First Strike

I nodded in agreement as this was the best course of action. Bibi Dong's Universe was too limiting, as it was almost impossible to reach a higher Tier than that of Tier 11, which translated itself into the God-King Class in there.

Meaning for that was the Universal Laws that limited and restricted everyone else.

So, the best thing for her is to do what Asura did.

Use the God Tablet to comprehend Laws from it, and then leave the Universe, when one reaches the peak of the strength that is able to be achieved in the Shao Universe, to search for opportunities elsewhere.

"How long before we arrive at the Abemi Plane?"

Questioned Hela, a little irritated that they were flying through the starry sky for so long, even though it was only a few days, but alas, she was always the impatient one.

"7 hours, our sources said that the so-called God Descendant Argimiro, the reincarnation of the Dawn Lord, is still there, together with Sunforge Great Holy and Sunrise Great Holy, two pinnacle Great Step Holy Spirit Warlocks."

I stated as I looked at my wives.

"Why are they taking so long?"

Asked Grayfia with some suspicion in case they were plotting something nefarious, which for sure they were.

"Dunno... but spooks from the Intelligence Department saw insignias of the Wind God Palace on some warlocks that were entering the Abemi Plane; perhaps they are negotiating something."

Wind God Palace was a relatively powerful independent Warlock Faction that didn't have any ties to the Canghzi Plane and was founded by Warlock Emperor called Wind Emperor. Unfortunately for the Wind Emperor, he was killed by someone, but before being killed, he transferred his main consciousness to make a God Avatar and declared himself to be a Wind God of Wind God Plane, which was a Primary Grade 2 Plane.

From then on, he was always scheming on how to get back on the Canghzi Plane and revive himself on the Warlock Path.

"When we arrive, Vena and Fia will go and dispose of two Great Step Holy Spirit Warlock Guardians of the Argimiro, while Diablo will go and confront the Dawn Lord's reincarnation. There is still a high possibility that this reincarnation still has a remnant will of the original body, meaning he should be able to explode with Warlock Emperor level of power for a limited amount of time."

I stated.

"What about people of the Wind God Palace?"

Asked Hela.

"They would be your responsibility if they make a move. With your strength as Paramount God, it should not be a problem. Though they are warlocks, it would be best to capture them and interrogate them properly. I will stay in the Baldaquin in the case of unforeseen circumstances."

My plan was simple, capture important people, and kill the rest.

"Diablo, are you ready?"

I asked with a grin as I looked at my most loyal servant.

"Of course, my master. Though, can I eat him after his uses passed?"

He stated and put the question on the air.

"Yes, maybe it would help you to achieve the Abyssal Emperor Level even faster."

Additionally, for the Abyssal Fiends, it was some kind of ritual to eat their most hated foes that they killed... or eat anything that they have killed.

We still had around seven hours of traveling, so after finishing dinner, we went to play some games together, which Vena brought with her, I don't really know how, but still, it was pretty fun to relax from time to time.

After Vena won in all games, she brought it with her and properly rubbed it on Hela's face, as both of them were pretty competitive against each other, and Hela hated losing in anything.

"Don't pout, darling; it will be bad for your pretty face."

I said as I consoled my wife, who hugged me and attempted to fakely cried on my shoulder while I swore I could see her grinning at Venelana, showing her small victory.

'When I think about this, she learned this technique from Vena, and ironically, it works even better for her than for Vena.'

I thought in my head.

"Not fair! I want kisses and hugs too!"

Shouted wild Venelana as she threw herself at me and gave me a passionate kiss as she managed to separate me from Hela.

Fia and Bibi Dong watched this scene with a bit of amusement mixed with some jealousy.

Soon enough not to be left out, they too joined in our fun together, and it didn't take long before we started being more intimate with each other.


Several Hour Later, Master Room in the Baldaquin Space Fortress.

After having several hours of very intense and passionate group sex and two hours nap, I got woken up as we were already nearing the Abami Plane to carry out the first steps in the Holy War, as the Jihad was beginning.

After everyone got clad up in their battle armors and combat outfits, aside from the Bibi Dong, as she cannot participate in fights of this level due to her low strength, thus she remained in my bedroom, as it was basically one of the safest rooms in the entire Baldaquin.

I went to the command center of the Space Fortress while my wives and Diablo went on the descent to the Abemi Plane.

My task was to observe the entire thing, as I was stronger and probably the laziest, so I would be here only in case of emergency. Additionally, it would be a good fight for Fia and Vena as those two Warlock Guardians are pretty strong, and Diablo wants to exact his own vengeance on the reincarnation of the Dawn Lord.

Meanwhile, Hela would deal with those weaklings from the Wind God Palace. Even if they don't have any Tier 11 Powerhouse protecting them, they should have a strong legacy and plenty of resources that could be robbed from them in the name of the Greater Good.