Capturing the Key

MC Pov.

At the same time, at the observer deck at the Baldaquin.

I watched how Hela's Astral Necrotic Army was slaughtering its way through the entire plane as Bibi Dong was sitting on my lap while we snuggled together, occasionally exchanging some kisses.

She was Asura's Heir, meaning she was very sensible to the Slaughter Aura, that being created in huge numbers in the Abemi Plane thanks to Hela's help. Currently, she was lacking only one step towards reaching Godhood and breaking through to the Spirit Rank 100.

She also purposely postponed this so that she could build as robust foundation as possible, which would be crucial in the later stages, as stated by Asura.

"Hmm... so he is going all out?"

I wondered as I sensed an enormous aura erupt from the Abemi Plane, belonging to a Tier 11 Powerhouse.

It was apparent that the Dawn Lord's reincarnation had used all of its weapons in possession and brought out all trump cards. And the last joker to change the game was the remnant power of the Dawn Lord.

"I will leave it to Diablo to deal with him."

I muttered as I waved my hand, as I broke into the World's Will of the Abemi Plane and started changing the Laws of the Plane at my will, completely isolating Dawn Lord's tight against Diablo from the rest of the Abemi Plane; I didn't want that level of power to injure either Vena or Fia by some accident.

With my current power, even if the Dawn Lord was at his peak, he wouldn't last more than 10 minutes against me because the disparity between us was too huge.

Due to the overwhelming destructive power of my Path, even without my other abilities, bloodlines, Magic Rules, and Godhood, I would still be able to suppress all Warlock Emperors at their peak.

Though combined with my other abilities, practically nobody at the same rank could figure me one in one single combat. Of course, that was not counting similar freaks of nature like me.

Venelana and Grayfia finished their fights and searched for anything that caught their interest or went to help deal with other Warlocks hiding across the Plane.

Due to me blocking the entire plane, nobody could exit it, and it had been turned into one huge prison.

Both my wives were searching for the Warlocks of the Wind God Palace or Sunrise Alliance. Most of them would be killed on the spot as they were not especially useful for the great scheme of things.

After several minutes, the battle between Diablo and Dawn Lord was coming to a conclusion, as Argimiro's body couldn't handle the outburst of the Power of Warlock Emperor, as his body was under tremendous strain.

Diablo was using various curses and other black spells to weaken him even further, and it all paid off. Soon enough, Argimiro's body was crumbling, and his power was diminishing.

"Splendid... now we have captured our key to enter the Heavenly Plane."

I muttered as I watched Diablo knock out Argimiro and seal his power, making him powerless.

"It ended more quickly than I initially anticipated... I wanted to enjoy more struggling and despair from the Warlocks... this is not entertaining as I previously anticipated."

I muttered as I observed what was unfolding on the Abemi Plane.


Somewhere at the Astral Boundary.

Thousands of Voidships were flying to the perimeter of some plane. All of these voidships were enormous in size; some biggest were even more than 10 kilometers in length and 5 kilometers in rights and width.

They were truly space behemoths.

All of these Voidships bore the symbol of the Chthonian Empire of the Baator. At the same time, the leading Adjudicator-Class Juggernaut Capital Ship also had a dragon crest engraved into its hull, signifying the personal mothership of the Pendragon Family.

Because Sardaukar didn't have another commander after he was chosen to replace Hela as Lord Marshall Militant of the Imperialis Militarum, he still retained commandership of the Sardaukar until someone competent was chosen.

"We are nearing the target, Commander."

Said one of the sub-commanders as he saluted him.

"Prepare to engage; the strongest Warlock at the Submerged Tomb Plane is only at the Infinity Warlock Realm. Though there should be some Greater Gods present, probably... we need to clean the plane fast; we have at least three more we need to complete today."

Said Arthur to sub-commanders of the Sardaukar who were around him.

Submerged Tomb Plane was a rather average Grade 4 Plane that was controlled smaller Warlock faction called Graveyard of Dead, basically a bunch of fake Necromancers. The only notable thing about them was that they were vassals of the Dawn Lord, even from the time before Dawn Lord's reincarnation established the Sunrise Alliance.

Sardaukar had to clean out four similar planes to the Submerged Tomb Plane just today, as they were an elite force of the Imperial Miliotarum; they were very powerful and exceptionally fast at their job.

Soon enough, they arrived at the perimeter of the Submerged Tomb Plane; a total of 12 Lesser Gods of Weak rank and 2 Intermediate Divinity Stage Gods left their Divine Kingdoms. By burning divine force, they cast various formidable divine spells to bless the Angels.

On Submerged Tomb Plane's floating continent, Graveyard of the Dead's Warlocks chanted incantations. Devil corpses of dragons, giants, devils, fiends, evil gods, devil insects, high elves, kindred, astral creatures, and other extraordinary life forms suddenly appeared.


Arthur commented on the strength of the Warlocks, not even bothering to give them a second glance as thousands of Voidship fired.

As soon as the shot came into contact with Warlock defenses, all things that warlocks of the Graveyard of the Dead prepared were torn into nothing, as their refined corpses were destroyed in a single hit, their gods were killed instantly, and even their Divine Kingdoms were cracking and being destroyed in a matter of second.

"Send down one battalion and leave here formation of Voidships as protection; we are departing to another target."

Ordered Arthur, as the entire battle didn't take even ten minutes before it was concluded.

Those who survived would be killed by Sardakuar descending down, though there was not much of resistance as the majority of strong Warlocks were killed during the initial attack by the Voidfleet.