Baatorian Jihad (End)


Shouted Warlock Sovereign Xuanyuan as he coughed blood as thousands of Punishment Lighting bolts struck his body simultaneously. Each one of the Punishment Lighting bolts contained tremendous power, enough to pulverize an average Tier 11 to dust after a few rounds.

Due to Divine Energy and God Force corroding his body, he couldn't even properly utilize his artifacts to protect against the Punishment Lightning Bolts, as they struct and struct again and again, as the Canghzi Plane's World Will did everything in its power to kill the invader.

I looked at the clouds as they bombarded the Warlock Sovereign Xuanyuan, while at the same time, his body was corroded by the Divine Energy and God Force cursed from the Killing Spell Formation and facing the might of the entire Grade 1 Plane.

I used the Dawn Pillars to power up another Magic Circle that appeared above the Canghzi Plane, whose center was placed where the Warlock Sovereign Xuanyuan was located and barely defending against the Lighting Bolts that the Canghzi Plane was dropping at him. At the same time, now even the Killing Spell Formation started attacking him with other spells aside from curses.

"Infinity has no Beginning; the Beginning can have no End."

I said as I activated the Magic Circle, as it lit up with menacing dark miasma.

"Infinity has no Beginning; the Beginning can have no End."

Soon enough wave of the dark miasma of The End burst out from the Magic Circle, supported by the power of the entire Canghzi Plane.

"Infinity has no Beginning; the Beginning can have no End."

As I shouted the incarnation for the third time, The End violently attacked the Warlock Sovereign Xuanyuan; as it was boosted up by the World's Will as it sensed that I was helping it to defeat the World's Enemy, it did everything it could do for me to kill him.

Usually, the consciousness of the World's Will is plainly said, stupid, and could be easily tricked. That was because they rarely developed consciousness and most of the time, they acted just on their instincts, basically sensing things like fear, danger or they could sense that something is beneficial to them.

I started circulating my Godhood to its limits as I deployed the God and Devil Domain around the Warlock Sovereign Xuanyuan as The End started doing its purpose.

Devouring the Eternal Ranked Warlock.

This was a unique opportunity that would practically allow me to skyrocket my strength, as with The End, I should be able to Devour such an entity completely, and with the support of the entire Grade 1 Plane, it should even be easily done and without any side effects.

Due to the special nature of my existence, any progress I made would come with high sacrifices. I would need to devour countless entities on the same level as me to reach the peak of the Class. Still, with Xuanyuan, I could considerably shorten the time required for me to do so.

And Canghzi Plane would basically serve me the Tier 12 Expert on a silver plane, as due to my machinations, he was half-dead when I unleashed boosted-up Path of The End on him. Because even previously, he was pretty tired out from several years-long fights with Kaziklu Bey.

When he rushed to the Canghzi Plane to stop the invasion, he didn't check up on the Plane or probably thought it unnecessary, as even he didn't have the power to intervene with the Plane itself.

And when he carelessly entered the Plane, he immediately fell into the trap that killed him.

[Overlelming amount of energy is being absorbed by Host.]

I heard the Architect's voice as I felt my Demonic-God Force rising at tremendous speed, as the Warlock Sovereign Xuanyuan was disintegrating into countless particles due to being devoured by The End and at the same time being attacked by the World's Will, which was still bombarding him with countless lighting bolts.

The despair in his eyes was evident because when he attempted to teleport out, he realized that space was frozen around him, as the entire world wanted nothing more than just to kill him.

[Demonic-God Force has crossed the 70,000 Unit threshold.]

[Godhood Index has crossed the 60 Billion threshold.]

Suddenly the increment brought from devouring the Warlock Sovereign Xuanyuan was lesser and lesser as more of his body was disintegrated. Partially because some parts of his existence was destroyed by the World's Will and thus cannot be devoured.

Soon enough, The End devoured the last parts of his entire existence, thus marking the death of the Warlock Sovereign Xuanyuan, who died pathetically, like most of the people whom I tricked.

I always preferred to use brute strength as one of the last options. Dealing with someone without any effort was more pleasing, especially with troublesome opponents and those who were too powerful for me to kill.

After the Warlock Sovereign perished and the last punishment lightning bolt destroyed his own very soul, the dark clouds dispersed, and the Magic Circle disappeared as it was done.

"It is done..."

I said absent-mindedly, as right now, it was the end.

The Baatorian Jihad against the Warlocks has ended.

We won.

"I could finally have some peaceful time."

Now, aside from the Myriad God Emperors who never left their Divine Star Region and Eternal Star Region, there were no factions that could directly threaten the Chthonian Empire of the Baator and our expansion.

"We could go on vacation somewhere... I heard there is one Grade 4 Plane which has unnatural beauty and Weissmann has it as his personal resting plane."

I said as I looked at the sunset.