Last City Breached

It only took several hours to prepare all things for the siege. It wasn't that hard for the Imperialis Militarum to prepare for the siege, as we had similar protocols in the Empire for a situation like this.

As our cities are fortified to the extreme, and some ward schemes are so complicated and powerful that it would give even me some headache to break them down without destroying them outright. Thus, we had devised particular protocols to take down our own cities in case they were taken over either by an enemy invasion force or someone that managed to sneak up into the Empire and take the city hostage.

The Ward Breakers were very valuable, and each branch of the military was cultivating its own with utmost importance. Not only because they could break them down, but they were also masters in creating magical defenses. We even had a profession in the Empire that specialized in breaking down magical defenses, like barriers, spell formation, wards, or bounded fields.

"Start the attack."

Commanded Hela as the final siege of the last city standing on the Noscent Plane was beginning.

Because the ward scheme of the Imperial City was especially sturdy, it required a gentle approach to tear it down without destroying everything with brute force. The usual approach was to locate the Ward Stones or Eye of the Formation and destroy it.

Alas, in this situation, such a thing was hard to do, so the most logical approach was to use a Wormhole Device to create a small weak point in the barrier for some Ward Breakers to enter and locate the Ward Stones and destroy them from the inside.

The Imperial City of the Sacred Millenial Empire had around more than 3 million soldiers in it because it contained the remains of all military forces of the Sacred Millenial Empire that were either crushed by Chthonians or managed to survive by any means.

Hela stationed the Anti-Matter Magicule Canon Batteries all around the Imperial City as they were slowly firing round after round at the barrier surrounding the Imperial City. She purposely chose the attacks from the Anti-Matter Magicule Canon Batteries to be at their weakest and lowest capacity, just only to serve as a distraction before the wards could be torn down from the inside.

I sat on my throne in the Adjudicator-Class Juggernaut Capital Ship while observing the siege of the Imperial City of the Sacred Millenial Empire. Though I was not alone, as Vena was snuggling close to me, as she was not interested in participating in the attack, not that it mattered.

Sacred Millenial Empire currently had only two Transcendental Level powerhouses, their Emperor Charles the Great, and his teacher, the Grand Tutor of the Empire. Both of them were no threat to Hela, as she could kill them combined without any effort.

After several minutes, my gaze sharpened as several cracks appeared in the barrier, and out of nowhere entire part of the barrier cracked down into countless crystalline shards as a barrier as the whole around the whole city block collapsed, and soldiers of the Chthonian Empire started pouring into the city.

"Rather anti-climatic... but alas, it was as expected."

I muttered as I watched the first part of the defenses being breached. As the first city block's barrier was cracked down, Soldiers of the Imperialis Militarum and elite forces started pouring into the city, carrying out merciless slaughter of everything that was breathing, as we took no survivors.

While the armies of the Sacred Millenial Empire attempted to put up a resistance, it was futile. Even though Sacred Milleinal Empire had a numerical advantage over the forces of the Chthonian Empire of the Baator, they were being continuously pushed out, and street after street, house after house, fell into our control of us.

After approximately half an hour, another City Block's barrier was cracked down. At the same time, our soldiers breached another City Block from the first one we stepped our foot on. Right now, the only relatively safe place was the Imperial Palace, where slowly, most of the entire forces of the Sacred Millenial Empire were retreating to have their last stand while leaving others to their fate in our hands.

After the main gate fell to us, all soldiers of the Sacred Millenial Empire realized that the civilian districts were lost and started to retreat to the Inner Circle of the City, where the Imperial Palace was located, leaving the defenseless civilians getting slaughtered or eaten by hungry dragons of the Draco Aetherna Army.

After enjoying the show a little, I activated my Holo-Brain and called Hela.

"Why are you calling me now, darling? I am having my fun."

Said a holographic image of Hela with a sadistic smile.

"Just to remind you that the Emperor and Grand Tutor are to be captured, not killed. I want to find the Inheritance Vault as soon as possible, something not realistic if they are both dead. Also, capture the entire Imperial Family alive."

I remarked as Hela rather reluctantly nodded, as I knew that she wanted to kill the natives. Of course, something was not possible, as I promised Three-Headed Golden Dragon Tribe that they might eat them alive, as it was Charles the Great who led the rebellion against the Three-Headed Dragon Tribe and Silvermoon Elves.

"I will try..."

Answered Hela as she cut the connection while I shook my head.

"Really troublesome, if she is in a fight, she is almost uncontrollable... though who am I to complain when I have the same tendencies."

While not overly open with it, I had extremely strong battle lust and sadistic tendencies during fights, though I knew perfectly how to control myself. Usually, my logical and cold, rational side was mostly in control, but sometimes I snapped.

If that happened, things got messy really fast.

As I was thinking about something, I felt that Vena woke up, and she started teasing me down there.

"Can't we?"

She looked at me with expectation; though I wanted to enjoy the slaughter of humans as I got that from Hela, I could not ignore my wife when she was in the mood for some adult activities.