was the first time when our forces clashed with the army on the roughly same level, it was bound to suffer some losses in the process.

Hela was instructing our daughter Sigurn on adequately dealing with large-scale clean-ups. Now that we had obtained Fuso Divine Tree, and it took roots in the Imperial Palace near Dou Dou, providing an additional layer of protection, I intended to properly fulfill my promise to raise the Fuso Divine Tree to the Lord-Class.

"Strip all corpses of their equipment and send it for inspection. Afterward, useless things need to go to recyclation. Store all corpses in the interspatial rings and transport them back to the homeland to become fertilizer."

Chthonian Empire had a doctrine of absolute recyclation and re-use of everything since its founding. This mentality originated when we still were a fledgling nation in the Dimensional Gap. We learned to re-use everything in a place where resources were scarce and practically every ore vein was worth fighting for.

We also recycled everything possible to re-use resources, and additionally, it proved to be beneficial for the environment.

When Hela and Sigurn noticed me, they immediately went to me, especially Sigurn, who had already detected changes to her body when I incorporated Magic Resistance Genome to the Genetic Sequence of Devil Race through my Godhood: Father of All Devils.


Greeted me my daughter Sigurn as she sprinted toward me.

"You did a good job Sigurn. I believe that you will be very good Lord Marshall Militant of the Imperialis Militarum."

I stated mildly as Sigurn smiled, and Hela nodded to acknowledge my statement. Sigurn was really a suitable successor to the post of the Lord Marshall Militant.

"Thank you, father. Now, if you excuse me, I need to prepare for the upcoming confrontation with the armies of the Sacred Millenial Dynasty. They have already noticed the march of the Barbarian Hordes and their subsequent defeat."

Said Sigurn as she went to attend to her duties.

"You know... I am really proud of her as her mother. In times like this, I was never more glad that I married you and had children."

Said Hela with a weird sense of nostalgia as I hugged my wife gently.

"I know."

I whispered as we snuggled together on the battlefield full of corpses of our enemies.

"Hela, after I succeeded in implementing the Magic Resistance Gene into the Genome of Devil Race, you would need to do the same thing to the Aesir and Vanir living in the Baator, as their Main God whom they worship."

I said to my wife.

I could replicate the effect of the original genome through my own DNA after I incorporated it there, so it was no problem for Hela and other so-called racial leaders to undergo the same procedure as me and incorporate this genome into all citizens of the Chthonian Empire of the Baator after some time.

"Of course, but after we deal with the Sacred Millenial Empire."

Answered my wife as I rolled my eyes, knowing that she wanted to participate in more fights like the proper battle maniac she was.

Sacred Millenial Empire would be far more difficult to defeat compared to the Barbarian Hordes. Not to mention the great disparity in equipment, the Sacred Millenial Empire armies were top-notch in terms of discipline and coordination.

Similar to our own.

Frankly, I cannot wait for the clash of two armies as I planned to enjoy the show after I stall or kill their powerhouses.

'Maybe I should capture their Emperor and dissect him too... someone like him cannot have simple origins. He should have some sort of bloodline or innate ability that would be worth researching. Additionally, he might know something about the Inheritance of the creator of this plane...'

I thought in my head while I was scheming future plots.

One of my goals entering the Noscent was to find an Inheritance Site of the Tier 12 expert who created this sealed plane. If my guess was correct, it should have an enormous amount of resources and treasures, enough for inhabitants of Noscent to develop to the level of Warlocks of the Canghzi Plane several millennia later.

Just looking at the strength of the inhabitants it should be clear that something like this was located in the plane. If not, how else would the Primary Grade 2 Plane inhabitants grow to such an extent within such a short time.

The founder of the Sacred Millenial Empire, Charles the Great, must found it after he established his empire and banished Silvermoon Elves and the Three-Headed Golden Dragon Tribe. It also meant that a large part of the Inheritance was still untouched and just waiting for us to take. If everything goes well, there should be something that will help me reach Lord-Class easily, maybe even Paramount God.

Slowly but steadily, the battlefield was being cleaned by the soldiers of the Imperialis Militaruzm and mechanical legions that were also participating in the fight.

From what I saw, we have obtained an enormous amount of equipment from the corpses of barbarians, or an rather enormous amount of resources as all of these weapons and armors would be smelted down and reworked to ingots so they could be used elsewhere correctly.

All corpses were then collected and sent back to the homeland to fulfill their purpose as fertilizer for Dou Dou and Fuso Divine Three to speed up their evolution. These ones would be valuable for them, as there were countless high-tiered corpses, even some of Tier 9 and two Tier 10.