Baatorian Jihad (17)

MC Pov

"They are attacking faster than anticipated."

I said as I observed incoming warlock forces that were attacking our bounded fields and would soon reach the fortification lines; we prepared to greet them.

I knew that when they realized what the purpose of the Pillars was, they won't have another choice aside from attacking us because the moment we obtained control through the Dawn Pillars, the Warlocks won't have any other choice aside from retreating to the Core World, and living there their last days.

"They brought with them a nice line-up. Taboo and Time... two strongest came here, for me..."

I muttered as Sirzechs and Feng Xiu stood behind me as they were awaiting my decision regarding this battle.

"You two, prepare the soldiers and defenses. I am going to play with two Warlock Emperors, not that they present any threat to me at all; maybe I would be able to kill one of them right now."

I ordered as I spread my six pairs of wings, as I flew high in the air, and shot directly at the two Warlock Emperors. It was time to play, and I was curious about the power of the Warlock Emperors, that were hailed as the strongest in the history of the Warlockind.

Taboo Emperor and Time Emperor were the strongest Warlock Emperors, and both of them were pretty unique. Taboo Emperor managed even to comprehend some Laws related to the physical aspect of strength, but I knew that, like other Warlocks, even if he comprehended some, his mastery over them was trash.

Time Emperor, on the other hand, was more dangerous, as he had eaten Essence of Time and was comprehending the Law of Time; even though he didn't fully finish comprehension of the Law of Time, it still made him someone to be wary of.

I swung Atiesh forwards as several waves of the Nuclear Magic Rule burst out in a split of a second and shot towards the Taboo Emperor and Time Emperor. Both of them instantly reacted and used their treasures to resist my overwhelmingly powerful attack without suffering any significant injuries.

Just as they were defending from the Nuclear Magic Beams, I conjured tens of the artificial starts through the Starfall Magic Rule and let them fall onto the incoming warlock army, explicitly targeting their Great Step Holy Spirit Warlocks, Quasi-Empyreans, and what was backward, the Alchemical equipment such as Warlock Towers various spacecraft and other things used in battles, that were primarily protected by weaker warlocks.

When the Warlock Emperors realized that they had fallen into my trap, they could only helplessly watch as their subordinates were killed by the huge impact of the falling stars. Though the Great Step Holy Spirit Warlocks and Quasi-Empyreans had it best, as they managed to avoid or escape the incoming attack, only two of them were killed, but the same cannot be said about the siege regiment that was at the tail of the army.

That one was completely destroyed as the protective barrier they erected in haste crumbled upon contact with the first star.

My aim from the start was to destroy the things they brought with them to support their attacks, as I knew that if I attacked the two Warlock Emperors, everyone would assume we started our duel and won't be attacking other targets. Hence, they grew a bit lax, as, in the minds of warlocks, I was being taken care of by two Warlock Emperors.

Basically, despicableness for the win.

Immediately afterward, I turned to the Time Emperor, as I viewed him as more troublesome to deal with compared to the Taboo Emperor. Even though in terms of raw power, Time Emperor was severely outclassed by Taboo Emperor, Time had some troublesome abilities that I didn't really want to experience, so in this fight, I made him my target to kill.

I knew that Taboo Emperor was basically a brutish martial artist who depended on his overwhelmingly strong physique, which was probably a bit stronger than mine, and his powerful martial arts and secret techniques to fight, so as long I didn't come close to him, I would be fine.

Several rays of energy were shot toward my head and heart as I created a translucent barrier around me, as Time Emperor was casting some warlock spells at me.

At the same time, Taboo Emperor already appeared before me and swung with his fist; using his full power, he shattered my protective barrier in one hit as I teleported backward while casting several thousands of Darklight Weapons, imbued with Path of the End, and shooting them at two Warlock Emperors.

Seeing that countless Darklight Weapons were shooting towards them, each one being able to kill Advanced Holy Spirit Warlock in one hit, both of them dispersed as they avoided being hit by the majority of them. However, the Taboo Emperor was getting hit more and more by the Darklight Weapons, as injuries were gathering around his body.

Though at the same time, these injuries caused by my attacks were already healing and regenerating, just as if nothing had happened. Especially the Taboo Emperor was famous for his powerful, fleshy body, and his Imperishable Chaos Body was one of the best body refining methods in the Astral Boundary.

For that reason, after we obtained his Legacy, we created the sole path for the people with no future in the Law Comprehension Area, focusing on the strength of their bodies together with rituals to expand their Energy Reserves.

Pointing Atiesh at the Time Emperor, I cast one of the most powerful Starlight-Tier Spells I had in my disposition, Divine Punishment Lighting, which I created based on records from Okhwang's Universe, as Okhwang said that this type of lighting was able to eradicate almost everything from existence.

I could design a spell with similar attributes by researching it and obtaining a few samples. As the sky darkened and clouds gathered above us, in a split of a second, a ferocious thunderbolt struck down at both Time Emperor and Taboo Emperor.