Baatorian Jihad (7)

"As per the contract, the Dawn Lord is yours to eat, Diablo."

I stated as I lifted up the half-dead Dawn Lord and tossed him to Diablo so he could eat him. After I disposed of the Dawn Lord, basically, the entire Sunrise Alliance lost, as our forces slowly killed them one by one.

Dawn Imperial Court collapsed as the last one, as they fortified themselves at the Holy City of the Dawn, in the center of the Dawn Continent. It was the most defendable position they had, and it was clear to them survival was not an option, so they wanted to take as many of us with them as they could, which was something I could respect.

While the Holy City took several days to breach, in the end, it was breached, and everyone who resisted was killed, and the legacy of the Dawn Imperial Court and Dawn Gods was seized. After the collapse of the Dawn Imperial Court, which was the leading faction among the Sunrise Alliance, and the death of the Dawn Lord, the entire Sunrise Alliance, or what has remained from it, has collapsed.

The news of the Baatorian Jihad soon spread through the entire Astral Boundary, as the entire Central Star Region was enveloped in an enormous war, as countless planes fell day by day, and countless human Warlocks were killed with each minute by the flames of the Jihad.

On the borders of the Divine Star Regions, as expected, the coalition of Myriad God Emperors attempted to invade the Central Star Region in an attempt to spread their faith, as Warlocks were losing their power, as the Chthonian Empire of the Baator was winning battles on every front.

Fortunately, the Dresden Arcanum Empire intercepted the Crusades of the Myriad God Emperors that marched from the Divine Star Region to the Central Star Region in ferocious combat, as son enough, the Crusaders were crushed.

Even one of the Myriad God Emperors fell during the ferocious confrontation between Yatogmi Kuroh and Xaxiur, which resulted in the death of Myriad God Emperor Xaxiur.


Canhzi Plane, Meeting of the Human Council.

"Has everyone heard the information?"

Asked a Taboo Monarch in a grave voice, but nobody answered as everyone looked grave.

Several days ago, a piece of news got into the Canghzi Plane.

It only said that the Dawn had Fallen.

While the Dawn Imperial Court had left the Canghzi Plane, it was still a human warlock faction, and technically they were loose allies in the Astral Boundary.

Contrary to other Imperial Courts, Dawn Imperial Court rebuilt itself very fast, as they absorbed countless independent warlock factions, clans, sects, and organizations that resided in the Astral Boundary and outside of the influence of Canghzi Plane and established Sunrise Alliance, which was very powerful faction even in the eyes of 6 Warlock Imperial Courts.

"How many of them are there?"

Asked a Time Monarch, who was the successor of the Time Emperor and unofficial leader of the Human Council of the Canghzi Plane.

"At least 3 or 4, two were signed during the siege of the Heavenly Plane, including the Father of All Devils, whose strength was noted to countless even Taboo Emperor and Time Emperor at their peak. Additionally, his wife, Black Empress, was also noticed to reach Tier 11 and attain frightening power. Aside from that, they must have another one or two Tier 11 experts, who are presiding over the Baator and protecting their home turf."

Answered Taboo Monarch.

"And how long until the Jihad reaches inner territory? Outer ones are lost, as millions of warlocks are slaughtered as cattle..."

Questioned Trasncendend Monarch with an unprecedented hatred for the Baator, as he was very well aware of what was happening to their human warlocks across the conquered territories. Death could be considered mercy compared to what Devils did to them.

"Year at best, realistically under a half year. Forces of the Chthonian Empire are advancing too fast. They must have been prepared for this for centuries, as they knew exactly where to strike and who to kill, and are systematically exterminating our Warlocks, culture, and even ordinary humans are exterminated."

Answered Time Monarch grimly.

"We need to bolster up our positions and fight back against them until the Emperors recuperate completely."

Said hotly, Death Monarch of the Death Imperial Court, who belonged to war hawks among the Human Council.

Currently, only two of the Warlock Emperors were recuperated entirely, but that was not enough as they could not leave the Canghzi Plane as they needed to protect their home turf. Now that the Dawn Imperial Court fell and Dawn Lord was killed, Warlock Path as a whole took an enormous hit in their collective power, as they lost a Warlock Emperor permanently, and even the factions he built was destroyed.

"What about other factions established by other Warlock Emperors?"

Questioned Star Monarch.

Several Warlock Faction were established by other Warlock Emperors not originating from the Canghzi Plane; unfortunately, their legacy was way weaker compared to the factions originating from the Canghzi as they lacked the original methods of the Warlock Sovereign.

"Not good; not many of them survived the passage of time. From what we know, right now, one of the strongest ones, the Chaenghwado Sect, was destroyed by Gods two days ago, and their Sword Emperor was killed; Heavenly Wind Palace is right now under the siege of Black Empress and her Astral Legions of Necrontic Undead, so that is already lost cause. And..."

Suddenly the Time Monarch paused in his words.


"Ancient Eternal Star Region factions, which contain a few Warlock factions, are all now besieged simultaneously. We are alone in this fight."

Hearing this, all of them fell silent.

"As long as we awoke Emperors, we can use our numbers to fight that foreign filth and prove that we Warlocks are strongest under the heavens."

Shouted Death Monarch, as all of them felt that their choices were non-existent, as, in the end, the only thing they could do was to prepare for the war.